Bill Lindig ended up with mine (Flamed/Halibrands/Moon Tank/Nerf Bars/Chopped/Filled Top from Scottsdale (B-J) but dont know if he still owns it??????
I have been working on my sedan. Its mocked up in these pictures but I'll be running a 49 ford flathead 39 trans, dropped 32 axle, and a columbia overdrive.
I always loved those narrowed ETIII's Bob threw on the front of his roadster - unbelievable at the time and extremely cool. I'd LOVE to own those (hint, hint)...
I just picked up this one out of Kansas. Still waiting for the sipper to get it here. In the mean time, I'm trying to track down the history on the car. Here is a pic of the same car, obviously unfinished, that appears to be from the late 50's early 60's. Please see my thread: If you think you may have any info on the car. .
Here are couple more for Friday. These are still my favorite Hot Rods. In my youth I always loved the sedans at the drags. Note the neat drilled bones and Moon tank. Nice front end on this one.
O.K. I found a few more sedans for inspiration. If you like Buick motors then you should like this one. Brizio built this one and I fall in love every time I see it on the road. A friend just purchased this one and brought it to the West. A tapered chop was done many years ago by Steve Davis. The body came from Jake.
Love those sedans have built 6, one is a delivery. I probably should have kept the body I sold to Deluxe 32 from down under and built another chopped highboy. Oh well it's on to my 5 window and pu.
Great to see this thread up again! Here is a couple pictures of my sedan last week inside the Pema Air & Space Museum on our way to the Lonestar Roundup. Just over 3,000 miles round trip without a single issue... We ran 90 miles an hour with the AC cranked and the stereo pumping! Great hot rod trip.
Lorenzini: Great to see the old sedan in such good hands and being enjoyed by your family. It looks a lot better than when I owned it. Love those wheels and it'll really be neat when you slip the QC under it.
Great photos and I know you were just joking about the 90mph. Those old cars don't go that fast — do they?
If my memory serves me the Lorenzini sedan was chopped 3.5 to 3 front to rear and the roof stretched,.but I'm getting old and may have forgotten. Deluxe 32 I'm envious. it really turned out great.
Thanks Gary! The QC project is under way and I hope to have it completed by Fathers Day. Please reach out if you are going to be in town.
Lynn, I had Brad Bauder (Bob's son) ridding shotgun with me for the trip. He's a bad influence... He's Bob Bauder 2.0!
Thanks DDD. The wheels are new E/T Classic 5's. 15x4 and 16x7. Thanks. 4 inch dropped axle with a Model A crossmember that we flattened. Gotta be low!!!
Looks great! What's your plan for color and how are you prepping the area between the drip rail and the roof?