Thanks for the comment, yes that a worry...with the exhaust and the lowered seat I don't think there will be a lot of room...I could always lift the seat up and just drive with my out of the roof ;-)
I know the solution for you fitting in the seat.Park it in my garage.I would not get any work done at home though.LOL (love your car)
Spend the time now to get the seat right. I'm 6'2", and still monkeying around with the seat, and my 5W is done. Can't get comfortable on a long drive, and might have to start over. Uugh. Car looks awesome, though. Good Luck.
Progress has been a little slow, but here are some photos of the most recent work...I now have a firewall and a dash in the car. As for the height problem, I think the seat was throwing us off as it's too tall and upright, so with a shorter custom seat and angled backwards a little I should have enough room to see out of the windscreen and drive the car.
...the last time I was over in CA I think I was worried the chop was going to be too drastic for me to sit in and see out of the windscreen to drive (at 6' 2") when I was offered a 1932 Ford 3 window coupe that had a 3" chop back in the 60's and last on the road in 77...I had to buy it ( you do). It was covered in 30 years plus of dust and dirt from storage, I've spent some time cleaning it and trying to put it back together...there is no engine, but I was told it used to run a flat head. I think the 33 seat we bought threw us off, if you take that out of the mix and I have something that's not so upright and deep I think it will work. So I'm now not sure what to do with the 32, maybe I'll keep it or maybe I'll post it in the For Sale.
Damn, look at that chop on this 32!!! As near to perfect as you can get. That's not to say the 33 hasn't a bitchin chop though. Both cars have the perfect hot rod profile. Which is best - will that's in the eyes of the beholder.
Yes, that's why I bought is such a great chop. I'm leaning more to keeping the 33 as I like the shape, but the 32 will be a great driver if I kept it...
Bitchin car, great chop. Bottom of your seat is to thick. Take a look at the seat in the 383deuce 3 window, nice and low but comfortable. I sat in it yesterday and I could ride all day long without getting uncomfortable. It allows me (6.2) to see out the center of the windshield without slouching.
Thanks, I took the seat base out and it was still too high and upright, it would be a shame to modify a perfect 33 seat, so I might look at something else...but still a long off from fitting the seat.
I have to chime in on this one....As krylon32 says check out my seat I made for my 32 Ford 3 window with a bad ass chop. It sets great and vision is better than you would ever think......
Well the project has move on a little since I did my last post...the engine and trans is mocked up in the car along with the radiator etc. I might have mentioned that I bought a 60’s Chevy 350 4 bolt main, steel crank, early camel hump Corvette engine, had it rebuilt before going in the car. It comes with a 4 speed Muncie trans too (the steering wheel is just for mock up)
Great looking body, got any "before" pictures from before it was worked on? It looks so nice now, hard to believe it was in a condition considered "too rough".
Yup, things get tight in a 30s ford coupe, especially with a severe chop. Mine's chopped 3.5" and I fit great with Pontiac Grand Am seats mounted to the floor. I tried a 33 seat and it was too tall for me too. I'm 5'9" but have a long body-short legs
As requested here are a few screen grabs of the early build from their Instagram page. Jasper (Rudy's son) looks after the Fullerton Fabrication page as well as working on the cars too.
Great before pics, thanks for posting them. The old tunneled antenna in the quarter panel hints at some previous custom history.
I thought as I've not posted for a while and I had a recent update from Rudy on the car...I would share some photos of the build. The steering column is now in, I have a set of pedals too. The dummy engine is still in the engine bay until we are ready to fit the rebuilt engine, it's just easier to build around it. He's been working on the rear of the car (rear axle and suspension) as it was original set up for racing, but has now been changed back to more of a road car...something that I can use everyday and for long road trips.
I also had a set of photos from Rudy that show every thing that was in storage on the car, somethings I'd never seen when I bought the car like interior trim and moldings...and the dash gauges. We still have some metal work to do on the doors etc, but as you can see I have replacement repair panels still to be fitted. That seat will probably be sold and a shorter solution will have to be sourced or made...that is unless I sell the car and use my 32 3 window coupe.
Great looking car, I was excited that you went through the trouble of repairing the firewall back to stock. Then severly depressed that you cut it up to install a run of the mill SBC
Yes, I know what you mean but we were deciding on what engine to have in the car before we could do any work to the firewall and floor etc. In fact I'd bought a 49 Olds engine all set up to simply drop in, but the owner changed his mind after saying he'd sell it...I did think abut using a 50's Hemi engine I have spare, but ending up using this early Corvette engine as I want something I can drive and not worry about. This is not to say that I won't change the engine at a later date if I'm not happy with it...or sell the car and use my 32 three window instead (that has a flathead).