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Event Coverage What The Hell Just Happened?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Feb 1, 2016.

    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
    Posts: 10,408


    Well I'm back again and I just breezed through the TRJ coverage of this car. Now I have even less of whatever it is that our illustrious founder is asking about and what several others are questioning. That car is so much more than the sum of it's parts that there shouldn't be even a hint of shock, curiosity, envy, nor any other form of discourse that leans toward questioning the choice. Now I feel I must read the full build thread and all the text in TRJ as well because I came to this with just picture/caption reading.
    arkiehotrods likes this.
  2. rod1
    Joined: Jan 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,425


    Congratulations Cory,and all involved in the build.Great build thread.I'm glad your pictures are back.
  3. flatheadpete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2003
    Posts: 10,588

    from Burton, MI

    And, having met Chip Foose in person, he is one of the nicest, most genuine people I've evr met. At AutoRama one year, he was being mobbed by autograph seekers. He came to me and I told him I didn't need his auto graph but wanted to know how that car (P32) steered.....His response? "Hey, Pete! Jump on in and check it out!"
    verde742 likes this.
  4. Jake Sippl
    Joined: Nov 11, 2015
    Posts: 276

    Jake Sippl
    from Detroit MI

    I am of the same opinion about the guy. We were at autorama one year and sitting at the pin stripers tables. Here comes chip and just sits down next to me. He asks me if I had a car in the show. I said yes and we both walked to my car (then Chevelle) and I showed him. We talked for almost an hour sharing each other's car stories and he told me about the different cars he had and so did I. He's such a down to earth guy and im so glad I got to meet him and spend some time with him. Oh yeah and he signed my pinstriped board that I bought. Without me even asking lol. What a guy
    verde742 and flatheadpete like this.
  5. verde742
    Joined: Aug 11, 2010
    Posts: 6,480


    First time I met Chip, I really liked him, "I said I really like some of your ideas, and some of your work, He said "Yeah, me too." He told me about his latest, great work, a new Baby, his wife presented him with. Proud Daddy, I related. >>Really a good person.<< I told him we have 4 daughters, he said : lucky you, and he meant it. WE ARE FORTUNATE , Thank GOD..
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
  6. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    I'll throw an "Amen" into the mix as well. More function than art... I remember body building contest in the 70's where these amazing physiques couldn't get the competitor up a set climbing stairs without cramping or threat of a heart attack. They looked amazing but had no function

    I had given up following the AMBR and even the Riddler. The cars were so over the top and unrealistic it simply didn't make sense. Granted there have been a few Riddler winners in the last 10 years that are seeing road miles and even being thrashed on the autocross but those appear to be the exception rather than the norm.

    These prime time events seemed - for many years - to centered around the stars and the cars they built. If you weren't a Trepanier, Coddington or a Foose - you weren't really in the running. Ask Bill Bourbonnais of Billy's Rod Shop about those frustrations

    I was actually shocked to see more than a few traditional styled cars in the AMBR line-up of contenders this year. But what really had me shaking my head was the inclusion of yet another 90's style swoopster. With due respect to the workmanship and effort (and $$$) that went into this car - but - really ?? This was so 90's !

    I loved the Hudson... but again - it was an art car. I appreciate the style and beauty but what sells me is the function.
  7. The sensible shoes got the recognition they deserve,
    that in itself is a beautiful thing.
  8. Man love that car! So glad it was recognized! I saw it at Billetproof this summer, really stuck out at me!
  9. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Great thread ! The car is awesome, but Darryl Hollenbeck is equally-awesome !
    Darryl and I got to meet in 2003 at Starbird's Museum for the Induction Awards Ceremonies & Car Show. Darryl had come due to his friend Art Himsl's being Inducted that year.

    Darryl was one of the nicest, most humble pros I've ever met. Just cool in every way possible. A few year's later, in an Interview John D'Agostino & I did, John said that the paint job Darryl did on John's "Marilyn Tribute" '53 Caddy Eldorado was perfect. And that's the way I found of the ultimate best !

    So, yes, that well-driven Rod was truly deserving of the AMBR Award...and, so was its owner.
    (The pic below is from the Ceremonies at Starbird's)


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  10. So cool! Happy for everyone involved
  11. I thought this was pretty funny!
  12. I definitely laughed when I saw his post on instagram.
  13. If you missed it, someone posted the "New" criteria for judging of the AMBR - it is different than years past and different from the other classes. They take into account things like how it sounds, how it looks driving into the building, how the drives "sits" in the car - all the things that add up to make it more of a Beauty contest instead of a points by how much shit you can add contest

    You are way off base here. For years the GNRS and AMBR were like the Riddler - all about over the top cars that may never be driven (although I can tell you for a fact that the AMBR winner of 1982, which I worked on has had the shit driven out of it), the point of this car and it's winning is that fact that it Did have something like 10,000 miles on it BEFORE it won

    Well, except for the tall skinny 18's and a 350 Chevy - that is a mixing of era's for sure.

    And the infamos KIRK! did the Dash Knobs

    I thought so too, in fact I thought it would probably come down to Tom's Million Dollar build and the Jerry Magnusson Chip Fooze built Muroc. I think this years judges were looking to get away from the over the top, and Tom's car is in it's own way.

    And Ryan - I have to take issue! "Shitty Food" ? Any time you can get a Pink's Chili Cheese Dog is a great day, and the Meatloaf sandwich I had was superb! ;)
    HEMI32 likes this.
  14. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
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    Ever notice that the guys who do the most badmouthing on a car of this caliber have the junkiest looking cars in their avatars or no one has ever seen a photo of their actual car.

    Attention to detail and time spent getting things perfect but not in your face perfect count highly in this car. And maybe just a bit of the attitude it shows in some photos that say "come on lets get this done so I can get out on the road and go.
    verde742 likes this.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
    Posts: 10,408


    After reading the TRJ story and being a finisher by trade myself, I'm pretty damn impressed. As easy as the approach sounds, cut and polish every painted part, I can assure you it's probably one of the hardest jobs you can do. I don't really go for that and in a way that might sound like sour grapes or the like. It's not at all, and my daily work leans me that way out of necessity. I don't cut and polish frames and axles on even the most dedicated of concours restorations but it's only because the O.E.M.s didn't do it. Even on cars that sold in excess of $10K in 1934 it simply wasn't done. I have to say though, both from within the trade and by my limited observation in print and here, it just works on this one. Past that there's a myriad of surprises to be found as well. The use of deco influence, the instruments, even the engine dress, wonderful. As much or more than all of those observations the interior is drop dead holy-fuckin-shit gorgeous! Even that doesn't say enough about it, does it? I still have to cruise through the build thread and I'm looking forward to that too. Lastly, enough about it being a "crate motor" and considering it's use lame. Not even close folks. It's dressed right and built by a legendary hot rod parts company. It's not like a "Goodwrench" deal, it's a freakin Edelbrock. What should it be? Some one-off hand cast special? Something so rare you'd dare not use it? Something those folks might not trust to carry them mile after mile? Surely they've already experienced it's reliable nature and proven it's intended use. A huge win, way more car than some might be thinking.
  16. Beautyfull car. Congratulations.
  17. I, too was there, and I was happy to see a real hot rod win. not some 1-800-build-my-car. This is what it is all about.
  18. Born a HotRodGal
    Joined: Jun 6, 2007
    Posts: 128

    Born a HotRodGal

    As I sit reading all the comments, We are still on cloud 9 with the win on Sunday night. This award is very special to me and my family.
    There is no way I can respond to all the posts so here go's..
    First of all we never built this car to be a show car, we purchased the "project" 3 years ago and it sat for quite awhile as there was customers cars to finish,
    With Darryl, Cory & Dan they made the initial part of the build happen, and not everyone agreed on everything but it all worked. When the car came back to California My dad (Andy Brizio) said if you get your car done I will go to Texas (Lone Star Round up) with you, so the push was on to finish it for the trip, now I have seen comments about the people being involved with this build were some of the best in the industry, and yes they are but that is also our circle of friends they are not only talented but were there to help at a phone call.
    Now, that being said, the whole idea of this car that we wanted was a old timeless "ugly" color with some really cool "jewelry" added on. The hardest part of the project was coming up with this color, wether you like, love or think the color is terrible that is fine with us, it is the color Darryl came up with in his head and we Love it! and that is what matters. I have no problem with people not liking anything about the car to me thats the bonus of having your own car you get to make the decisions on it.
    The rest of the story can be read in Hop up & Rodders Journal no need to repeat it here,
    We wanted to bring it to GNRS this year to show once, and with so many people telling us to enter in AMBR we thought OK why not, Darryl touched up the front end and detail cleaned for a week or so, we came up with a fitting display, and she was ready to go.
    The car looked great on display and people really dug it. Then came Sunday night and WOW it won. Such a huge honor and I think a great statement for the show and Hot Rod world we all live in.
    There were some great cars this year in competiotion for the AMBR and we are so blessed they picked ours for that honor, I can tell you it will still be driven to Canada this year for Deuce Days, and as many other events we can get to, also to the local pizza restaurant on Friday night for dinner, I think no matter what your car looks like it should be enjoyed as much as possible.
    Oh and one more thing Yes Chip Foose was one of the first to Congratulate us ...
    Thank You again for all your kind words and entertaining criticism Hope to see you on the road
    Terri & Darryl Hollenbeck
  19. Well said Terri! Sums it all up I'd say :)
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  20. All that and class act owners too. Nirvana
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  21. Beautiful car- textbook example of "less is more".

    But it's got me thinking... Now that an olive green car with black-painted steel wheels & bias plies, and a round trip from CA to TX under it's belt has won AMBR...

    Where do we go from here? What's next? Have HAMBers transitioned from rebels to the establishment?
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  22. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
    Posts: 3,513


    I have to admit, I didn't make the connection to the Thread a Tale of Two Roadsters when I seen the car at GNRS until later, I knew I had seen a thread on the car didn't realize this was the one. Congrats
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  23. Mr.Musico
    Joined: Jan 7, 2007
    Posts: 1,642

    from SoCal

    Super car! Congrats
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  24. snopeks garage
    Joined: May 25, 2011
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    snopeks garage
    from macomb MI

    cheers to everyone involved! well deserved and congrats.
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  25. mike bowling
    Joined: Jan 1, 2013
    Posts: 3,559

    mike bowling

    I think what happened is the right car ( and builder) finally won out over the "Checkbook Charlies" of the world.
    Well done, Sir.
    Mike from Mass.
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  26. dentisaurus
    Joined: Dec 11, 2006
    Posts: 399

    from Boston

    quite made my day
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.
  27. No, I don't think so, I think the rodding mainstream has caught up with what has been preached here for years.
    Born a HotRodGal and Just Gary like this.
  28. J.B.
    Joined: Jan 7, 2005
    Posts: 1,246

    from Sweden

    Just a great looking hot rod and a perfect example of less is more. That is #1 in my rule book and I am glad to see that sometimes even the big car shows can appreciate a build with that motto. Congratulations!
  29. Big Plan Dan
    Joined: Sep 16, 2015
    Posts: 138

    Big Plan Dan

    Thanks for a bit of history, Terri! I'm sure there are a lot of us that would like to hear even more. A car like this and builders like you are full of interesting stories. And it is nice to see you here on the forum. And congratulations on your win!!!! No accolade could be better than this. And it is so nice to see it go to a driver.
  30. Very well written Terri. Thanks for sharing your point of view. Very refreshing.
    And you're coming to Canada! Sweet!!
    Born a HotRodGal likes this.

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