HALLELUJAH BROTHER! My prays have been answered. I'm glad (and hoping) we will once again have a magazine for enthusiast of the history and traditional hot rod. I recently saw a story in our local paper regarding a collection of WWI photos. The great-grandson of the photographer decided to turn the collection into a book and raised $113,000 through Kickstarter. WTF! Surely, if need be, the hot rod world (and HAMB)could raise funds to get a traditional hot rod publication off the ground!
They did it to themselves. I haven't bought a car mag for a few years because they are about money and glitter (even rust is glitter in this reference) on every page. Poor content is what I mean. The cars/trucks/bikes are either fancied up or ugly, usually undrivable, and done simply because they want attention. The 'tech' articles are lacking, to say the least, in any useful information. Cars these days are bought, not built. IE; Speedway. Money and China are their middle name, moniker, so to speak. Sure, it's easy to buy a truckload of parts and 'build' a car, but it takes talent to take this part and make it work for this other purpose. Mags went down because of greed, plain and simple. Manufacturers are next, unless they start selling quality parts, made in America, that ain't about glitter but about performance.
This is the best news I've heard in a very long time! Not only do they resurrect a magazine, but they resurrect a guy's dream to have his car in a magazine. Since R&C was axed, I had lost hope. Now, my hope is restored! With the team of folks putting the revived HOP UP together, I know damn well it'll be good. If there's any way I can help, let me know!
I've been hearing about the "Print Industry" being close to hitting rock bottom for about a decade, yet I've never seen so many magazines of various subjects available. That said, the industry has definitely evolved, like most have, with changing times. However it (The Print Industry) ends up going, I'm completely psyched for the latest incarnation of Hop Up.
When and where, I'm ready!!! Now on to "boneheads' statement. The moniker is right on bro. You have apparently forgotten the content of a bunch of build threads here on the hamb. Guys taking a piece of that and a piece of this and building a killer old ford hot rod. There are plenty of big box cars but they do not rule the roost...in my opinion. Not to mention, they don't go together by themselves. Four post's????
Thanks Ryan! We are going to try and honor Mort's vision of Hop Up and take it in to the future. This all came together very quickly over the last couple months and we are scrambling to have some quality product available for Grand National Roadster Show---very grass roots at this point, so we will be hawking merch to raise capital for the first print issue scheduled for Roundup Release. The new Hop Up will be a little larger size on great quality paper and printed in the USA! In the mean time we have been posting content on Instagram @hopupmagazine and the website hopupmagazine.com is almost ready to go live. And so it begins.....4 people with a little talent, a few connections and enough naive enthusiasm to join the ailing world of print media! One eye on the past, One eye on the future. Marcy
Bonehead, Tim is correct, your statement is a bonehead statement. Not sure if you have actually read any R&C or Hot Rod mags of the past few years, but there were plenty of well-built (and home built), cool cars to be found. Sure, there has been plenty of which you speak. But there have been passionate car guys producing the content, guys like Rob Fortier, Kev Elliott, Tim Sutton, Dave Frieburger, Chris Shelton, Thom Taylor, and others . . . the greedy TEN-type corporate business model ran roughshod over them, yes, but plenty of good stuff made it through. Even some of the tech articles are useful, if you take the time to read them and figure out what they are really telling you (thank you Kev and Chris). Just so easy to stand on a box and bash. Count me in, too.
I was going to say " Fucking Tits!!", but we have a mixed audience so I won't.............wait a minute................
friggin awesome!! I love the hamb, but love flippin through a good hot rod mag. ....new or old. HOP UP one of my favorites........
What he said. The Christians built their churches on Roman foundations - all this and everything else hot rodding began with magazines. And people who made those magazines ARE the wize old grey beards. Blame the "corporate business models", not the true believers that helped build this hobby.
With the exception of one publication,.. I have to admit, my interest in magazines has dropped significantly,.. However like most of you, I have the set of 10 HOP UP's that I dust off an look at from time to time,... If it stays on the trail it started on,... I'm in ! And for the first time in a long time, I will be watching for it. GOOD LUCK GUYS !