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Projects Dodge This - 1939 Dodge Southeast Gasser Build

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Dog_Patch, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. tylercrawford
    Joined: Jan 30, 2011
    Posts: 726

    from Buford, GA
    1. S.F.C.C.

    I don't know about Saturday or Sunday, but tonight we went out to Commerce :D

    Tony put the push board to work all the way up the street.

    GAOldsman, Big A, Mac30 and 1 other person like this.
  2. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,768

    from east , tn.

    Good luck if you guys go to Commerce today. I am working:(
    It will be good to give it a little shakedown before next weekend.
    Tyresmoke and Quain Stott like this.
  3. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Can't make it to Commerce today, but keep us informed on what happens with Quick &dirty and Tyler's rail.
    Quain Stott likes this.
  4. Thanks Dave! Today the Quick and Dirty saw daylight and made the trip to Commerce. When I got home I did take the wife out to dinner. She has been really supportive of this odd obsession o_O

    Cabbage came over and helped work on the headrest. 3dnsouth does nice work :cool:
    headrest1.jpg headrest4.jpg headrest5.jpg headrest3.jpg headr3r.jpg headr.jpg
    lawman and GAOldsman like this.
  5. Then Tyler came over Saturday night and disassembled the entire fuel injection and cleaned it while I worked on the throw out bearing. By 11pm it was running sweet and the neighbors were impressed :D Got up at 6am and made a trans tunnel - or something like a trans tunnel, then loaded out to Gear Jam. That took longer than expected and I got there about 1pm.

    commerce.jpg injection.jpg brad_towing.jpg can_dirty.jpg Firstout.jpg
    lawman, GAOldsman and 3dnsouth like this.
  6. After fiddling with the injection for an hour and calling Quain and wasting 30 minutes of his valuable time on the phone :eek: - sorry about that. Brad tied a rope on the front axle and towed me to the scales. The handling was very stable at speed. The brakes work - I guess - because when I jabbed them Brad flipped over the bars of the 3 wheeler :cool:

    We got to the scales and she weighs 2575lbs with the 75lb nostalgia bumper :D
    GAOldsman, enloe and II FUNNY like this.
  7. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Since you don't mention any runs, I assume you didn't run get it straightened out enoufg to make any passes?
    Did Tyler make any runs?
    Did Brad make a swan dive? or a cannonball?
  8. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 2,058

    Quain Stott

    Is that weight with or without the driver. If that's with a driver it's lighter than I thought it would be,
    GAOldsman likes this.
  9. That is without the driver. It was 2745 with me in the seat - which is really funny because at Ware Shoals I was pulling numbers out of my ass about how much it would weigh and 2800 was the number that came out o_O

    DOM - I forgot to add that the throttle cable was not hooked up when I left home, I thought that was an easy fix in the pits and we never could get the throttle connected, then we started tuning ......

    Tyler had to work.

    Yeah Brad did a Grey whale mating flop fins up:rolleyes:
    GAOldsman likes this.
  10. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 2,058

    Quain Stott

    What cubic inch is it or do you not want to say on line.
  11. This engine is 392 bored .030 I never hide anything - trust me you don't want me to sell a used car.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
    GAOldsman likes this.
  12. Quain - does that Hightower trans shift into reverse? We couldn't find it. Its got all 4 forward gears.
  13. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    LOL I had to push mine back when I went to load it for the first time because I couldn't find it either. You have to push down on the shifter ( like an old volkswagon) then left and back. To the left of 2nd, a bad place for it to be but without pushing down it won't go.
  14. Hahahah that is the only place I never tried to push down :p
  15. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    I was just wondering about the 6 lbs per cubic inch rule but you're about 345 lbs to the good.
    Dog_Patch likes this.
  16. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Make sure it's in neutral or it won't go down.
  17. Tick Tock Tick Tock ... Greer this Saturday. No time to mess around. Cabbage is working on the A/G and 392 lettering while I made wheelie bars.






  18. Yesterday was Thursday and Quain offered to go through the injection. Its almost a 3 hour drive but when you get offered help from the best tuner out there, you load out at 4am and don't stop for breakfast ;). Got there at about 7:40 and Quain was looking like I got him up early but it was the start to a good day so he muscled through with coffe and chewing tobacco :rolleyes:
    We unloaded the Quick n Dirty Dodge and started pulling apart the Enderle barrel valve.



    It turns out what me and Tyler thought was a high speed bypass was an idle bypass. But it was set up with a 30lb spring! Quain swapped shims and springs until it was 8 or 10lbs. Then the main bypass was actually 1 lb! He made that one 10lbs I think. Its crisp and snappy now.

    Man I got schooled on barrel valves and injection :cool: really good stuff. Complete with drawings. Its actually a good thing Quain had not seen one of these before because that made him pull it apart and teach me what was going on inside. After that we set the air gap on the clutch and Quain tech'd the car and pointed out some stuff to fix before tomorrow's Greer race. Loaded back up and headed back home about 11:00 because I was working and didn't have the day off.
    Thanks a ton Quain ! Did you get a pic of the Delivery and the car ? I never did take a shot of the whole rig.

  19. II FUNNY
    Joined: Jul 31, 2010
    Posts: 1,838


    Your injection was backwards like mine was...when it's right you sure know it.
  20. After looking at the 'V' cut in the barrel valve and seeing how it all works, its not such a mystery. What we were told was a high speed bypass port was not even exposed to the fuel when the throttle is open. Yeah it was all backward. Way out of my league - would have never figured it out fiddling with springs :rolleyes:
    II FUNNY likes this.
  21. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Glad Quain got you all sorted out and hope you don't have too much inspection stuff to get done before Sat.
    Sure wish I could be there, but it's now alost 09:00 and the tree people ain't here yet.
    Phone call, they'll be here later. Complcations I won't bore you with. Still doubt they'll be thru in time tomorrow for me to make it. MapQuest says 3hrs 20 min from here.
  22. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Tony I missed the pic because my camera went dead about the time I snapped it. But Donovan got one I'll get him to send it to me and I'll post it. Enjoyed working with you yesterday, See you Saturday.
  23. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Tony's was not really backwards just pressure set to high on one and to low on another. When talking on the phone the other day I had him to block off what they told me was a high speed but it was an idle check. I have run them with out an Idle check before and they will do Ok you just have to modify the barrel valve spool a little. His Barrel valve was not like one I had ever seen before, all I had ever fooled with is the old ones but after taking it apart and figuring out what made it tick it is a very neat deal.
    II FUNNY and tylercrawford like this.
  24. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
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    from east , tn.

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  25. tylercrawford
    Joined: Jan 30, 2011
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    from Buford, GA
    1. S.F.C.C.

    Ah . . . I figured the one coming out of the barrel valve was the idle bypass and the one from the distribution block was the high speed :confused: . . . but I could see how that would be the other way around. Never messed with anything other than a cube, but its nice to know.

    When we leaked it down, the 90* bend bypass (now the idle) opened at ~30psi so I figured it had to be the high speed even though the pressure sounded low :D

    Never checked the other bypass . . . figured the guy Tony bought it from would have set it up close.

    Glad you guys got it sorted out!
    Quain Stott likes this.
  26. II FUNNY
    Joined: Jul 31, 2010
    Posts: 1,838


    The pressure being flip flopped is what I meant by backwards.
  27. II FUNNY
    Joined: Jul 31, 2010
    Posts: 1,838


    I'm pretty sure that if more guys had some "REAL" pro help like tony and I did, not the so called expert help...then injection would be on more cars...even street strip cars.
    Tickety Boo and Dog_Patch like this.
  28. Hope you can get out tomorrow DOM - if not that's ok we will take some pics.

    Tyler - when are we leaving in the morning? I'm thinking 6am from my house. The ol Sedan Delivery only gets 10mpg towing :eek: so we need to figure in a gas stop. That thing has gotten 19mpg empty. Towing really sucks the gas.
  29. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Yea I guess that was backwards but I have heard that some run a high idle bypass but I don't like to set them up that way because it causes the spool to be in the wrong position when it starts to come off of idle. It's one of those deals where there is no standers that I know of just personal preference. Maybe that's why some of the old timers had such a hard time with the injectors running at low speed.
    II FUNNY likes this.
  30. tylercrawford
    Joined: Jan 30, 2011
    Posts: 726

    from Buford, GA
    1. S.F.C.C.


    You're like a kid on christmas eve. :D

    You should come by my house on the way to 85 so that way the lady across the street can be even more pissed :D

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