I need a 35-3/4" center to center drive shaft for a 32 ford. I have been looking on line and in this Forum for some kind of chart or listing that could get me in the ball park. If some knows of such a chart I would greatly appreciate it. If one is not available, it might be a good idea to start one here. For example: make of car, body style, year, diameter and center to center length. (how many times have you wished you had this info?) With that in hand your trip to the used parts emporium would be a whole lot easier. I have seen charts for rear end widths (very useful) but never drive shafts.
35.75 is an odd length....but 35.5 is not.... http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fro...driveshaft.TRS0&_nkw=35.5+driveshaft&_sacat=0
I have a great driveshaft guy who has taught me how to measure my project drive lines after Ive screwed up several. lately he has been able to take my dimensions, grab a used drive line out of a pile and make me a good modified used one at much less than new one. new ujoints, balanced, checked for straightness,etc. I'm happy , hes happy, usually done quick and easy. Just make sure car is sitting at ride height With full weight on suspension when measuring, with front input shaft backed out 1 to 11/2" when measuring center to center, Dont ask me how I learned that one. YRUHOT
I was pissing around thinking about using a junkyard 'shaft on my Ford. I talked to a local driveshaft shop, told him what I wanted. $300 and 3 days later, I had a driveshaft made up from scratch. All I had to do was paint it. Your best bet is almost-always going to the local shops to have made what you need.
Try southwestspeed in Arkansas. Has many sizes in stock. Easy guy to deal with. Not what you were after, but easier in the long run. Worth a look at least.
I think s10 4wd rear shaft is about that. Some GM parts catalogs have driveshaft length charts, I'll have a look at work tomorrow if I can remember.
You guys are starting to get through to me. I need to give up my old school solution to drive shafts and get on board with the current practices. I'll likely order one from the internet as recommended by RICKS GARAGE post. That shaft is $123, painted and new U-joints. Thanks everyone for your advice.
The shaft for my '34 Ford coupe was custom built at a local truck drive line shop. One day service and $200.
I was looking at junk driveshafts in a certain length range, so I wouldn't have to cut one down. If I got one on eBay, that would be $150 with shipping. 2 new joints at an estimated $15 each and I'm at $180 and it still may be tweaked. Local shop (Deer Park Drive Shaft) made me one to the length I needed, he used my M20 yoke, everything else was Spicer or Neapco. 3.5" diameter, all balanced and it fit like it was made for the car.
I've ordered many custom length driveshafts thru Action Machine out of SouthBend, IN Actionmachineinc.com 800-830-0219 Very good people with a quick turn around. Just ordered one today with a new yolk/U-joints and balanced for under $300 shipped to my door.