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Hot Rods The Arin Cee Roadster

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by missysdad1, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307



    I got the wild hair one day to build a hot rod that cartoon character Arin Cee might have owned back in 1955 when Pete Millar created him for Rod & Custom Magazine.

    Retro wasn't cool back then, but thank God the glitzy '60s hadn't begun yet either so there were still a number of late '40s-styled hot rods on the streets and at the lakes. This, I decided, was what Arin - a serious gearhead - would have jumped into on his way to work.

    I'm sure you've all seen the B-roll (supplemental or alternative footage intercut with the main shot) which appears in the 1947 film, "Devil On Wheels", and also somewhat edited in another later film, "Hot Rod", which screened in 1950. This scene has played in my head ever since I first saw it, but I had no idea that it would motivate me to morph my entire hot rod focus onto the years 1946 and 1947. Ironically, that's when I was born.

    I suspect that the B-roll racing footage was shot on a different day than that with the actors present, and with different cars than appeared elsewhere in the movie. The racing footage, excluding the closeups, features cars that are really right and tight. The cars in the movie itself were far more "average" to my eye.

    I also had no idea that some of the stuff I've been lugging around for all too many years would be just what I'd need for a build of this type. But as it turns out, I've already got most of what I'll need. So I talked it over with Arin, and he said, "Go for it, 'Dad." So, here we go!

    But, before I go any further, does anybody have the actual B-roll footage from which the above clip was taken? I'd sure like to post it here to show just how addictive it is as well as how classic the proportions are of the hot rods in it.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  2. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,842


    Its at about 21:00 this sequence...Missy...thanks yes this is great old Hotrod...bunch O hoodlums...:eek:

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  3. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Thanks, Stogy!
    Stogy likes this.
  4. Yeah,cool old film.
    Stogy likes this.
  5. At last! A roadster idea that is different! I like it!

    Okay, 'Dad, let's see what you got!
  6. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Ah... Okay, Arin, I'll get right on it.

    Once the idea of building Arin a roadster like those in the "Devil On Wheels" B-roll finally took root I went about building a portfolio of photos featuring cars with characteristics similar to those in the film footage. Here's just a few of the dozens of photos I collected: 2012-10-12134248.jpg a-roadster-01.jpg 4178326399_b7e825f47e.JPG Ford_Model_A_Flathead_V8_Roadster_AV8_Salt_Flat_Driver_eBay_1414789455.jpg image (1).jpg ImageUploadedByH.A.M.B.1381655737.972663.jpg

    All were very different, but with an uncanny "sameness" about them, not just the body/frame combo but the stance and details as well. And so the die was cast...

    Thanks for the little nudge, Arin. I'll get back on it later.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  7. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    wheels for roadster.JPG Steering box again.JPG Not that a perfect replica of the "Devil On Wheels" B-roll cars is my goal - it isn't - there are a few details that just gotta be right. One of them is wheels and tires. Thankfully a trip to my junk pile netted four relatively straight 16-inch Ford wheels, two 4-inch wide and two 4 1/2-inch wide. Cleaned up and metal-finished these should do nicely...and I'd forgotten all about the F100 steering box I had stashed!
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  8. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    The latest development...

    Ben 3.JPG

    Yup, it's Ben DeLosier, otherwise known as "Ben D" (T & A Transport), the best hot rod hauler on the H.A.M.B., and he's delivering the new chassis for this project built by none other than Kiwi Kev in Ventura, California! Yahoo!

    More later...
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  9. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    In the meantime my search for the ideal combination of stuff to build a 1947-flavored hot rod continued. I looked at a LOT of photos, some from the HAMB and some from other various places. The more I looked the more cars I found that really peaked my interest. Here are a few more...

    1929-ford-a-v8-hot-rod-roadsterall-steel-on-32-frame-for-sale-2016-03-19-1-1024x768.jpg 12742674_10153449176507776_2309422072516158615_n.jpg Davies- 28.jpg DaveBrocksModelA.jpg

    I looked at literally thousands of hot rods with features that I think represent the era I'm trying to replicate, but the closest example is this far...but I'm still looking.

  10. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    And as fate would have it, Kiwi Kev of Ventura, California put an ad for a rolling chassis here on the HAMB only days after I made my final decision of what the running gear was going to be. (Sorry, guys, the flathead/flat-o-matic/C4 are not going to stay and are, in fact, for sale here in the HAMB Classifieds). What will take their place? Not sure yet. Any suggestions...?

    chassis on arrival 6.JPG
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  11. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Well, today my son came over and we lifted the body onto the frame. Voila! It's a car!

    (Arin will be so pleased that I've finally made some progress on his car...I hope. He's a little moody sometimes, being a teenager and all. Hormones, don'tcha know...)

    Arin Cee Oct 1 16 1.JPG
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  12. It's about time you got back on my project, 'Dad! I'm not getting any younger, you know...
    Stogy, sko_ford, catdad49 and 2 others like this.
  13. swifty
    Joined: Dec 25, 2005
    Posts: 2,437


    The majority of your cars you've picked as "examples" of what you want to build are running flatheads and to keep it in the 1946-7 timeframe it must have an early flathead in it. Just toss that C4/flatomatic and find a good 39 box to go behind that flatty. Otherwise you have to run a full hood and I bet those cars in the movie don't have hoods.
  14. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Going to have to disappoint you, Swifty. The flathead/C4 combo is already for sale (see HAMB Classifieds) in favor of an early Chevy V8/5-speed. I thought long and hard about keeping the '40 engine as you suggest but I'm not all that fond of tinkering with flatheads - especially on the side of the road. Been there, done that and I'm too old to do it any more.
  15. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
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    from Denton

    I guess this means you are going to run a full hood?
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  16. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Nope. No pretenses. It'll be what it is.

    I have no desire to copy or clone the B-Roll cars, just to use them as a "style" after which to model mine. I love "period correct" hot rods as much as anybody else, but I really drive my current roadster - on a daily basis when weather permits. I like being able to get in, turn the key and go wherever I'm going - and back - without worrying that old technology (oxymoron?) will let me down.

    I am going to go with engine parts that one might find on a '55 engine like valve covers, conventional distributor and three deuces to help the theme along, but it'll have an alternator and Rochester carbs for dependability. Real gear heads will know it's not a for-real vintage motor but I really don't care...and neither does Arin.
  17. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
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    from Denton

    I have a 29 tub with almost everything 1940 or olderon it and has been dependable for the last 10 years, flat motor and all. Took one set of points out of the distributor and use the outer set to trigger a MSD-6 box it's a full hood car. Also have a 29 roadster on 32 rails with a small block in it with full hood early style like you are building. I think makeing them safe and dependable is the most important part.

    Attached Files:

  18. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Yes, I've admired your tub for some time and even recently tried to tempt you into trading it to me for something more modern and comfortable...without any luck. I'll keep trying!
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  19. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
    Posts: 2,809

    from Denton

    Now I know who you are. I did not make to TMS had grandson and his mom all weekend. Love to see the progress on your car but the traffic from Allaince down to down town FtW is a bitch, may have to try it. Frank
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  20. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
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    Out with the old...

  21. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
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    from Denton

    Duel point Corvette distributor, Early Corvette valve covers, and 2/4 set up?
  22. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
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    Honestly? I don't know. I've got several hot SBCs, mostly 350s and 327s, but a friend of mine in Maine offered me a '57 283 that he ran in his '32 Chevy roadster for many years that is very tempting. Too many choices.

    Whichever motor I choose it'll have all early-style stuff like a Delco distributor (don't have a dual point, but if I did I'd run it), early Corvette valve covers, cast iron exhaust manifolds and a multiple carburetor setup of one sort or another.

    The average person will have to look pretty hard to tell that it's not a mid-50s motor, but if he's a real gearhead I'm cooked. I'll break tradition with the water pump, however, and go with a Snow White unit like the one on my current roadster. And, an alternator with an internal regulator for sure. These are dead giveaways, but you can't beat 'em for dependability.
    Bowtie Coupe and chryslerfan55 like this.
  23. studebaker46
    Joined: Nov 14, 2007
    Posts: 724


    I love the fact you are building old school but keeping the mechanicals updated for reliability a man after my own heart Tom
    keywestjack likes this.
  24. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
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    We'll see how well it turns out. The biggest hurdle I face is jumping the years from 1950 to 1955 in terms of roadster evolution. The concept of "retro" didn't exist and everything - including hot rods - was being updated as quickly as possible during that period in hot rod history.

    I hate trying to straddle eras. We'll just have to wait and see how well I do.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  25. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
    Posts: 2,809

    from Denton

    After 55 when the Chevy V8 came out I helped one of my friends put a 265 in a 46 Ford . I had a Olds in my 41 Ford. And another friend had a 32 Ford he put a 283 in back in 57. We were in high school and working at the A&P grocery store and throwing a paper route for hot rod money. There was a channeled 32 roadster in the neighborhood that had a Olds. In it, you can build it in this time period. Almost all had cast iron exhaust, there was a couple of guys that had 2-4 on their cars.
  26. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
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    ...and in with the new.

    DSC_0039.JPG DSC_0041.JPG DSC_0045.JPG
  27. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
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    from Denton

    It's been a week any up dates
  28. missysdad1
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,307


    Cleaning out my shop...again...and found some old tin from a long-gone '39 convertible project. Can I get an "amen"...or is it a little too "civilized" for a low-tech postwar Model A? I'm on the fence about it...really.

    1939 dash for model A.JPG
  29. Pete
    Joined: Mar 8, 2001
    Posts: 4,803


    Cool build! I'm gonna keep this one on my watch list.

    I'm just excited there's an actual build thread on the HAMB!
    1-SHOT, kidcampbell71 and Babyearl like this.
  30. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
    Posts: 2,809

    from Denton

    I think it would look good in there.
    PWSteve likes this.

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