I've always hated red unless it was on a Flag, a Firetruck, or a Ferrari..............(or a dame!), thank Tardel for fuckin' that up! GORGEOUS!
If there is a little detail that I would do differently ... it's the yellow zinc plated nuts and bolts that can be seen here and there. From my perspective this is too modern and should be white zinc plated like most of the other nuts and bolts.
Phenomenal job on the roadster! Thank you for sharing its build. Question on the electrics, is it running on 6 or 12 volts?
So here's proof that the flathead fired. You can read the story here. Or, just watch the video: Remember, I told ya early on that the motor was really special...
That's grade-8 hardware that my late father got from the Confederate Air Force - a WWII aircraft restoration museum and club of sorts. Randy might want to change that stuff, but it makes me smile when I see it. 12
I'm still waiting for the part where it looks like it was flung together by some "schmuck" .... meh' .... not really seeing that here ... thankfully so. ... love the video captioning .... and the insanity of that mill makes my heart smile and girl giggle a lil'.
The Confederate Air Force is a very cool organization. I don't know if there still around but there was a "wing" in Wichita. I agree that the hardware is cool, especially with the connection to your dad. So was it a PC issue that drove the name change to "Commemorative" Air Force?
Yeah... They've gone through a lot of changes... My dad helped them move to Midland, TX from south Texas over a decade ago... and last I heard, they were gonna move again to central Texas.
That's a cool build. When I was about 10 years old, there was a kid with a car like that (except that his looked like it was dragged out of a junk yard) who used to tear through my neighborhood every day after school. I think all the mothers went to the cops about it, and he had to find a new neighborhood to terrorize. I've wanted a car like that ever since. Is he using the gas tank in the cowl? I think I'd rather have a Model A tank than a 32 without a bumper. Either way, what were they thinking? Is that a nailhead in the background? hans
That is so cool! I've been working on a 29 roadster for a little over two years now. This car makes me want to start over. So nice, not over the top, but quality.
So instead of working for 50 days, you have your BFF come over and you build the bitchinest 32 ever,,, in a shop that is set up for a journalist. Just keep your eyes closed because it is a dream........ except for that nosiey flathead......
I know, right? All of the shots on this thread (including the video) were taken with either a Sony A7 or a Sony A7s using one of three lenses: 1. Leica 35mm Summilux FLE (my main lens) 2. Leica 90mm Summicron (for details shots) 3. Voigtlander 15mm Heliar (for those super wide shots from my loft above) The only exception is the black and white motor portrait that I took with my film Leica M7 using a borrowed 50mm Noctilux. Some of the photos might make it seem like I'm a really good photographer. I'm not. I'm just using really good glass in a shop that was literally designed with photography in mind.
One bitchen' model A............Tardel must not sleep............a mere 9 weeks? Even built a spray booth for the paint? FKKKKKKKKK. I wish he could bottle some of that shit to help us with "ICANTFINISHITIVO". If he could, I wonder what he'd call it................."Tardelube"?"Keithwax"? "Tardellingus"? p.s. the subtitles for Matt was a nice touch!
Thanks Ryan. The Leica glass looks phenomenal. Can't beat it. I can't remember ever shooting in a garage that had the right lighting, so its a relief to see shots like these come out of natural garage light. Great work.
Holy.. Shit.. Ryan is in the lead for "Friend of the Year" award. You rule so hard right now, @Ryan. It's the small stuff like this that I appreciate more than anything else. It might have started out as a joke, but that means a lot to me. Seriously.
It's funny... Last night as I was google searching to figure out how to add captions to video, I got to thinking about how what an awesome challenge it would be to try to explain the sound of a hot rod with words to you. Then, I took my dog on a walk and started to think more about it. My conclusion was that I could do it by using words that explain feel and vibration... And then, I remembered you are already a hot rodder... and that you already know what a hot rod sounds like because you've sat in them and you've felt a motor rev and a cam lope and... Then, I remembered something I read once - deaf folks make up for their "disability" with higher degrees of sensitivity to other senses like sight and feel. And that got me thinking more... I'd bet you actually know what a hot rod sounds like better than any of us. The vibration of a motor and the way it hits your gut is so much more powerful than the actual sound of it all. Course, that doesn't help your ass much with my videos. From here on out, I'll do my best to caption them now that I know how too.
You subtitled that video perfectly. Even down to the dialogue and including what's on the radio. Most movies aren't that detailed about background noise unless they are pertinent to the storyline. You went above and beyond. Thank you.
A rise like phoenix from the ashes. Anything else than a perfect start would have surprised me. Job well done, good on you Keith.
This car is just flawless. Very impressed that it's come together so quickly. Top notch pro work for sure.