Torque tube seal leak allows trans fluid into the rear end which will f...up a rear end. Replace the TT seal and that should take care of the leak. Glad you kept the "eight in a row". You knew it wasn't going to be ALL peaches and cream on this fine ride. I found a 4dr '50 last month and I got excited seeing it was a 3 onda tree. I haven't bought it yet. The std. trans straight 8 Buicks are known for there speed. The dynaslows are known for there smoothness.
When I tested the air ride I noticed the front bags were rubbing the lower control arms so I notched and reinforced them. Ready for some smooth sailin now
Eight in a row makes em go! I think poppin hood and seeing the original straight 8 is cooler than any v8 swap out there. I wish this was a 3 onthe tree but it was hard enough finding a 2 door fastback in this condition so I can't complain.
By what I have seen while looking for '50 Buick's is that most are Dynaflows. I will have another one some day. Like you said, '50 sedanettes are few and far between. Here is a pic of the std. trans 4dr Super that I found.
Not a bad start. Even the 4dr supers look really good which can be said about alot of other 4dr cars.
There she is,god job done Praise.... Hmmmmmm.... cremewhite firewall? Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Love the color of that thing. Nice tire/wheel selection....and what else can be said about the stance ?? Front grille teeth look wickedly hungry.
Thanks fellas, she sits just perfect for me. Any lower in the front and she'd be laying oil pan and transmission before frame! The rear has a slight rake to it but I don't mind it enough to redesign the bag mounts. The carb has been flooding the motor otherwise she's ready to cruise. I dug a little further and dropped the tank which was pretty rusted. Bob's Automobilia hooked me up with an new tank, rebuilt fuel pump, and a few other odds and ends. I cleaned out the lines and got ready to tear down the carb when I discovered my exhaust manifold has developed a crack. The new crack has shown up around what I assume is a previous attempt to braze another crack. Also the heat riser valve is STUCK. So naturally I started looking around the Internet and saw a couple of these old edmunds intakes for straight 8's. I've seen many of the early 40's split setups on here with the factory manifolds but they say the motor mount has to be modified. I figure if I can get my hands on the small edmunds intake and a couple carbs I could build my own header/exhaust. Shit, here I go complicating things again.....
These exhaust manifolds are known to crack. I sold a intake, exhaust and carb off of my '50 RM parts car a couple of months ago. I passed on the 4der super with the std tranny. I might buy it if I find a 2dr sedanette with a dynaslow and I would do the swap. I've read where the std transmission make that straight eight open up and breath.
That's not a bad idea... I'd rather have the std trans too. I bet it would be a lot more fun to drive. I wonder how difficult the swap would be?
I wouldn't figure to difficult since it has everything to make it a std ie. pedals,trans,shifter, column....
Spedometer still in dash? if so, what are you asking for it? I'd be more than intrested if the price is right.
Heat risers are NOTORIOUSLY stuck. Hopefully yours is in the Open position like most. My Dad and I found a junk yard in Fresno and we went through all of the Buick Manifolds. 1 was not stuck and we bought it for his 52.
Thank you! In that case an open driveline/700r4 would be the way I'd go. By the way, how much do you want for that windshield wiper motor?
I'm not convinced this is true. I read that you can put a dynaflow from a straight 8 behind a V8 so then it follows you can put a manual behind a straight eight without swapping cranks. The only difference between the manual and the dynaflow cranks behind a V8 are the std uses a bushing in the end of the crank.
Well I rebuilt the carb and cleaned out a ton of rust and debris. I'm sure that's why it was flooding. I also replaced the gas tank, cleaned out all the lines, rebuilt the sending unit, and put on a rebuilt fuel pump. I'm still working out some electrical issues and I need to replace the pinion seal(should be fun) before we can hit the road. I had to move her off the lift to help a friend with his car. I took this opportunity to clean her up and brush those teeth! Soakin up a little sun
I just replaced my pinion seal and rear seal on the tranny. Had about 2 gallons of tranny fluid in the rear end!
I figured I'd might aswell clean and paint the rear end. I had to drill out the 2 rivets in the front of the Torque Tube to separate it from the rear end.
There are other options - "Hells gates hot rods" offers exhaust flanges and intake flanges along with kits . This is what I did to my 248 in my 1941 buick special because of the exhaust manifolds cracking .
Nice project wana see what it looks like chopped! Driver is Baron Von Bernier from Tampa FLA. checking out the scene!! Photo taken at Baron Von Vasnics No name No fame Customs!!