Thanks Mo, Monday the sending unit will be in, so the gas tank can be mounted. So we should be getting real close to getting to enjoy this beauty.
Little update for y'all...a lot of work going on at Faded Love Garage so should be finishing wiring, install the sending unit, and bleed the brakes next the meantime here a badass picture of a 39 Zephyr with my Merc in the background
Hey anyone know what wheel covers those are from on that 39 and what size? There the coolest ive seen yet and with a cone in the center i bet they would look killer. (on my 54 buick)
They are Duvall Swirl Hubcaps. I believe they are 16" inch. They are absolutely one of the best but super expensive if you can find them.
FlatJan parking lights will be shaved off, so I'll most likely sell them. You'll be the first to know if I do
Any progress? HAMB'er speters posted this, is CBTS bound. It's a Ford, but cool as hell. Reminds me a lot of a certain fordor Merc.
Mo....nothing major, the car will be going to the exhaust shop this week. Things to finish up this week, install the gas tank, finish dash wiring and send to the exhaust shop. It will be ready for the Bayou Roundup on the 17th, minus a few small things.
Should role out of the shop for the first time this weekend....stay tuned...oh yeah the hood will be on to [emoji108]
Appreciate everyone....Mo I really appreciate you following along and all your nice comments means a lot. While I'm waiting on the really good post I was looking through some pictures and realized I never posted a picture of how I found the it is sitting in about 6 inches of mud just waiting for me to find her
Don't want to steal your thread, just need to show you my 41 sedan. Found it in the Atlanta area. Don't care for the wheels and will change to steelies this winter. Amazingly the car has all the parts it came from the factory with except the drive train. I installed a reversed eye Posies super slider and speedway panhard bar that dropped the nose 3". Shifter is back on the column now and the pedals are changed.
Dave no worries....I like it, if you end up deciding to put skirts on it give Agape Auto Parts a call. They have the long and short skirts in their product line. I was never a more door fan until this one came into my possession but I'm glad I'm putting the money into it.
Man, you guys are killin' me with the all the hard to find bits and pieces in place! Nice sedan Dave ..and Eric, I'm anxious to see some pics with you driving yours! Wow. Dave
Check this we are doing the last minute hustle to get her road worthy for the Bayou Roundup and I'm changing out the plastic on the glove box door and notice the oil sticker and look over and see this leasing information....looks like this car was owned by JTS Leasing Corporation at some point in its life...pretty neat
Small setback, the fuel pump is toast, so ordered one from speedway with express delivery, won't arrive till Thursday morning. So hopefully once that gets here all the other minor things will be wrapped up and we'll be ready for Bayou Roundup
Outside under her own power for the first time in a long long time....heading to the exhaust shop....get the skirts painted for Bayou Roundup and then take care of the spotlight and recessed license plate when we get back
Love it. To me the 41 Mercs and their cousins the 41 Fords had some of the coolest front ends . Torchie
Well Bayou Roundup didn't decided to take care of that. So Monday I'm going to wet sand and polish the body so hopefully it will end up looking like the hood...its dirty as all get out. Once I polish it I'll throw the skirts on to really get a good shot of how it looks. Skirts will be painted later, need to do a little work at the top seem to get them to contour better.
Cool!!!!!!!! You did a lot of work on this car so far, but you really gotta wonder on some of the cars that look so "barn fresh" clean, yet old WHY someone parked them in the first place huh? I dont get it. But lucky for you somebody did because you scored BIG on this car! Damn good job so far. Makes me want to get my garage sorted out sooner than later for my car.
Thanks Black Clover Custom.... we've wonder why this Merc was parked, other than seized water pumps and someone who seriously needed a guide for doing breaks book, we haven't found anything substantial. Hopefully it stays that way, but for once in my life with these old cars I scored BIG like you said.
Oooohh! My heart!!! My heart!!! Sweet as it is, this thing NEEDS a 4" crank! (Please excuse the fact that I just can't make it happen!)