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Projects Kurt’s Puddle Jumper - 1930 Model A Extended-Cab Pickup Build

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by rgclouse, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    I have been meaning to start a build thread on my build for a while, but didn’t want to rush since this will be a long build cycle. People keep asking me when I will be done, my answer is “it’s a life long project, I hope to drive it in my lifetime”.

    To answer the big question, what’s with the thread title? No, my name is not Kurt. I was having trouble coming up with a thread title until I decided to name it after what was painted on the door when I bought it. rgc-avatar.JPG

    080 021015 for build thread name DSCN1103.JPG

    So if not Kurt, who am I? My name is Roland Clouse, back in my youth I was known as Mouse. More background can be found in my “New to the H.A.M.B.? Introduce yourself here!” posting:

    I always wanted a Model A Coupe HotRod. A friend in my neighborhood while I was growing up had a channeled Model A roadster with an 1957 Olds J2 engine. I loved that car but was always partial to the coupes.

    In the spring of 2014, I was searching the internet for something which I can’t remember and stumbled upon H.A.M.B. It reignited my interest and convinced me if all these people can do it, so can I. So I started looking for a Model A coupe. While in MN, I looked at one at Rufus Ranch, but passed on it. In August, I stumbled across one on Ebay, bid on it.

    Surprise, surprise, I was highest bidder. So off to Wisconsin to retrieve it. The first picture in this thread is what it looked like when I got it back to TN. Turned out the conversion to a pickup was a worse hack job than I expected, but otherwise the body was pretty good.

    I promised myself I would not start work on the car till I got my garage ready for it. I have a 1400 sq ft garage that holds 2 cars plus a Motor Home. After 8 years, I had only one wall insulated and paneled. So before work could begin on the Model A, I had to finish insulating and paneling the garage.

    Let me apologize here for something I will probably do in this build thread and get very confused on tense. Since I’m writing the beginning of this thread almost 2 years after the fact, I will likely get my tenses confused may times. Especially when talking about what I wanted to do versus what I actually ended up doing.

    So let’s get the garage ready to start work.
  2. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Insulation & OSB where A will go.jpg

    Big load of insulation and OSB where the Model A is supposed to go. (Yes, that’s my wife’s Mini Cooper next to it).
    Garage ready to receive the fleet DSCN0947.JPG

    Six weeks later, it is all insulated, paneled, and mostly all painted.
    Model A doesn\'t have much room DSCN0949.JPG

    Managed to get the Model A in with both cars and the MH. A bit tight, but everything out of the elements.
    booty from Archeological Dig.jpg Bucket & WetVac acorns & debris.jpg

    First step was to cleanup the inside. Interior full of acorns and squirrel droppings. Smelled real good. Here are the results of the Archeological Dig. Adjustable wrench and half dollar only things of any value. Half dollar is a Walking Liberty half dollar worth $11-15.

    Other pictures of the cleanup can be found in the thread I posted looking for suggestions on restoring the pickup back to a coupe. I won’t repeat them here.

    So what are my plans for this build. Well get out the flame throwers guys!

    I intend it to be a chopped, channeled, and fenderless hotrod of the late 1950’s early 1960’s period. It will have a severely Z’ed frame and be 4-5 inches off the ground. It will have a mild chop, thinking 3 – 4 inches. I’m 5’ 7.5” and shrinking, so head room should not be too much of a problem.

    Drive train is still not finalized. I am open to anything I can afford. A flathead, early Olds V8, or a SBC. Would like a manual 4, 5, 6 speed trans, but here I would be going off the traditional bandwagon

    My youngest daughter (I am 73 years old by the way) has offered me the engine and transmission from her 1980 Vette they plan to part out. This could seriously influence the direction since I’m trying to complete this build on a very tight budget.

    Ok, so off to work.
  3. Jethro
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,947


    That's pretty cool!........probably gonna have to change your name to match the car though.....just sayin!
  4. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    First thing was removing the pickup bed and fenders.
    009 102314 pickup bed removed DSCN0989.JPG

    009 102314 pickup bed removed DSCN0989.JPG 021 102514 front fenders off DSCN0997.JPG
    I interrupted direct work on the “A” at this point since I bought a new welder for this project and had to build a cart for it. I also had to get back up to speed welding as I had not done much in the last 40 years. I could not believe how easy the Miller 211 was to use with gas. I previously had a Century flux shield wire feed and 50 years ago did stick and gas welding.

    Turns out welding is sort of like riding a bicycle, it comes back to you quickly.
    027 103114 welding cart.jpg 029 110514 welding cart done 20141105_155336.jpg

    Next step was to pull the body off the frame. For this I needed a body cart to place it on.

    I had most of the lumber hanging around the garage. I think I bought 1 2x6 for some of the top boards. Now for a shock, the price of nuts and bolts. It cost almost $100 for the carriage bolts, nuts, washers, and casters.
    031 111414 body cart built DSCN1003.JPG 037 111514 body being lifted over cart DSCN1009.JPG 040 111514 body resting on cart DSCN1012.JPG

    Body lifted off the frame and lowered on the body cart.
    050 112214 and there was heat DSCN1030.JPG

    Getting a bit cool in the garage in November, even in TN. So there has to be some heat.

    More to come in next post.
  5. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Built a homemade spring spreader to remove the rear spring safely.
    061 112914 homemade spring spreader.JPG

    Frame stripped bare except for rear spring.
    060 112914 frame bare except rear spring, turned over.JPG

    Frame cleaned up a bit with wire brush.

    069 113014 top and sides of frame wire brushed and on sawhorses.JPG

    Got some steel and built a frame table. A bit excessive for only one build, but I want it straight.
    077 011715 Frame Table 20150117_172541.jpg

    Got steel (2 x 4 x .125) for new frame rails and started fitting for rear Z.
    085 021015 First rear frame z and crossmembers cut DSCN1105.JPG

    Fitting new frame rails on frame table with some jigs. Note the frame table got painted as well.
    085B 021115 rear frame z cut and mocked up on frame table DSCN1108.JPG

    That was Feb 11, 2015. All worked stopped for a year while my wife had a hip replaced, recovery, rehab, and then foot surgery. Funny how life seems to get in the way of build progress.

    A good break point in this narrative. About halfway thru getting to where I am today. More tomorrow.
  6. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    I'm in.

    Send the 80 vette motor to China...please. :)

    You waited this long, why take a shortcut with a free motor... LOL Olds Rocket will pull a highway gear just ducky with a 3 or 4 speed stick.. :)

  7. gnichols
    Joined: Mar 6, 2008
    Posts: 11,393

    from Tampa, FL

    I'm in!! Subd. Gary
    gordy80128 likes this.
  8. Nice and kudos.Fine garage also.
  9. I'm in also. 2nd the Olds power plant. Envious of the garage!
    RustyDogg and Stogy like this.
  10. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    [Jethro, F&J, Gnichols, Texas Webb, and VTWHead, thnks for the comments.

    I would really like an Olds engine with a Lasalle transmission, but I just don't see it in my budget right now.

    When I was about 14, a guy in the neighborhood about 5-6 years older had a model A roadster. I began hanging around and learned a lot, and became his friend. The roadster was finished and on the road when I first got involved. It was z’d and channeled and sat about 4 inches off the ground. It was powered by an early Olds rocket V8 with a Lasalle transmission. The body had the doors welded shut, but was completely finished with a bright red paint job. It was so low it was not difficult to step over the doors to get in.

    In 1957, I remember hopping in his father’s construction company pickup and driving to Hoover Motors in Wernerville, PA and picking up a new 1957 J2 engine in a crate. We installed it and took it for a shakedown spin. Got pulled over by a local yokel, but talked our way out of it. He drove home, did a big burnout in the concrete driveway, and pulled it into the garage.

    We then tore it completely apart to upgrade a lot. To my knowledge, it never left the garage again under its own power.

    Yes, I would like a Olds engine in my model A coupe.
    Stogy likes this.
  11. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Finally back to work in Feb 2016. Rear Z fitted and tack welded in place.
    088 022916 Rear Z fitted and tack welded.jpg

    First pinch of the frame rails.
    089 022916 First pinch of frame rails.jpg

    Fitting front Z.

    091 030616 Fitting front Z.jpg

    Front Z all fitted and tack welded in place.
    103 031116 Front Z fitted and tack welded in place - side view.jpg

    Picked up a S10 4x4 rear axel assembly from 96 Blazer.
    098 0310 S10 4x4 rear axel assembly from 96 Blazer-2.jpg

    Front wishbones split and bungs tack welded in place.
    104 Bones split and bungs tack welded in 20160320.jpg

    More to come ...
  12. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Began work on rear spring mount.
    107 Rear spring mount progress 20160321_155148.jpg

    Rear spring mount completed and rear cross member tacked in place and spring mounted.
    118 rear spring mount with grade 8 hardware.jpg

    Frame completely welded, ground, and gibbs’d. Still need to cut, fit, and weld boxing plates in front section.
    126 040916 Bottom of frame welded, ground, gibbsed.jpg

    New spring hangers tack welded on S10 rear end. O, something is wrong here. I got them upside-down.
    131 050516 new spring hangers tacked on but upside down.jpg

    OK, that’s better right side up.

    132 051416 new spring hangers tacked on right side up.jpg

    Front end assembled temporarily. Need new spindles, hubs, and maybe a dropped axel. With a 7 inch front Z, I need to see how low it sits when I get an engine installed.

    136 051916 Front spring, axel, wishbones, and spindles installed.jpg

    Rear spring and rear end installed.
    138 051916 Rear spring and rear end installed.jpg

    Standby, more coming.
    kidcampbell71, Stogy and volvobrynk like this.
  13. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Now on to the body.
    Temp braces on body before cutting the sub rails for channeling.
    140 052116 Body braced in preparation for cutting out subframe.jpg

    Cowl/firewall removed. Sure a lot of spot welds to cut.
    141 052116 cowl (firewall) removed.jpg 143 052116 cowl (firewall) gone.jpg

    Sub rails cutout for channel.
    147 052316 subrails cut out for channel front view.jpg

    Body sitting on frame for the first time in a year and a half.
    150 052316 body sitting on frame for first time in a year and a half.jpg 151 052316 body sitting on frame front view.jpg

    I thought it would be interesting to put some wheels on it and drop it on the floor and have a look. I bought the junk wheels and tires that were on the blazer I got the rear end from just to use to make a roller.

    Unfortunately, they would not fit. I found they had about a 5 inch offset, and would not clear the new spring hangers. Something I never thought about. Wheels with a 3 inch offset should fit fine.

    I was going to use a couple of the original 16 inch wire wheels that came on it to make it a roller. Four out of 5 (it had a spare) are still holding air.

    Tack weld new body mount to door sills. 2 x 2 x 1/8 angle.
    154 053016 body mount tack welded to body.jpg

    Firewall notched to fit over frame rails and in place.
    156 053016 firewall notched to fit channel.jpg

    There’s where I sit going into June 2016. A month in MN seeing doctors, children and grandchildren followed by my wife having her shoulder replaced (yes, she is trying to become the 2nd bionic woman) and hopefully I will be back to work on the build in Sept.
  14. Straight axle will give you a bit more turning radius. You are going to loose a lot of that firewall for sure to the tunnel. Now.....there are a lot of 303/324's that pop up on the net and many are in the 400-600 range FWIW. Lasalle would be nice for sure. Sold mine to Dave50 and am running a 37 Buick with a 57 Olds gut like F&J is in his 32. Getting hard to source parts now for the Lasalle, something to consider. Be nice to have a full synchro tranny, maybe a Ford top loader with a Jeep shifter or have you considered a 5 spd OD unit like the T5. Pretty popular unless you are a mad man on the clutch!
    Lots to plan the build. You are doing a great job. Do you plan on fish plating those frame welds by the Z's???
    Stogy likes this.
  15. banginona40
    Joined: Mar 5, 2007
    Posts: 776


  16. Let's find him a good, sound Olds mill. Eyes and ears, brothers! He's certainly paid his dues.
    Stogy likes this.
  17. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    vtwhead >>>> You are doing a great job. Do you plan on fish plating those frame welds by the Z's?

    I'm considering it. I guess my welds may not be super strong after being ground smooth. By the way, anyone have any idea where the term “fish plate” comes from?

    vtwhead >>>> Thanks for the link to the Olds engine on CL. I have been watching the H.A.M.B classifieds and occasionally searching Ebay, but have not done a global search on CL for a long while. I always seem to come up with mostly dead listings.

    One other consideration on an Olds versus the free vette engine/trans. For all of you out there that have daughters, when they offer to give you something, it is not good policy to turn them down. I also think what she really wants is for me to part out the vette for her.
    vtx1800, Randall and Stogy like this.
  18. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Broke down and bought myself a birthday gift (July 30th). Smoothie wheels and baby moons. 5 x 15 for the front and 6 x 15 for the rear. Now if the humidity would ever drop I can get some paint on them and mount my junk tires to make a roller. The dew point has been over 70 now for over a month.

    157 081416 Smoothie wheels and baby moons.jpg
    Had to at least mount one bare wheel to check the look.

    By the way, my ultimate goal is to paint the coupe bright blue, late 60’s GM Lemans blue, similar to the frame table and have a white roof insert. But for now I’m going to assume the coupe will be black for the near future so plan to paint the wheels black.
    Stogy and AHotRod like this.
  19. nunattax
    Joined: Jan 10, 2011
    Posts: 3,174


    inner wings and rims black 001.JPG By the way, my ultimate goal is to paint the coupe bright blue, late 60’s GM Lemans blue, similar to the frame table and have a white roof insert. But for now I’m going to assume the coupe will be black for the near future so plan to paint the wheels black.[/QUOTE]
    black s a good choice
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2016
    Stogy likes this.
  20. AHotRod
    Joined: Jul 27, 2001
    Posts: 12,279


    Nice build ..... I'll follow along with ya.
  21. HMM, wonder where you got those nice fresh rims? I need two 5 inchers for my Buick brake installation with Buick hubs.
  22. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Speedway 91001550-PLN
  23. Stogy likes this.
  24. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Well the weather has finally changed for a few days and the dew point has dropped from over 70 everyday to 55 yesterday afternoon. I got my new wheels cleaned up and the insides painted. I figured I would practice on the insides and then paint the outsides the next day.
    159 082216 Inside of wheels primed.jpg 161 082216 Inside of wheels painted.jpg

    Don’t look bad to me for a rattle can.

    So what did I use? Rust-Oleum Self Etching Primer and Rust-Oleum Automotive Enamel Gloss Black. I bought 4 cans of each, but looks like it will only need 2 cans each.
    162 082216 supplies for wheel painting.jpg
    chop job, Stogy, kadillackid and 2 others like this.
  25. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Well the weather cooperated for the 2nd straight day and I got the outside of my wheels painted. I’m going to let them cure for about a week before trying to mount tires.
    163 082316 Outside of wheels painted.JPG 164 082316 Outside of wheel painted.JPG

    Weather has now gone back to 90's and over 70 degree dew points, so no telling how soon I will get more work done. My old body just does not like high humidity.
    Stogy, kadillackid, AHotRod and 3 others like this.
  26. Here is another Olds waiting for your project:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I had found another and it was in TN but I will be darned if I can find the add now!!!

    The wheels look great. Did you spin them up on a balancer to see how true they were before painting?
    I used one of those new Hunter Road Force machines this week to check a set of Torque Thrusts for run out. It is an amazing machine compared to those old balancers we had available years ago. This one is laser guided.
    Stogy likes this.
  27. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    vtwhead Thanks for the reference. A bit shy on description.

    No, I did not check the wheels for run out. I can set a dial indicator up and turn them on the rear axel to check. I'm going to mount a set of junk tires just to use to mockup and make a roller. Not planning on even balancing them since they will never go over .5 mph.
  28. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Right now, I'm trying to figure out ladder bars for the rear. It appears 7/8 OD DOM .156 wall tube using 5/8 clevis's (sp?) is a popular way to go. However, this tube has an ID of .562 which is about 1/64 smaller than the recommenced drill size for a 5/8-18 tap (.578). How do you drill a 4 foot tube? I have a floor standing drill press, but no lathe.
    Or do you ignore the extra 1/64?
    hechtspeed likes this.
  29. Barn Find
    Joined: Feb 2, 2013
    Posts: 2,312

    Barn Find
    from Missouri

    You're going to put the pickup bed back in, right?

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