Well... if anyone is still paying attention to this build, I know it's been on and off of hiatus lately but, I'm wrapping the build up this week! (hopefully) Sorry for the delay on this one guys I've been working what seems to be non-stop to get everything right on it and I'm finally to the point where it's time to fire the engine again. There just hasn't been a lot of great things to look at outside of wiring, plumbing....a little floor fabrication; hence the lack of postings. I know a lot of you've been at this point before. It's almost there and I can just about taste it, this weekend I'm planning on (if everything goes well) my first drive. Tonight I fire the motor and do a full check over this week and with any luck I'll have it rolling on its own by Saturday!!!! I'll keep you all posted on the progress and maybe slip a video up if everything falls into place. In the mean time here's a progress update, exterior and interior. Since the photo of the interior was taken the flooring has been finished and is going back in this week.
Man....thanks for the update!!!!!!!!! I LOVE this build!! Your attention to detail has all paid off!! Looking forward to a video of her blasting down the street! Go Man, GO!!!!!!!
Holy hell I love this car. I've followed along since the beginning and it's great to see such attention to detail and it's just. so. bloody. right. I gotta basketball jones for T's...great to see that you're still on it.
Yeah, THAT'S what I'm talkin about....drive it out to the Wahoo swap meet Sunday for a shake-down cruise
About damn time! can't wait for the video, the car is turning out so.... You. Haha, it's fun to see my friends put things together and be such a good fit/ reflection of them. Kick ass man
Thanks everybody! I can't say how happy I am with the way it came together as well, and thanks to everyone who's stuck with it. Haha thanks Rocky! I'm not sure I'll make it to Wahoo just yet, I have a few more tweaks to make to the suspension before I'll feel comfortable getting it on that much road. Soon though, very soon. Thanks Tim! It did take awhile, actually a lot longer than I could have expected, but like you said; you do know me and I can be a little OCD with certain things.
I think if you can take someone to a small car show that knows you and doesn't know what kind of car you have built. And after a walk threw they know which is yours then you've done well
Alrighty gentlemen, as Tim has let the cat out of the bag I'll try and get these videos loaded. The car is running and boy does it feel good. Saturday I finally was able to work up the courage to slip it into gear and see what 8 years of building got me; and boy was all that time worth it. I have a few bugs to work out and I'd like to dial in the timing/ carbs a little more but as it sits now I couldn't be any happier. It's been a big big weekend and I simply don't know what else to say. I need to go drive. Hopefully the videos work if not bear with me and I'll get things rolling on here as soon as I can. Thanks again to everyone who has helped me out along the way and to all of you who have followed along, the encouragement goes a long way when you just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I think it's pretty unanimous mate. Sensational! Well done, that T just oozes character and attitude. One of the best looking old school cars I've seen.
Thanks! It definetly didn't disappoint. haha no worries. I just didn't have the time get back on here; the shock of the weekend seemed to last awhile. The kid that started the thread was exactly that a kid; definite newbie that didn't know a thing about traditional hot rods or flatheads. Now I'm just another convert. Cheers buddy! That's what I was shooting for. Starting this build I was a little hesitant as it was a T sedan and thought about switching the body out a couple times for a Model A or T coupe as I hadn't seen any T sedans done to my liking. One thing I'm glad I didn't do.