Todays progress. Starting to look like a pickup now. I love this part of the build when things start going together for the final time. [/IMG]
Is it me or am I the only one waiting for others to do their part. This project has been plagued with these. I had one of my front window glass form a crack. I called a local window guy that specializes in older cars to replace both front pieces. That was about 2 months ago. So far he has missed 4 appointments and still not done. I have another appointment today to get them installed so I can finish up the inside. Passed the "third time is a charm" here.
He took my patterns three weeks ago and said he would have them ready that next Friday. When he called yesterday he said my glass had finally come in and was cut. He works at a glass shop and I always figured they stocked clear glass all the time. Nothing special here. Talking to others that have used him say this is unusual for him and very prompt. But then again I'm the guy that goes into McDonalds and have had my order screwed up 9 out of 10 times. If you ever see me there you better jump ahead or your in for a long wait.
I got the new front glass in last week, only to have it crack again in the very same place as the last set. Glass man stopped by this morning to pick up my patterns and made some adjustments. We can't figure out the problem. Everything is clean and glass was 1/8" from the rubber in the channels with plenty of side movement. Round 4 report next week.
Ahh man, that's gotta be frustrating. Have you tried holding your glass next to the window frame on the truck - something's putting a bind on that glass, maybe the frame needs to be trimmed a little?? I can't wait to see this truck!!
All seems good there. Mounted in rubber all the way around and the glass moves freely when installed.
I wish that was the case. Then I would know what's going on. I tried pressurizing the gas lines today and can't seem to get fuel up to the carb. I run a electric pump near the tank for a backup with a stock pump on the motor. The electric runs like crazy and don't sound like it is pulling from the tank. Will run a few tests tomorrow and see if it is the pickup tube in the poly tank or something else.
Sadly this is the norm rather than the preferred outcome when you rely on someone to do a job in a timely manor. Hurry up and wait.... The truck does look good,hang in there. HRP
I fully expect for things to happen. It's part of the fun of the build. Disappointing at times by how boring would it be if there weren't challenges!
Hello.... I have a 1951 FORD PanelTruck project in the works. I ordered TEMPERED glass for my rear doors. Tempered is heat treated and is supposed to be something like 8 times stronger than your typical laminated glass, and it don't milk out or bubble like you see on old truck laminated glass. I ordered it on line from They don't list glass for your truck, but it would not hurt to call'em. The two rear door glasses had "FoMoCo" eatched logos, specific R&L placement and were only $103.70, total, including shipping. They fit perfectly, roped in, with new Dennis Carpenter rubbers I got a light solar tint, figuring I could use film if i wanted it darker, but theyoffer several tints. Love what you did with your instrument cluster, and passenger car dash!! RooDog
Today I spent the afternoon running down gas leaks. I guess all was well but just had to prime the electrical pump a little. Part of the problem was the fittings to the electric pump were only hand tight. Major gas leak from there. Checked the starter system and set the motor to top dead center. All that is left to fire this pig is prime the oil pump just before I start it, install the distributor and hit the key. Hope to be doing that tomorrow.
Today I spent the afternoon running down gas leaks. I guess all was well but just had to prime the electrical pump a little. Part of the problem was the fittings to the electric pump were only hand tight. Major gas leak from there. Checked the starter system and set the motor to top dead center. All that is left to fire this pig is prime the oil pump just before I start it, install the distributor and hit the key. Hope to be doing that tomorrow. Sadly I had to change the cloth style plug wires out for black ones. They looked cool but were solid core wire and wouldn't work very well or long with the pertronix ign. and MSD.
I think having to change the wires out due to ignition system qualifies as an "aw shit" moment. Keep workin' Al
Window still not in, gas leaks fixed but now have a water leak I can't seem to fix. The nailhead has a water manifold that bolts to each head. A rubber o-ring seal connects it to the water pump. That's where the leak is. I followed Mr Nailhead's tech and coated the o-ring with RTV sealant and let it set up over the weekend. Still weeps! I'm hoping that a bottle of silver seal will do the job. My motor man gave it to me to seal the inside of the block and the bottle says it will seal gaskets, hose connections, cast iron cracks and prevents leaks. Run it until the leak stops then drain, dry and fill with anti-freeze. Sounds easy!
My old '65 Riviera had a similar water leak, when I removed and re-installed the water manifold. I talked with a Buick guy, who advised me to coat the O-Ring with Vaseline, which I did, and it worked, no more water leak. Good luck, your pickup is looking great.
Fired the nailhead today. It didn't goes as well as I hoped but sounds good now. Lost power to the coil from the MSD so I bypassed it and static timed the distributor. Fired right up with lots of smoke. About a week ago I had dumped a tablespoon of oil down each cylinder. Fowled the plugs a little at first but soon cleared out and ran as it should. Set the timing by ear because the throttle cable was a little too tight and running around 1800 rpm. Brought it up to temperature and it kept climbing. Seems as though I lost ground to the electric fan and things got hot. Fixed that after a cool down and it seems to be holding pretty good now. It runs real smooth but I think I will send the distributor out to have it curved correctly for this motor. My biggest problem is the word got out and I had way too much help today. I have a couple friends that you have to explain everything to them 2-3 times before they get it. Now was not the time for that. One of them was in the wrong place when the overflow burped and got a good shower of boiling water. Lucky he had on several layers and wasn't hurt.
Nice looking engine. I have experienced the O-ring leak scenario before. Usually there is no resolution using fancy sealants. The best solution I have found is to increase the physical size of the O-ring. The same size diameter of course, just a larger gauge ( diameter size of the rubber that makes the O-ring) There is usually room for a slightly thicker O-ring and the extra squeeze will help the seal. By the way, coating an O-ring with something like Vaseline etc. can help seal or hold it in place during assembly but can also cause it to squeeze out of place making it useless.
In this case there is no place for the seal to go but in it's intended place. After setting for awhile it seemed to stop seeping and no leaks after firing the motor with a block sealer added. Will see what tomorrow brings.
Wood is good! My neighbor helped me out today and did his magic on this pile of boards. He did a great job of cutting to size, planing it down and cutting the grooved for the bed strips. Now I get to sand and stain before I bolt it down.