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Am I the only one that don't like the new format ?

Discussion in 'Questions & Suggestions' started by langy, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. there are threads i always check like steve's i like their work and i might get an idea some i have located some i know are posting and i can't locate so i'm spending less time here and complaining more.
  2. 39-2dr
    Joined: Jun 4, 2007
    Posts: 284

    from MISSOURI

    I've been on the HAMB since 2007. I only had about 60 posts till recently. The other format had good and bad features too. I really didn't spend much time on it. I had concerns when things changed. I found the change favored the use of tablets and phones. I have some eye issues; I can enlarge the text with my tablet. My post numbers have more than doubled. I find myself on the HAMB more often. I don't use the app yet. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Give it a chance.
  3. I don't much care for the new format. I cant post pictures. and I do spend less time here. if its not broke why fix it?
  4. ........................................I'm still looking for that little red dot as well.:confused::)
  5. Despite the learning curve I really like the site as much,possibly even more than the old format but like everyone else I too had problems learning how to navigate my way around the new Hamb.

    My Complaints are minor but the print is fine when you are typing but when the message is posted the print is smaller and lighter.

    And secondly the conversation feature,I guess it's just me but asking someone to send me a conversation just don't feel right.

    These are just minor complaints that I have learned to live with,I know the administration and moderators have worked their collective tails off trying to rectify all the problems.

    I sincerely hope that all the members that have contributed so much in the past and are frustrated with the new format please keep trying,,there are tutorials and many members as well as moderators willing to help..your contributions have & will continue to offer valuable knowledge of traditional hot rods & customs. HRP
  6. oldwood
    Joined: Mar 13, 2010
    Posts: 1,056

    from arkansas

    I liked the old site better and spent more time on the HAMB than I do now. It just not as user friendly as it use to be. But I'm still an Alliance member.
  7. Don's Hot Rods
    Joined: Oct 7, 2005
    Posts: 8,319

    Don's Hot Rods
    from florida

    I have held back saying anything because I know the powers that be view it as bitching, but I really did like the old format so much better. I too don't spend as much time here as I used to and I post less and read less than before.

    Mainly, I find it hard to find things, especially threads that have gone off of the first page, and PM's are not as clear cut as they once were. I loved the feature we used to have where a pop up would tell you there was a message for you, now you have to look up at the top and suddenly notice you have a red colored thingie sitting up there.

    I know that we will never go back to the old format, but I wish we could. I had no problems with it and am not sure what the reasons were for so drastically changing it to this new one.

    wbrw32, burnzy37 and Surfcityrocker like this.
  8. Where is the red dot? HRP
  9. Don's Hot Rods
    Joined: Oct 7, 2005
    Posts: 8,319

    Don's Hot Rods
    from florida

    Also, why does this thread have N/A in the column that normally shows who the last poster was ? That seems to not put the thread back to the top of page one as it normally would, but it just keeps moving further into oblivion .

    To me, that looks like a way the mods have flagged this thread so that it goes away without actually deleting it. I think it would be important for them to know how their members actually feel, rather than ignoring some of our concerns.

  10. spooler41
    Joined: Feb 25, 2007
    Posts: 1,099


    Well guys, I waited till now to comment on the "New Hamb". I'm sorry to say
    I really miss the old Hamb format. I find the new photo format to be a pain in the butt
    to use also. Clicking on each pix to get a big photo, then clicking the back button to move
    on to the next,is too much.
    I know ,I don't spend as much time here as I use to, it's just not as much fun.

  11. The Red Dot. It Does Exist!

    Open up the HOKEY ASS MESSAGE BOARD page.

    Scroll down to the thread title listings.

    Just to the left of each thread title there may, or may not, be a small red dot. To my eyes it's too light in color and too small to be obvious. But it's there if the thread contains any posts made since your last visit.

    Hold your cursor over the dot for a second and a tool-tip window should pop up that says "Go to first unread message". Click the red dot and it should take you to the newest post since you last visited that thread. :D
  12. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,434


    I forgot what the "Old" HAMB was like, I just adapted to what is here. You know a 289 is a far better deal that a Flathead, they even Won INDY. Bob
    bowie and HOTRODPRIMER like this.
  13. i think you just have to get used to it , after you do you will see it's actually pretty good. we all get comfortable with the way things are and don't like changes. where i work part time they are always updating and improving the software....i usually think it sucks at first , but after a while i come to the conclusion it was a good move
    HOTRODPRIMER likes this.
  14. Clay,I see the red dot and clicked on it and it did indeed have a window that said "go to first unread message"...but I had made two post after that.
    I guess that's just a minor glitch.:rolleyes: HRP
  15. mike brummer
    Joined: Oct 15, 2009
    Posts: 7

    mike brummer

    I am 75 and have had some difficulty, but just stay with it, do not give up, the more you use it the easier it will become!
    HOTRODPRIMER and Model T1 like this.
  16. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
    Posts: 5,329

    silent rick

    you're not alone. i don't like the new format either.
    wbrw32 likes this.
  17. Yup...I've had that happen too. Sometimes it just takes you to the middle of the page maybe 6 or 8 posts before the actual last unread post. Not sure if it's maybe a site issue or a browser issue.
  18. slddnmatt
    Joined: Mar 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,685


    I'm not a big fan but what can you do...definitely frustrating at times and I really get burnt out on all the scrolling.
  19. ssimpala
    Joined: Jan 25, 2011
    Posts: 121


    This is my first post since the new format. Not complaining, just trying to see if I can learn it...yeah, I'm old and just learning computers.
  20. langy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    Yes I always struggle to find my Willys thread Eric, it's never listed in my posts or subscribed threads. The only way I can find it is to do a search, I also seem to get lots of adverts on the phone app ?
  21. Model T1
    Joined: May 11, 2012
    Posts: 3,309

    Model T1

    Your 75 ? Damned that's old.
    Oh right, so am I. No wonder I am having so much trouble figuring this out.o_O;)
  22. tjm73
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
    Posts: 3,500


    Not particularly excited by it myself. I visit less often since the change. Could be better, but could be worse.
  23. fordwrencher
    Joined: Aug 20, 2009
    Posts: 158


    I also don't like the change and spend a lot less time on it. Hope the ford barn doesn't get screwed up like this. Thats the site I use all the time now. Just saying.
  24. Next to the thread title there's a red dot if there are new posts since your last log on. It's the equivalent of the old forum's "go to first unread post" in that thread.
    It works that way for me anyway.
  25. carl s
    Joined: Mar 22, 2008
    Posts: 745

    carl s
    from Indio, CA

    At the risk of sounding unappreciative I'm here much, much less and that's a big loss for me.
  26. Daddyo's garage
    Joined: Apr 1, 2010
    Posts: 74

    Daddyo's garage

    Is this getting through to anyone?

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
  27. langy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    I'm glad i'm not the only one, I'm not knocking anyone and I really appreciate what Ryan and the guys do but it certainly seems a lot quieter than it used to be here and there are a lot of names I havn't seen since the change.
    wbrw32 and Surfcityrocker like this.
  28. colinsmithson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2013
    Posts: 383


    Well guys I am completely lost here now when I search here now I get really old results that have almost nothing to do with the subject I searched
    also what happens to threads after you read them I can never find them a 2nd time
  29. I'm struggling

    and losing ground...
  30. drumyn29
    Joined: Feb 16, 2006
    Posts: 2,228


    I used to go on the H.A.M.B. daily now it's weekly, please don't touch Fordbarn.

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