If you like the sinister look then leave it as is, but if you want to beautify it then go ahead and paint it.
No offence to the primer fans, or you, but the car looks "grubby" looking. ...too much black and dull... A nice car deserves color
I think it looks pretty good as it is, but if it's your ride, do with it what you want to do. Paint it if YOU want to paint it, don't paint it because somebody else wants you to paint it.
Im kinda biased because my own 32 isnt much different.....so, i'm going to say exactly what id do with mine... If mine was to go shiny, which it probably will someday, id go gloss black. Either that or leave it as is, thats my personal thoughts. Tony
It's a very nice unfinish rod as is,but sure would look even better in some shiny I think,just cuz u ask
It's fine the way it is...IMHO a lot easier to take care of. I do want mine to someday be gloss black with a wild ass flame paint job!
COOL. Only thing I would add would be beauty rings. Maybe a chrome trim strip down the hood center. Pretty much how I did mine........
Well, I did have some inside information (check the signature line). The rest of the Stiffs have been keeping me up to date with the progress on your car. In fact, I got some videos of Wally driving your car to lunch the other day. He's also storing the original engine in his garage, waiting for me to come pick it up.
Better go to MACCO but if it was mine I do as some have said just some wheel color & a few trim pieces. Where are the photo shop guys?
.......fuck em if they call it something it isn't ...real hotroders know what it is !......sinister or shiney, both are cool!
Welp, I don't have to pay for the paint job or take care of it so I think YOU should go with that new Hyundai paint...a dark root beer metallic with a bunch of pearl in it.looks black 'till the sun hits it and then it comes alive. Yow! It's pretty but my body man says the paint is spendy but you're buyin, right? and since you're buyin....you need some real 16X12 Halibrands with dirt trackers and 16X4s on the front. Get Fat Luckies to do an engraved leather interior.... But if it was mine I'd go after the flat finish with a scotch brite pad and paint the wheels tan....Done!
What you gonna do when they call it a "cute dune buggy" or your A coupe and every other hotrod they see are roadsters . Paint it if you want to because you want to but paint isn't gonna fix stupid.