Very nice, wish Keith continued success.........................and somebody has to keep you in line!
I'm gonna be out tomorrow, so I went ahead and ran the feature on Randy's motor today. You can read that here. And here's the photos from the shoot: I've never really shot an engine like this before... The internals of the motor represent a sort "secret of speed" thing, so I wanted these shots to be dark and mysterious. At the same time, I didn't want it to look like I was using an Instagram filter or doing a lot of post processing either. So, I just shot the shit in the dark and hoped for the best.
Great Photography. I appreciate that you're not resorting to gimmicks. 'Looks really good; clean, sharp and very well done. Oh, also digging this build too, you guys are living the dream!
C’mon Ryan, you are fishing for compliments You definitely exceed your hopes, these photos are excellent. This built/photos wood definitely make a must have coffee-table book. Your photos tell more than thousand words about Keith’s craftsmanship, respect.
Look at the first and second photo above... See how the heads are brighter on the second? That's cuz it was properly exposed while the first photo was not. I could have fixed that in pp, but didn't cuz I didn't notice it. That's what makes me an amateur. I'm happy with being one though... As for the black and white photo, anyone could have taken that photo. I was using a borrowed twelve thousand dollar lens. That lens made that shot. I then got lucky in the darkroom with the print. In fact, I've tried to reprint it the same way and can't do it... So yeah, I know how to take photos... and sometimes I just get lucky. Guys that have a talent for it, get great photos without getting lucky.
Ryan, after looking at those pictures, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I agree with Flowmeister, that first picture is classic car porn.
Wait a have a real darkroom? With chemicals, enlargers and shit? Who DOES that anymore? And I know what you mean by taking a great print out of the wash and trying to duplicate it again. Sometimes can be tough. Andy
Late to the party...kinda hard to see, is that a real big beam or aftermarket axle? Also curious as to the Henry bent '47 wishbones...seems like a new trend lately that I kinda it for tierod clearance, or just to be different? (just found a complete '47 front end.)'s aftermarket...WHY?...inquiring minds...
Folks have done '47 bones for a long time. I don't guess I've ever seen them as trendy. The axle. It's a 4" SoCal axle that Randy had sitting on a shelf. Free is good, so we put it to work... This build came to be as an excuse to get rid of a lot of parts Randy had taking up space.
Is this thing going into a museum? I mean damn that is some beautiful work. It's going to be a shame to get oil and dirt and road grime on it.
I much prefer the 2nd photo. The angle is better as it reveals the magneto more and the exposure gives us a hint of the 5 window coupe in the background. So cool.
This is an awesome build, everything just looks perfectly right. No clusterfuck, not overdone, only a pure hot rod. Sounds so simple and is yet so hard to do...
Wow (or as seatex said "DAYUM". Awesome build......Super Clean.......Can't wait to see it withe the body on......& Rex's Shop is Killer! This Gives me the CHILLS...!
Waiting on parts for the tranny, so we couldn't stab in the flathead yet... As such, we decided to go ahead and put the body on. Here's some shots of the aftermath: She's coming right along... I'm in total and absolute love with the color and the contrast with the black and nickel plaiting. In the photos above I've tried to show how the red looks under shade and direct light. It's just a great damned color. This one is going to be pretty great looking... and I can hardly wait to see it once it's been driven a few thousands miles.. just gonna get better with time.