Here's an AMT 49 Merc I've been monkeying with: And a resin 50 Olds sedan getting abused too; Cool stuff as always guys. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I don't know if it's a stretch to show this here or not, but here's a pic of an AMT Meyers Manx I finished about this time last year, and a link to the rest of em so I don't clutter things up...
Here's another old one that definitely fits in here. I haven't built much lately, and haven't built anything HAMB-appropriate in a while. This one is an AMT 27 T Touring body cut down to make a RPU cab, on a Revell A pickup chassis and drivetrain. It uses the Revell A bed, AMT 36 Ford headlights and steering wheel, 27 T interior, Revell 32 grille, and some other parts box and scratchbuilt/kitbashed bits to finish it out. I finished it in early 2012, and it's probably my favorite model I've done. Apologies if you've seen it on TRaK or Facebook already...
Here is an A/FD , I started a year ago, but have recently got back to work on it. It is an AMT "Two Much " chassis cut down to 168 scale inches. This picture show the beginning of the aluminum body.
It has been cold this week so I started work on a larger diecast model of my 56 ELcamino. My original model was 1/64th and I was able to find a 1/24th scale Franklin Mint 56 Chevy Wagon for my build.
I finished these up this month. Might be my last models.I'm not as steady as I used to was and I can't see up close w/or wo my glasses.
How exactly does one post images on this site..? I have a lot of photos of my work stored in what is called a "dropbox" -account. How do I get an individual image to show on here by itself? as opposed to just posting "a link" to it..? Thks.
I haftta copy pics to my computer then hit the upload a file icon to post. I'm sure there are more computer literate folks on here that can offer more info.
I have images on my computer, as well as the "dropbox" I mentioned earlier. I´m under the impression any images to be posted on here are to be situated somewhere on the interwebs, correct? Hence the request on an "URL" when hitting the "image" icon..? If this still stands, does anyone else use "dropbox" for posting images on here, and if so, how do You retrieve said "URL" if that is the requisite?
Have a few modeling projects going on .Finished up this Revell '32 Ford 5 window,colors are Model Master black with Tamiya Woode Deck brown interior,Pegasus Torque Thrust wheels/tires. Revells '49 Mercury will be the next in line to finish up. Then I'll be working on AMT's '49 Mercury. Followed by AMT's '51 Chevy Bel Air. Going to be busy around here for a few days,thanks for looking and any and all comments
In- progress AMT More- door '51 Fleetline. The black paint is brushed, rushed, water- based & flaky (for a show). Gotta hose it off.
I put my photos on Photobucket and post the link that comes up there. It is pretty simple (must be if I can do it). Roo
Pictures The way Ryan has it set up now you just uplaoad a picture from your files on your PC. I usually shrink them to 800x 600 size before uploading.
If you're logged into Dropbox through your web browser, if you select a photo (check mark), there's a 'Share' button at the top. A box pops up asking for emails or names and a description under that. At the bottom right of that box there's a button that says 'Get Link'. That should be the URL directly to that file, and you can paste it in here using the little picture icon to the right of the smiley.
Another update on the Phantom Vickie. The interior is painted and as of yet undistressed. I'm trying to figure out a way to age the white parts just enough.
Rusychevy, just an idea. On a scrap painted with the same white you used on your upholstery, try wiping it down with some very strong coffee. (The mud in the bottom of a pot that's brewed too long). Let it dry. Wipe it down carefully with a clean cloth, and hit it with a matt or semi gloss sealer coat. As soon as I can find where I hid it, I'll post a pic of a track T I started in sugar pine.