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Am I the only one that don't like the new format ?

Discussion in 'Questions & Suggestions' started by langy, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. I'm sure you already know that the time,effort and I'm sure cash that Ryan put into HIS website and we can play for FREE..we are just going to accept things they way they are now.

    Were you around on the Ford Barn when Shelley was going to shut it down?

    Everything was linear and photo's were non existent, When the announcement was made that Ryan was going to save it but he felt the site needed a update,,the ford barner's as a whole blew a head gasket,but us hambers that frequented the site embraced it because we knew he was going to add the same features we enjoyed here.

    A lot of the old time Barners baled crying it's to hard,I can't do this or I can't do that,but most of all I HATE IT,some even said they would rather Shelley shut it down!

    Slowly over time the haters came back and most now embrace the then site.

    Granted,the hamb is considerably different but it takes time to learn your way around and a answer to most any navigation problem is often found in the tutorials. HRP
  2. Fellas, if you're having trouble send one of the staff a message, we're here to help.

    I'll also mention that @Ryan reads these threads and takes constructive criticism/suggestions for improvement to heart. Whining and belly-aching for the sake of whining and belly-aching; probably not so much (IMO).
  3. @Don's Hot Rods, N/A means that the thread was moved. I moved it from the General Discussion section to the Q&A section where it belongs. Trust me, if we wanted to 'make it go away' you wouldn't be seeing it.
  4. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
    Posts: 21,927

    Staff Member

    One thing that helps... When you guys are giving constructive crit - mention what browser you are using.

    We've got changes coming - especially in the mobile arena.

    And for those of you that are really and truly lost, take 20 minutes and read the tutorials. You will be glad ya did.

    And as for traffic, it's still up. I think the place feels slower though... And I REALLY like that.

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
  5. Video post how-to;

    And uploading videos to your user album;

    Here ya go;

    Okay, two things going on here...first, you have "private conversations" - sort of like the old PM deal; these are accessed by clicking the envelope icon on the top of the page. You also have "profile posts" - that's just a little feature where a member can write on your profile page - profile posts are not private.

    Private conversation info/tutorials are here;

    Photo posting is a ton up;
  6. Ahh, I learned this one
    Search here has always been marginal at best . But the new Search has 2 options at the botttom, the default selection is "most relevant" but its not really, the other selection is "most recent"

    So the thread you just looked at goes away, at the top to the right is a small little text "recent posts" or in your watched threads at the very bottom it says show all .

  7. [QUOTE="gwhite,

    Okay, two things going on here...first, you have "private conversations" - sort of like the old PM deal; these are accessed by clicking the envelope icon on the top of the page. You also have "profile posts" - that's just a little feature where a member can write on your profile page - profile posts are not private.........................................Thanks a bunch. I'll get it all figured out eventually. I'll go back and re-read the tutorial on conversations again. Oh and whoever it was above who pointed out the little red dots, thanks, I see 'em now and will attempt to use them as I go forward...............Don.:)

    Private conversation info/tutorials are here;
    HOTRODPRIMER likes this.
  8. HAMB is FREE! stop complaining :) I've always learned to adapt and eventually get used to it. Posting pics is much easier.
    HOTRODPRIMER likes this.

  9. This is some of the best constructive criticism I've read...

    ...To be honest I was in love with the revamp at first. Its got a few things that have bothered me since. But only at the moment of use. Nothing that I can even remember at a moment such as this.

    I've personally been kept away, by lack of computer access. I read alot of threads still. Not commenting much. Experimenting with just using my phone. Which sucks... But I have been checking in. The mobile app is dated imho.... Hope full for awesomeness in that realm when Ryan gets a chance.

    I'd be curious to know how I rank on time spent how many addicts are worse. :eek:;)

    Posted via itty bitty keyboard with big fat fingers.
  10. henry29
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,879


    I used to look forward to reading through the post here at least an hour every evening for last 9 years,
    but I haven't been on here more than 5-6 times since the changes.
  11. I would really like to know how many that are having troubles with the new format have actually read any of the tutorials? How many have scanned through the Questions & Suggestions section to see if there is an answer to their problem? You see the same complaints over and over again and virtually everyone can be answered by reading the tutorials or has been asked and answered in the Questions section 100 times. I am sorry but if you can't be bothered to read them you are really not that serious about how much you want to participate on the HAMB.
    lothiandon1940 and Scooterville like this.
  12. So what, specifically, do you not like?

    "I don't like it" doesn't help much.
    HOTRODPRIMER likes this.
  13. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    I honestly don't understand the problem some people are having with the update. Yes, the site looks quite a bit different but it still functions in much the same way as before.
  14. nhmikel
    Joined: Jun 29, 2012
    Posts: 308

    from NH

    Cant wait for the new mob apps. The current adv search drop downs dont work
    Along with some other things
    But this site is still the best for our ole car stuff
  15. I was gone 2 seconds and then came back and it was all changed...i have to agree im not on this site half as much as i was before...seems disconnected...
  16. same here....
  17. nhmikel
    Joined: Jun 29, 2012
    Posts: 308

    from NH

    Cant wait for the new mob apps. The current adv search drop downs dont work
    Along with some other things
    But this site is still the best for our ole car stuff
  18. I did not like the new format at first, but I got used to it. I enjoy the forums as much as I did on the old HAMB. The forums are the best!

    That said other things worked much better for me on the old site:

    For example on the old HAMB, when I read a good posting and wanted to know more about the HAMBER who wrote it, I simply clicked on his name and there was his profile, where I saw everything I needed. I saw big thumbnails of his albums, his friends, information about him and his cars and his social groups. (That way I found social groups I was interested in.)

    Now I have to click on his name, then the small window pops up, then I have to visit his profile, where I see only a blank page. From there I have to search his albums, click on his social groups, information about him and so on..... much too complicated.

    Also most of the new features do nothing for me. All that I need was also available on the old HAMB. The new HAMB reminds me of my daily driver (car from 2010) - it has gazillions of buttons and things that can be altered and adjusted, but I never ever use them. I put my music in, start the engine and drive, not much difference to my 50's merc. That's the way I am, but I bet there are a lot of members who love all the new features and use them.

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
    burnzy37 likes this.
  19. I have absolutely nothing more to offer that is of any relevance and since I haven't seen anyone post the beating a dead horse in a very long time I felt compelled to try and make a few laugh.

    Others will not see the humor.

    icon_lol.gif HRP

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
    lothiandon1940 and gwhite like this.
  20. I do :D
    gwhite likes this.
  21. Lukas, thanks for the feedback, this is helpful!!
  22. You're welcome!
  23. corndog
    Joined: Nov 27, 2007
    Posts: 4,698

    from Indiana

    While I am still glad to have the HAMB, I would have to say I do not like the new format, especially the "conversations" part. Because I cannot manage it as comfortably as the old one, I too spend way less time on the threads.
  24. I've learned my way around and am comfortable with it but like you I would prefer the old PM's.

    We reply to a thread and need to ask the OP a question but want it between just the two of you,and you post,"I sent you a conversation."..just doesn't feel right or sound grammatically correct.;)

    Again,this is my only complaint and in the greater scheme of things it's a non issue. HRP
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  25. Diamond49
    Joined: Nov 28, 2006
    Posts: 319


    So I'm not the only one having issues. Trying to make the the best of it.

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
  26. I think you've hit on a valid point here regarding the perception of what a conversation is. To me, a conversation means a multi-part discussion between two or more people occurring over a period of time. When I first contact a member here using a private message I'm definitely not sending them a conversation.

    The word conversation also creates the impression that other members may be able to participate or at least listen-in on your discussion. A thread in the forums here is a conversation. A private message is not. or at least shouldn't be.

    Using the word conversation in this manner strikes me as an attempt to make it a social-networking buzzword like Tweet, Like or Hash Tag. But it's a word that to my thinking requires no further redefining.

    If some members here feel that a conversation is somehow less private and secure than a private message, I can understand their confusion.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
    lothiandon1940 and HOTRODPRIMER like this.
  27. It a conversation because with the new format you can do just that have a conversation with multiple people if you so choose. You can use it like a pm or you can use it as a private board for multiple people to partake in a conversation where all involved can see all of the responses. So if I wanted to organize something with 5 or 6 members I can send them all the same conversation rather than having to send one to each individual and then when one of those memebers responded all 6 of us could see his response.Seems like a pretty simple concept to me.
  28. And this is part of the problem,I have sent what I thought was a private conversation but shows up in my profile,I'm sure I am not the only guy that has reservations about the conversations. HRP
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  29. The multiple person conversation is still private among the selected members just like a PM. Leaving a message on someones profile is a different animal all together.
  30. HRP, those are "profile posts"...a private conversation is just that; private.

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