howdy all been lurkin on here for a while getting a feel for the place.....lots of great things happening here....hope I can add a bit as I go along. I'm a 60+ young guy, married one daughter....and live in York western Australia.....very much like California....retired now. have been into cars most of my life...usual aussie stuff,best of the bunch gt falcon.Monaro couple of mach 1's but have moved up to ? old cars here's alook at my present rides this is my daily ride...400 clevo...toploader...b/w diff and dedicated lpg this is my Vicky pretty much original even down to the worn out y block....still left hand drive and will stay that way...the car came out of idaho this is my ratrod so called because of the rats nests when I started it. 3 inch chop 1 inch pancake 4 inch chanel....351 ..c4 and falcon diff...still building but getting closer all the time...if any interst I can post a build thread at some point. well that's me...I look forward to fitting in and sharing knowledge where possible..thanks for looking cheers joe
G'Day from another Aussie. Just a warning and if you have been lurking no one on this forum likes rats of any kind.
thanks simon as stated only call it that because of the amount of rat nests in it when I got it....but will drop the term to suit the problem ( I don't like rats either) cheers joe
Joe, I've had Rat issues here as well (mostly with the daily driver as the engine is often a warm place) and I hear others about the place have the same problem due to the cold weather. Disinfectant in a spray bottle on the engine works well but mix it with something like eucalyptus about 50 / 50 mix. I have heard of new cars being total write offs with the wire loom being eaten.