Thats why I decided to weld in another set of motor mounts on my chassis for my Hilborn SBC. I mocked it in today and I can have Hemi and SBC mount without issue. I figure I'll run the SBC until I'm used to the car then I'll pull out the big guns.
Yes but looking back at what you started with it's been an amazing build and even if it takes a little extra time in the end it won't matter when it's racing down the track with the wheels in the air.
I did mine like this, its urethane two stage with out the clear, its super durable and looks old and patinaed, just a thought....I made fake rust stains and all lol
I've been slammed with work and little time to work on the "ol gal", But I did wire most of the car and installed some glass. I wish the metal were as easy as glass installation.
It's looking great and you will get it done even if it is taking a long time. I can't wait for it to move under its own power. On the topic of erosion control here is another one with a simular story and it reminded me of yours.
Long road in a short time. You have the patience of Job! (pron.: 'Jobe') I have admired your attitude through this project, always positive. Great job, and nice how you gave credit to all your constituents. Kudos.
Well, Thank you. God didn't grant me a ton of wealth or give me seven sons and three daughters, but he did give me an AMAZING little daughter and great health of which I am truly grateful and will always be his servant and serve his will in my daily life.
hi there, i took some red laquer primer and mixed a little brown tint in it to get the rust color, then I took a small model car brush and slathered a light coat on the areas I wanted rusty, and while it was still wet I took a dry paper towel and wiped it off so it looked really like a stain. the dust is done by taking 3-m panel adhesive and putting a paint spray can nozzle on it so it comes out real fine, I mist the entire car down with the glue and then I take dust and blow it all over the car. when it looks right I mist the car again to seal it in and presto permanent dust!!!!!!