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Features pics East coast hot rods

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by 31modelo, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. rbantique
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
    Posts: 6,439

    from maine

    CORRECT !! Here is a color image.. Lots of chrome !! hardy29a_zps7af702e6.jpg
  2. JohnWatson32.JPG
    Hey Baron:Hangin' in there.That pic of John's car was taken at Sears in Saugus I believe around 1969 or 70.I have a couple of pics after it was painted yellow and I striped it in black.Also had a pic that someone else took at the Ty-Rods show(I think)where one fender was in gray primer.

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    dana barlow and hot-rod 33 like this.
  3. I only met Curt once and that was in 1969 just after my cousin bought Norm Wallace's roadster and was researching it's history.Curt and Norm were as I recall best friends and a lot of the work on both cars was very similar;mainly the hairpins and the nerf bars.Curt also introduced us to Norm's widow and she was the one who gave Dick(my cousin)all the trophies that Norm had won with the car.They went with the car when Dick sold it and I believe Larry Hook(the current owner)got them when he bought the car.
  4. AHotRod
    Joined: Jul 27, 2001
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    This is awesome pileup11110082cw.jpg
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  5. Danekejt
    Joined: May 27, 2012
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    from Pa

    ok so this question may show how clueless i am but what are some of the noticeable difference's between west and east coast style. It seems confusing to me. some of the east coast style cars i am seeing here i have see cars like this on the west coast. so what is the difference. Thanks.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  6. West coast cars don't have windshield wipers.:rolleyes: Actually they have Annette Funachello posed with their cars.:D
    Ok, seriously it's all about the overall look. :confused:
    Runnin shine likes this.
  7. Danekejt
    Joined: May 27, 2012
    Posts: 106

    from Pa

    Funachello man what a looker she was. hahaha so true about the wipers and or snow tires.
    Stogy likes this.
  8. pitman
    Joined: May 14, 2006
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    CT32 got it! East coast channeled, West chopped, (and channeled).
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  9. revkev6
    Joined: Jun 13, 2006
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    from ma

    Rich, please tell me you know more about what you have labeled as a 32 cabriolet! it looks strikingly similar to my 32! which btw, is a cut down 5 window that came out of the mid atlantic region... I have a title stating it was a "homebuilt" in 1960... had a flat firewall, channel job and the doors werent welded fully but couldn't open... could have been a red or black...don't really know much about the running gear... I was told it was a basketcase in the early 80's with a sbc and a 4spd...

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Stogy, don colaps and AHotRod like this.
  10. Baron
    Joined: Aug 13, 2004
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    Early sixties East Coast Deuce Rdstr.
    Mike Budrows Deuce Rdstr crop.jpg
    Stogy, GreenMonster48 and AHotRod like this.
  11. Baron
    Joined: Aug 13, 2004
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    Gloucester's first Hot Rod Speed shop, 1957. Dick Hardings channeled 40 sedan, running a 265 with tri-power, Eddie Perkins Hemi powered Rdstr pickup, and Mike Budrow's channeled 34 Coupe (later owned the red Deuce Rdstr in the prior post). Look how expensive the Zerex Prestone Antifreeze was in 1957 ! $2.25 a gallon. Giles grand opening 1957.jpg .
    EVL401, Stogy, don colaps and 12 others like this.
  12. gonzo
    Joined: Dec 24, 2003
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    Oh my god that picture is amazing. Thanks for posting it!
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  13. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
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    It took a while ... but I'm sure it is a real cabriolet body. The W/S posts are cut right off about half way up, then a outer windshield frame from a sedan/coupe sitting inside the posts.

    door tops look like cabriolet, as well as the notched down rear quarter for the conv top
    Stogy likes this.
  14. Baron: The channeled 40 sedan:was that the one that Bill Welch owned in the early 1960's that John Silva eventually acquired? Don't know if you recall the shop but it was on the northbound side just before the Lynnfield line(I think there was an Italian restaurant there afterward)on the hill before the Ship.
    The car Bill owned was painted white and had a full hood(sectioned)that had a small scoop on the right side to clear the generator on the 265.
    When I first saw the red Deuce I thought it was Ed Santisi's but his car was a Model A. Remember going for a ride in that one when I was down his house painting motorcycles for his brother Art.As I recall it had a 283 Chevy in it with all early Ford driveline. That had to be around 1961 or 62.
    Both those names sounded familiar but I didn't recognize the cars. Was Eddie deaf and had trouble speaking? Seems to me I remember someone named Eddie who owned a green T bucket and was a member of the Boston Area Roadsters. Hard to remember 50 years ago.
    Remember painting a lot of bikes for Art when he worked at Preble's in Salem. Stu Lord had that really nice maroon 57 Ford retractible with the bubble skirts.
    Stogy and falcongeorge like this.
  15. revkev6
    Joined: Jun 13, 2006
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    from ma

    it's really hard to tell from the pic... can't see if the upper door hinge is there. my car had a couple carved up 2x4's screwed to the door tops so they had something to tack the vinyl to. would have made it look very similar to that car... my posts were cut right off though so the chances of it actually being my car are extremely small. also, I've never tried or even heard if the windshield from a 5 window/sedan would fit on a cabriolet?? My uncle has an old cabriolet in his shop that I should run down and compare my windshield to.
  16. mike bowling
    Joined: Jan 1, 2013
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    mike bowling

    My good buddy Paul's car from Rhode Island is about as good as it gets!( with his PU next door.) Oh, what a lucky man! 9-7-10 021.jpg

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  17. @mike bowling

    What happened to this truck after Jim sold it?

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  18. mike bowling
    Joined: Jan 1, 2013
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    mike bowling

    It's living in RI in the very capable hands of my friend Paul. ( who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons). Those two photos are from within the last 2 years, taken at an annual show in RI that I've been going to for years. I bought a Model A body from Paul 10 or 12 years ago, and built my first car in a long time ( 3 kids, house, work, etc. ) and we've been friends since, part of which requires that every August I make the trip down to the show. 3rd Sunday in August ( same as my birthday- works perfect)This is the car I built, which was sold for tuition money, and I just bought back ( Happy Birthday to ME)

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  19. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
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    Runnin shine

    "Beach blanket bingo[emoji445]"
  20. Baron
    Joined: Aug 13, 2004
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    Ray. You are correct on the 40 sedan. Dickie bought the car already channeed from Don Hiller who lived in Beverly off Essex st. Donny had a body shop behind the back of Old Busters ( in North Beverly,right down the road from Kelsey's). Car was channeled 9 inches. Dickie sold the sedan to John Silva, who turned it into the radical showcar it later became. Much later ,that car wound up in Rupcanuks (sp) junk yard, across the street from Stu Lords house in Misddleton. Too bad.
    Eddie Perkins was(is)from Essex MA (Perkins Marina) and owned the hemi powered 31 Ford Rdstr pickup. Later, Eddiebuilt the green T-Bucket that later Donnie Cavanaugh bought from him.
    The 34 coupe of Mike Budow I am still not sure where it came from, but I will check with a couple of the Drag Netters ( that are in the Strokers today) who good chance will remember the history of it.
    falcongeorge likes this.
  21. mike bowling
    Joined: Jan 1, 2013
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    mike bowling

    Windshield wipers went out with guys offering to check your oil!--- Rain-X , baby!

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    CTAV8, AHotRod and tb33anda3rd like this.
  22. I remember Don Hiller;he had that beautiful 34 Ford 5 window with the Olds engine(see pic).I remember the Drag Netters club.Seems to me Bill Stiles was a member.Didn't they have their club house across the street from the Gloucester Police Dept? I remember going down there in the early 60's and painting a couple of bikes for Bill and his buddies.EDIT: Wrong group;that was the Descendants M/C. Stu Lord was a member of the Dragnetters wasn't he? Last time I saw him was at a NSOCC show in Topsfield.
    I remember striping that T for Donnie in Smiley Smullens garage circa 1968. I was working at Jack Keaney's Corvette shop in East Boston at the time and also doing lettering and striping for Ray Caldwell and Alex Dearborn at the shops on Barnard St. in Marblehead. It was also about that time I started striping for Kelsey when he had his shop in his cellar on that side street in Beverly. First one was that purple Triumph with the short ape hangers and then the drag bike. Lots of good memories my friend;thanks for posting the pictures. DonHillerOldsPowered34.jpg DonHillerOldsPowered34.jpg
  23. Found this model A coupe, on Google Images.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    BenLeBlanc, tb33anda3rd and AHotRod like this.
  24. Baron
    Joined: Aug 13, 2004
    Posts: 3,658


    Saw Mark Rogers at the Ty-Rods today and copied this old pic of Marks Hemi powered T taken in Sears parking lot in Malden, 1966. Hoping Ray will chime in on the cars and people in the background(looks like Sonny V behind the steering wheel) . Mark Rogers Hemi powered T 1966.jpg Mark Rogers Hemi T 1966.jpg
  25. Sorry I haven't replied sooner;was at a car show all weekend in Frankenmuth. I have a picture of that car somewhere in my files.That car was an absolute monster! As I recall the engine came out of a gasser and was pumping out about 800hp. I remember one cruise down to Gloucester Dan had that car and Peter(? can't remember his last name but he was from Medford and they called him Cousin It)with the green metalflake Pontiac powered T was busting Dan's chops about beating his car. Dan finally got pissed and challenged him to a go for the pinks right there. He declined and Dan fired up the car and pulled a monster hole shot right along the boulevard by the Fisherman statue!
    I remember seeing it later with the wedge in it but didn't realize Mark owned it then.
    Dan built another car afterward that looked like a dragster for the street. Saw it at the car show in Boston once and supposedly he drove it on the street.
    That does look like Sonny AND Vito Venuti (with the sunglasses)behind the car. The guy on the right looks familiar but I can't put a name to him. The orange 40 Ford sedan delivery was owned by Carl Carpenter from Fiberglass Engineering in Cochituate and had a blown Olds in it at one time. He got that as a partial trade form Ken Frederick for a couple of T roadster bodies.
    Ken used that sedan delivery as a tow car for his Model A roadster he used to race at Sanford. When he bought it the car had been in storage since 1943 and only had 3,000 miles on it! he removed the flathead and put one of his dad's Cadillac engines in it. The Model A he swapped to Floyd Masters for the Latham blown 339 Chevy that he used in the Iced T.
    Oh and that Sears building was in Saugus on Route 1(torn down now I believe and a newer mall built there awhile back.
  26. Baron
    Joined: Aug 13, 2004
    Posts: 3,658


    Thanks Ray. You are a wealth of information. Timmy Carroll was another one ( I wish I had recorded all the stories he told Kelsey and me during our visits while he was battling cancer and stuck in the house) that had all those memories lodged in his memory bank.... who owned what car, where/who it came from, what it ran for a motor, who wound up with it, where it is currently ,etc. Without the history / info, they're just pictures.
    falcongeorge likes this.
  27. Tim was a very old and dear friend and I was fortunate enough to have Don Cavanaugh take me up to see him just before he passed. When I first met him we were both about 16 or 17 and hanging out at the Big Burger in Everett/Chelsea on the Revere Beach Parkway. I striped the Little Moose when it was lime gold metalflake and before they turned it into a show car down at their garage just off Everett Ave.Jimmie Smith also hung out down there and had a candy lime gold Triumph motorcycle Tim eventually wound up with. Jimmie bought Billie Lyons' T bucket(orange with a 392 Chrysler in it and I think that is the one Tim eventually got. I striped that in Jimmies' garage in Everett right up the street from the Burger.
    The Big Burger was a crazy place.I think Tim's wife worked there as a car hop before they got married. Al Frecca used to come down in that way low 29 A roadster with the welded doors and the Pontiac motor with pipes running up the side. Jerry Bennett had just got out of the air Force and had a beautiful 55 Chevy Bel Air white with scallops,chrome wheels and side pipes he got in California.Gus Amani(sp?) had a white 60 Chevy with a 348 tri-power in it.He later owned a strip club on Route 1.Billy Lerner(the Paperboy)had a hot 64 Ford convertible just before he built the Corvette with the cammer Ford in it. The Z brothers(not even going to try and spell their last name)Arthur and Jimmy had a red 58 Corvette that was built from 2 Corvettes that had been wrecked.I think they had 20 grand in the car.Never forget the day they pulled in with it sporting a brand new set of polished American Racing wheels that cost a small fortune back then and Timmy the joker(who was always busting their chops)yells out:" HEY Look at that Vette with the MICKEY THOMPSON wheels on it!" I think M/T wheels were $29 apiece back then.
    Lot of street racing took place out there too but that is for another time.
  28. Baron
    Joined: Aug 13, 2004
    Posts: 3,658


    Timmy holding his Honorary Stroker Plaque. Tim Carroll.jpg
    Must have been 25 of us that went to his house that Sunday to present Timmy with this plaque. Filled the driveway with Hot Rods.
    Kelsey and I tried to get up every to visit him every other Sunday. Sometimes when we’d get there, he’d be barely awake. A 1/2 hour later, he’d be sitting up in bed, pretending to be power shifting, telling us these wonderful hot rod tales that brought big smiles to the three of us. I know Kelsey and I got as much out of those visits as Timmy did. He was a good guy, and a diehard Hot Rodder.
    Speedys Garage, loudbang and AHotRod like this.
  29. Thank you for posting that pic Baron;it is saved to my computer. Tim was truly one of a kind and I think about him a lot when I see these posts. If he didn't have you rolling on the floor laughing within five minutes of getting together then you were probably dead! When Jimmie Smith and Tim got together STAND BY! It was almost a contest as to who could rank out the other better. That's what two good friends did. I'm going to see if I have any more pics in my box full of unmounted photos.

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