Fascinating…. can anyone give me a year-timeline on the SW tach in this photo? Never seen one like this.
Amazing how many options are available, get it right and they blend in, get it wrong and the gauges stick out like the proverbial dogs nut sack. I have slowly been collecting parts for my next Chev roadster and have been buying the gauges as I know they are harder to find and desirable. I haven't broken the bank buying these, I suppose it is because they are the back mount, painted bezel (industrial/ww2). I believe these type were used in Sherman tanks (fuel gauge is 24v). Only need a 3" 8k tach and amp gauge to complete my set.
Austin-Healy dash with Smith gauges looks real fine! They make an understated yet attractive alternative to the almost generic S-W gauges installed in many rods. Yes, there are 7 flat lens S-W gauges in the roadster, and they do what they're supposed to do, and the dash is pleasing to the eye. But the "give-me-a-second-look" mystique is just not there.
But, it wasn't always so. In 1960 I thought the simple rolled aluminum dash by Frank Kurtis was pretty cool. Had a matching 160mph S&W speedometer for it, but it never got mounted. I learned the tach was all I needed.
As stated, it's the first thing you see when you look inside a car. next to the steering wheel and trim. In my 46 Olds I upgraded all the old components to new movements yet it still retains that OEM look In my 35 Chevy Standard I used a 35 Master insert, 5 gauges -v- 3 gauges.
. I agree Jeff , This is a 39 Lasalle dash I cut the radio center out and put in a 30 Model A Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
. I agree Jeff , This is a 39 Lasalle dash I cut the radio center out and put in a 30 Model A Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
The Woodward Roadster was really the first time I was struck by a linear, rectangular looking dash. I didn't think I would like it but I did. I am wondering what's the greatest number of working, non-redundant gauges ever installed on a hot rod? I'm thinking actual "car-monitoring" functions, not clocks, compasses, altimeters, etc.
I think I counted 7 Fordy Ford dashes in the pictures. I started a thread on just the 40 dash. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/40-ford-dash-in.318841/ Here is the one I put in my 40 pickup.
Here's the dash I'm doing now...sits under the cowl, and stays on the car when the body is off. Doesn't have cosmic gages in it but I like it.
Because you can never have to many pics of cool dashes, here are a few other threads to browse. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/show-me-you-custom-dash-in-your-model-a.604092/ http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/best-dash-in-a-model-a-show-us-yours.441228/ http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/the-hot-rod-dash.240890/ http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/hot-rod-interiors-upholstery-picture-thread.272126/ --louis
Here are two from back in the day! First one from 60's my 32 five window dash I made out of sheet metal and the second one my 30 two-door dash I again made out of sheet metal. First one I wrinkle finished black. The A sedan I wood grained. Boy things have sure changed. Now just go to Brookville etc. for a deuce dash.
Rad. Is that a Roller-Smith ammeter on the right? Dig the look; understated yet classy. Just as God & Henry Ford would have wanted
Twin Blue 10k. Pretty rare and worth having! Early 60's. I have one for Walter, but I have to open it and "iron" out the wrinkle. Other than that I have a whole crew of Blues throughout the car. I need to get a dash pic..