paint booth or operating room? please make a mess in that shop makes me not want to walk into my shop.
Here's some silly tech... Take a $10 vintage voltage regulator from eBay: Remove the cover and place it on your brand new Standard VR35 voltage regulator: And presto...
Hey Ryan-- Based on prices I've seen on the Antiques Roadshow, that cardboard box is easily worth 10 bucks. BTW, that's one deluxe paint booth right there.
There are a ton of different old regulators that use the same cover as the VR35. Don't limit yourself to the Filko.
Just a quick update to prove we are still at it... Keith has spent much of the week block sanding, but took some time off today to button up the bottom end of the motor and get it ready for paint. The motor is a special one. It's a 306" monster that was the backup motor for Randy's Bonneville car. Keith built it a couple of years back and it has yet to be run. Anyway, the plan is to shoot color next week... and the color is a good one.
Got my fingers crossed, that since you and Randy have the same initials, maybe you could keep the Keith Tardel roadster assembly line intact at your place. Sounds good to me anyway ... what ? RCKT #'s 1 & 2 ... hell, make three .. please.
A lot of people don't know this, but the Tardel name started with paint and body back in the 1960s...
Love that color. I am planning on painting my '33 Red.....hard to pull off but looks so good when it is.