Moving on to paint. I'll spray a topcoat sealer down first. Like I said first coat is just a dusting. Second coat of sealer and we're ready for color. The color is just a Chevy 8555 black in chroma base. Now for 3 coats of clear. I sprayed sealer, base and clear with my Devilbiss plus it's a great gun for the money! Lays down pretty nice. Next I'll be doing what's called a flow coat to achieve a no orange peel finish off the gun without any need to buff, stay tuned!
So this is my first time to do a flow coat an I have to say I really like how I came out! So a flow coat is when you paint and clear a panel let it dry, then sand the orange peel flat, and re clear. The advantage is you don't have to buff, eliminating swirl marks, sanding spots ect. so I let the grill dry over night, came back the next morning and wet sanded the orange peel out by hand with 1500 then sprayed two coats of the same clear I used the first time for a off the gun mirror finish! As you can see there's hardly any orange peel and has a deep looking gloss.
Hope this step by step helps, and I do apologize for any spelling and grammar errors I'm usually dead tired when doing these updates after working all week. More updates coming soon thanks for looking!
You have truly done a remarkable job with the whole project and it really looks great. Good for you...
i really like the flow coat, it looks really good and has a lot of depth. Are you keeping count of how many beard hairs you have cleared over so far?
Thanks for taking the time to post the details. I've painted a few, but it's usually a bit of guesswork and old/ new method blending with different products every time. I really like the top clear technique as I hate buffing. Will be giving it a shot in the next few weeks.
Wow that looks like you could put your hand right into the side of the grill. Thanks for the play by play!!Are coming in April to Lone Star Round up? Sure would like to see in person. Thanks for sharing your project!!
Thanks for the kind words. Yes I will be in Austin for the round up wish I was taking my truck but maybe next year. You can probably find me around flat top Bobs swap meet booth.
This looks so damn good. You make it look so easy it makes me want to just paint my coupe. Unfortunately Im pretty sure anything I do wouldn't come out half as nice as this so it looks like I'm going to pay out the ass for paint.
What a truck!! Very jealous of your talents; the construction, body and paint and vision for the final look are all impecable. Looking forward to the final lap.
Excellent build and thread. Haven't read it all yet but looking forward to it. Especially appreciate your paint and body posts.
Really digging your build, all the details you added to it look great. Nothing beats a shiny black paint job. Looking forward to seeing more.
Don't have time to read the entire thread now, but thought I'd chime in to add my voice to the long list of admirers on a bitching little truck. And oh, by the way, I got my ticket to your thread from the Boss himself. He was out in front of the Atomic building singing your praises and handing out tickets.
Wow thanks for all the kind words guys. Its pretty cool to read Ryan's write-up on the Jalopy Journal. I'm flattered that my truck left an impression on him and so many fellow hambers, looking forward to finishing out the build and being able to start driving the wheels off it! Thanks for following along more updates coming soon.