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Projects Quain Stott Willys build

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Quain Stott, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 2,058

    Quain Stott

    Tyler there is one other track that says that they are going to add another Gasser race other than ours but haven't done it yet. It's not Greer I can promise you that, Greer has what the others would have if they would just be patient and let us build the market (like we did at Greer) instead if coming behind us and ruining it. To answer your question I have only had a hand shake with the tracks in the past but there will be a contract's in writing next year or we won't be back.
  2. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Yea we have around 25 new cars being built for next year (2 build threads on the hamb that I know of) some are not local but will do some of the races. so yes your right it's growing fast. The reason I have not done any more heavy marketing is I'm a 1 man show and like now I just came in from work and as some of y'all know this is early for me to be home, plus nobody believes me but the SEG is loosing money big time (out of my pocket).
    I have talked to someone about Instagram and would be open to any ideas the hamb members have.
  3. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Yea does that name ring a bell (remember what happened to Steel in motion there)
  4. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    No Dave there not slow in fact most are faster than us, but guess why. No rules, some people thinks if it has a pre 70s body it's a Gasser and they are promoting it that way. Some people think if it has a straight axle it's a gasser even if it has 14" wide tires and a bunch of modern parts. So sure it will run faster than any of our cars that are as old school as parts will allow. And they are using being faster than us as a tool to get to the fan's that don't know any better.
  5. Bean Dip
    Joined: Dec 25, 2011
    Posts: 881

    Bean Dip

    Quain what do you think it will take to put you in the black?
    Possibly rent a track and you pocket the gate?

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  6. hog mtn dave
    Joined: Jul 14, 2004
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    hog mtn dave

    Thanks. I understand. Dragsters, Altereds SS etc, have the same issues to some extent. It's like herding cats. Good luck to y'all.

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
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  7. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Bean I had an hour long talk with Bill Bader one of the best promoters drag racing has ever known about a month ago and that was one of our conservation. He said it would never make me any money as long as I payed the racers the way I do unless I find sponsorship. We also don't charge an entry fee and hope to never have to. I have 5 small sponsors now, Ram Clutches, Alky Digger, White Safety, Scott Rod's, and Hightower Transmission's. They have been great and helped a lot but still not enough to keep me from loosing money. It's the time it takes away from my job that's killing me for the last 3 years.
  8. OldColt
    Joined: Apr 7, 2013
    Posts: 504


    I'm just an old retired low buck drag racer from the 70's, and no where near smart enough to have all the answers. I just know your guys cars are "old school" cool, and the starting line & down track antics are very exciting to watch compared to most other drag racing classes today. Sure hope you the best success in bringing your brand of racing to more and more fans like me in the future.


    --- Steve ---
    30dodgeboy, Tudor and Quain Stott like this.
  9. tylercrawford
    Joined: Jan 30, 2011
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    from Buford, GA
    1. S.F.C.C.

    I'm not a marketing person per se (other than a BBA and owning a small business) but I would imagine clearing costs for each race would be priority #1. Really whatever it takes I guess . . . adding 1-2 more small sponsors, selling SEG shirts/hats/whatever and featuring the moonlighter/grand illusion/bone shaker/nightstalker etc. Capitalize on the names/identity . . . buy the shirt, get the driver to sign it etc. It may sound a little cheesy, but do a points deal and keep it up to date on the webpage. I don't get to go to every race and it would be neat to follow along to see how the guys are doing. Also ties in nicely with following a certain car/driver . . . keep tabs on how "your guy" is doing when you can't be there. Then do a promotional bit cheaply at first on instagram/FB/youtube and use that to sell SEG to new tracks and get somewhat of a circuit going (I know there already is a limited one of sorts). The tricky part is to find the price point for the gate admission because you want a low price to get them in because there are so many other things people could spend discretionary income on yet still turn a profit or at least break even. I got charged $10 to run at Greer back in April which is AWESOME and way WAY lower than anyone else charges but if it is to the detriment of being able to run in a nostalgia deal like that than I don't have a problem with the price being raised. I'm not a promoter and don't know the metrics and the actual raw data but it seems like there's a very small amount being left on the table from an admission/entry deal just based on what everyone else charges. $20 seems more inline . . .

    Doing a lot of what the NHRA does except on a smaller level and not being idiots like the clowns in Glendora basically.
    loudbang and Quain Stott like this.
  10. Bean Dip
    Joined: Dec 25, 2011
    Posts: 881

    Bean Dip

    Here are some quick sponsor ideas too consider seeking..
    1. Eastwood (They love do-it-yourselfers)
    2. Miller Beer (They supported MeltDown last year)
    3. ANY beer company especially local ones (beer and gassers go together like mash potatoes and gravy)
    4. Hoosier Tires (sure you covered that one already)
    5. Fulton Engines (LOL!)
    6. Mark Williams, Strange, Moser ( Better have a good rear end to take this kind of abuse)

    Make South East Gasser T-shirts, stickers, posters, coffee mugs etc.. This is better than free advertising because you would be getting paid to advertise haha.

    Maybe start a fan club/booster club with a small annual fee to get access to insider info, calendar, discounted tickets, t-shirt etc

    Just quick ideas..I wanna see you do good!
  11. OldColt
    Joined: Apr 7, 2013
    Posts: 504


    Well, I did think of one thing. Radio Ads screaming SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY with the rival car and drivers names. Fliers at places that sold car parts etc... Packed the stands back in the day. Since the cars are "retro", maybe the old "retro" ways of promoting might still work.

    --- Steve ---
    loudbang and Bean Dip like this.
  12. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Yea Hoosier is already sponsoring my car, but not the SEG, I won't rock that boat. They are also partnering with me on the tire deal for the top fuel front engine dragster class for next year (another looser I'm real smart ain't I need a bigger truck).
    I ask Moser over a year ago (almost every SEG car has Mosier axles) No dice.
    Anyway I,m pretty good at finding sponsors, kept my pro mod going for 19 years (big money) but with the economy the way it has been since ( I better not say) the big company's are scared to let go of any money. Plus remember I'm a one man show and all this takes time and money.
    I have spent months and tons of money over the years going to meetings for sponsorship only to leave with a big fat NO. So I was broker after the meeting than I was before.
  13. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Steve getting the fan's out is not been a big problem at most tracks after we have been there once. The problem is keeping the tracks and splinters from flooding the market and causing the Gasser name to mean nothing more than an old car with a straight axle. When I was complaining about the tracks in an earlier post I was talking about them killing it in the future. It's good as far as fan count now. But I do love the SUNDAY SUNDAY thing.
  14. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Tyler we found that $10 was the magic # for the gate. $20 makes the same money but less fans. We want the stands full to hopefully attract sponsors. Oh on another note sorry to say I can't feature Bone Shaker any more.
  15. Bean Dip
    Joined: Dec 25, 2011
    Posts: 881

    Bean Dip

    Yikes! Man, you weren't kidding about the sponsorship being tough. Sheeesh..... Well, if I was rich I'd throw a sack of money at you!!!...maybe that's why I'm down here cracking open piggy banks for welding wire??! Never done anything on that kind of scale so really no help I suppose, but
    I'll buy a shirt if you make some and when I get this car done I'm gonna help spread the word via burnt rubber and ringing ears.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
    Quain Stott likes this.
  16. s55mercury66
    Joined: Jul 6, 2009
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    from SW Wyoming

    I was thinking earlier what Old Colt is saying. Some screamer radio ads, perhaps promoting some grudge matches among the cars in the group. Unfortunately as you pointed out, the fans in the stands don't know the difference between Joe Bob's period-correct car, and Billy Ray's tri-five bodied car with 14" wide tires, nitrous and a trans brake. I know you have your whole heart wrapped up in what you are doing, and am wishing the very best for all involved.
    Quain Stott likes this.
  17. tylercrawford
    Joined: Jan 30, 2011
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    from Buford, GA
    1. S.F.C.C.

    I should have clarified . . . $10 is an excellent price for admission as it competes with everything else people can spend money on for entertainment and allows more room for food/merch at the track itself. I wouldn't deviate from the spectator price at all.

    I was speaking about making passes down the track. I know you guys have deals worked out with the tracks themselves as far as free entry for the gassers but everyone else running back in April (maybe 20-30 cars?) only paid the $10 to get in and make passes down the track unless they gave me preferential treatment because I have a dragster?

    I would go to a cheap race any day of the week over something that was $40-50 to run as personally I don't care about points or making $$$ . . . I built the dragster to have fun with, not to be a bracket car. So with that being said, I don't think it needs to be much more but SIM is charging $15 to run and the track is packed. I don't see why Greer/Union/Whoever couldn't charge $10 spectator/$20 run and have the track and you and the track split the extra $300-400.

    I think Steve/Old Colt did nail down a great point, but like every small "business" you have to decide if the outlay can be re-couped and is worth it. Retro ads on country/classic rock local stations could be worthwhile but I have no idea how much something like that costs for both production costs and what it costs to actually get on the air. I think you are already doing flyers . . . but those at local auto parts stores 2-3 weeks out from the race and literally ANYWHERE that is free like grocery stores, community centers, message boards.
    30dodgeboy likes this.
  18. I hate to hear you guys are hitting some bumps in the road Quian. I can see the struggle, especially with copy cats gasser races that aren't really the same. I've noticed a lot of them popping up too. As far as combating that I think the only way is to explain/advertise the difference as best you can. When promoting races, make sure your getting the point across that you are authentic '60s gassers running like they did back in the day. I know your doing that already but just figure out how to push the point more and more. To fans, tracks, promoters, etc. You guys are unique, fun, and have your s**t together. I think people will see that with time. Distance yourself all you can from the copy cats so when they fall apart you don't go down with them. My other quick thought is use the internet as much as you can. Your website, these forums, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are all powerful tools if you can put the time into them. Keep them updated and have something people keep wanting to come back to. Pictures, racer updates, whatever you can put up to keep people's interest. Hope you guys can keep it going. I've been hooked since the first race.
  19. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
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    I could not agree with this more !! I built the Scout for my own personal enjoyment and entertaining the troops is the best fun of all. I don't run points I don't race for the win. I have a hard time with the points guys who don't understand there is more to life than racing a cookie cutter car for a $100 pay out and a jacket for the points winner. I get chastised by the track guys for only showing up on test-n-tune and long weekend events. In my opinion if word got out that cool interesting cars attended on test-n-tune days more folks might show up on these typically low spectator days - which helps the track.
    30dodgeboy likes this.
  20. AHotRod
    Joined: Jul 27, 2001
    Posts: 12,243


    What happened to Pearson Quain?
  21. dreracecar
    Joined: Aug 27, 2009
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    from so-cal

    Radio advertizing can be cheap if done right.
    Hook up with a charitable organazation, Radio stations are required to do freebe advertizing for these groups. One could have them set up a info booth (zero cost) airtime over the PA (zero cost) and if it works out a small percentage of the gate.
    Have the radio station set up a moble booth at the event for airtime
  22. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    He made the discussion to not run with the South East Gassers any longer, I hated to lose him but I can't please everybody. He only ran 2 races this year then pulled out.
  23. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Good idea I haven't thought of the charitable organization, as long as it's a good cause I would be all for it.
  24. dreracecar
    Joined: Aug 27, 2009
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    from so-cal

    Wounded Warriors is hot right now,

    Sunday ,Sunday, Sunday--- Wounded Warriors present GASSER MAINIA, come out a see the Gassers and a top fuel match race
    Military ID will get you into the show for $2, Family members for $5, Part of every ticket goes directly to the WW program, Special drawing for Service members for $100 worth of Grocerys from Piggly Wiggly. "DRAG RACING IS FAR OUT"

    Cost for that spot 0
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
    loudbang, OldColt, Russman69 and 3 others like this.
  25. cptn60
    Joined: Jul 18, 2006
    Posts: 97

    from Joke City

    ^^^^^ maybe also specify period correct or traditional gassers?
  26. CGkidd
    Joined: Mar 2, 2002
    Posts: 2,914


    Dude that would sound awesome. Also check with some of the local station that have a morning show you might get some interest from the morning DJ's
  27. dreracecar
    Joined: Aug 27, 2009
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    from so-cal

    Simple is best, adding that would not have any effect, Sargent what are gassers? dont know but its only going to cost $2 to find out
    Bean Dip, Russman69 and 30dodgeboy like this.
  28. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
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    from east , tn.

    See you tomorrow in Commerce
  29. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
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    from east , tn.

  30. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    We may have to cancel the Gasser race at Greer this Saturday the weather is looking bad, cold windy and 50% chance of rain. This is going to be a very hard decision to make because of the people traveling. 7 people are on their way right now from Wi area. I just called the man on his way with his gasser from Texas, he's going to spend the night in La until the final word in the morning. 1 man is already here from Nebraska. The 33 willys is already here from Fa. There are many more but y'all get the picture. The final word will come from the track owner by 10 in the morning. If this happens it will be reschedule next Saturday the 8th.
    II FUNNY likes this.

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