Ryan submitted a new blog post: New Classified Feature... & More! Continue reading the Original Blog Post
Well sorry about the boo boo. I layed the back of my hand open to the bone about a month back, they kept asking if I wanted information about spousal abuse support groups in the E-room. Anyway it really puts a damper on things. I am thinking about getting Tim to turn my scar into a zipper. I did figure out the feedback thing in the classifieds. pretty user friendly. Maybe we will be able to do away with the bad seller list now? get better friend. benno
We gotta little wet... That's all. Working on plans to help some folks in Wimberley now though. Those folks have had a rough couple of weeks. As for my finger, it was destiny with a broken wine glass of all things. Typing is hard now!
"Nothing good comes from drinking wine." Louis Pasteur (Yes, THAT Louis Pasteur of Past-your-eyes milk fame) said: "Wine is the healthiest and the most hygienic of all beverages." Maybe it's the drinker that's the problem and not that which is drunk. Just saying.
That's why you wine drinkers should drink out of a box.....and by the way last week is said to be a VERRY good vintage !!...
Don't like to send dough to the big charity operations, but if the Hamb had a donation spot for Wimberley I would trust it...one of our favorite towns.
RYAN: Good here that you are OK other than loosing a little bit of body fluid. Plastic glasses are ok when you plan on over doing it. ha hah ha
Bummer on the cut Ryan. That finger is going to stick out like a "sore thumb" for a while. I like the quote feature. Sure going to make quoting only what you want to easier. Thanks for the ongoing effort!
i have always felt, as long as it is not your nose picking finger or scratching finger you will survive. ps, they shouldn't be the same finger.
Ryan I know that this thread isn't about raising funds and etc. But if someone is traveling that way I can usually muster a stick or two of furniture, I'll bet I could even muster a case or two of water. So if the boss will direct it to the right place and someone is kind enough to make room in the truck hit me up. OK back to your regular programming.
Ryan... So sorry about your finger...that's gotta hurt ! Was worried about you, Gary, Jimmie, Steve, and the others in Austin...hope that you stay safe there. Just got off the phone with Donna Starbird at the Museum in Oklahoma, had concerns about their safety too. They've had a lot of water in their area...but nothing severe as other parts of OK. And, everything else in their area is still running safely, and, smoothly. Back to this Thread: Thanks again for asking for input, ideas, etc. This Site is always amazing, awesome...and continues to help unite all of us lovers of R&C World Wide !! Feel better, amigo ! Jonnie www.legends.thewwbc.net
Would that be Stuart Hilborn laying down? It's looks like his streamliner, and he did wreck it at the lakes. I have never seen that picture before. Cheers, Stewart.
Having been thru a flood and losing about everything I can sure relate to the Tejans.The good news is there is a calm after the storm ,just gotta hang in there.