Anyone got any ideas of colours to paint or what else to do? Going to throw a rocket or nailhead in it. Flip the front spindles keep it old school Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Nice work. Looks like lots of welding and beer. I noticed the foreign license plates. Where are you from?
I got a really good idea, paint the bitch and drive it. Color, well if black was a color I would suggest black but black is actually the absence of color. It would look totally bitchen in Midnight Blue with some Tommy the Greek style striping. Here is a link for the uninformed.
Gotta admit I thought WHAT? when I opened this thread but I am impressed with the caliber of work that has been done to this car. I agree with Beano,black would look great on the car. HRP
I can see there is not much water where you are at by all the beer bottles around your shop! Oh and by the way I have an excellent Pontiac Flathead 6 to sell here, complete with trans that will pull that crate around quite well if you need it! Going cheap or to the scrap yard next stop!!!
I like everything you've done so far, the 2 door conversion looks good with good door lengths and proportions and I like the chop as well. If you're open to suggestions, I've seen people extend the quarter panel bumpouts further forward, maybe 6 inches or so, and it looks really nice, better proportions that way. They end up about the length of the Chevy quarters of the same era. I would think you could keep the gravel guard in the process if you wanted to. Also, I wonder if there's a good way to take the sharp angle out of the top of your quarter window. If you can take a clean picture of the car from the side, I could do some quick photoshops for ideas. I like what you've done so far, keep going!
And yea all done in the driveway at home. Plenty of beer went round Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Here's what it would look like with extended quarters, a slightly thinned out B pillar, and a bit longer rear quarter window without the bend. My photoshop skills aren't the best but this should give you an idea. You've already done a great job so I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be great, these are just thoughts I had.
Here's the last of the photos for now. 4" in front pillars and 6" in rear. I didn't think it came out to bad for doing it in the drive way. With only a panel hammer a couple of dollys a mig and a grinder.
I'm going to lace the roof had a practice tonight. Just need to buy a bigger piece of cloth and I'll be sorted
Squablo, The extended quarter glass is an exceptional idea. Make the roof flow better, looks more like a coupe and less like a limo. Good eye. No offense meant to the original build.
Is that an early Morris Minor ragtop in the background?? Cool car and in very nice condition!! oh...yeah...nice job on the Plodge, too!
i agree with steppin out on the cranberry color, but those hub caps make me say paint it a candy apple cranberry/wine color, that would be SEXY with all that chrome and those wide whites! just my 2 cents.