Malcolm, Yours is absolutely killer as well!! I followed your build and it's great to see the miles adding up. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
A little friendly competition! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Jeem, Yeah it pulled a little better once it kinda hooked up. Bias plys look cool but they don't hook up worth a crap.
after seeing that flagrant display of lawlessness, I think you need a traffic violator decal for your windshield, pm me and I will send you one
LOL....sweet! Dunno why you keep complaining about traction, you had enough to slide the front wheels on that burnout! Love it.
Awesome vids, sounds healthy. I would just rock the cheap paint that way you don't have to worry to much.
By the way that was an industrial street with no traffic. You guys got me feeling guilty now. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Really like how ya did your rod. For some extra tips,my build is here;
Brady, I think I have been called worse.... Wait I know I have lol. Thanks Dana! Thats cool that you re-did you old Hot Rod. I hope to have this one with me forever!
A couple new shots.... New headlights, new springs, a new front axle. (Rides so much better), and a photo shop of how it should look soon. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!