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Hot Rods Deuce guys are in trouble

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Andy, Oct 25, 2016.

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  1. John Stimac
    Joined: Jan 15, 2008
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    John Stimac

    I guess I picked the wrong horse, I'll just have to drive my Merc. - NOT

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  2. Ron Brown
    Joined: Jul 6, 2015
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    Ron Brown

    image.jpeg Just checked CR locally and have this 32 5 window for $19,000. This is about as cheap a 32 as ive seen in a while.
    LOU WELLS likes this.
  3. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
    Posts: 2,999

    from VA

    Drive and build as you go, It does not have to have all the Rare exotic motor or speed part,
    There are car /truck 1950-2000 ever day going to the scraper , that U can get pretty much
    Ever thing to get a Hot Rod on the Road & driving !!
    And Not look like a R--Rod ,
    When I was growing up , My Hot Rod was my Daily Driver ,
    And I Pretty much still do this ToDay !!!
    I put more miles on my HR then I do in my 18 yr old Tuck ,
    They both get about same MPG high teens.
    I need a truck during the day, I would like to replace truck with
    1940 F truck , 49-55 Chevy 68 Chevy SB , 69-72 F SB
    Hear on HAMB, cut off date is 72 ??
    There are a few cars that I think would be a cheap street car
    Early 80s Malibu's Monte Carlo's
    And I believe Mercury zephyr ,
    I think some of the 70's Datsun ( I believe) may be Toyota or both ,
    Look nice with a Mini Tub like a L60 tire on rear,
  4. deucendude
    Joined: Oct 31, 2008
    Posts: 700

    from norcal

    My 32s are worth the enjoyment I get driving them. PRICELESS !
  5. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
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    Deuce Daddy Don

    Glad mine is all "henry"-----Bought mine in pieces in 1962 for $500.----At 83, I'm sure I could double the price, but its not for sale---Ever---It will stay in the family. Meantime, starting on the next 100,000, already got 300,000 on 2 odometers.----Still having fun chasing those lines.----Don
  6. Wow, 125 posts and five pages of this so I might as well put my 2 cents worth in.


    It looks like I'm really SCREWED!!!!
    I can't help it but I happen to have wasted all my money on a habit that gives me great pleasure. Whether I get them all finished or not is my business and if I don't I'm sure someone will enjoy them as much as I have because they can enjoy finishing them and build them how ever they want. The guys that care more about money than cars tell me I had better sell them while I can before they are worthless. They are usually the same guys that would love to buy them and then flip them a few weeks later. I love to window shop Deuces because I don't plan on buying any because I'm out of room and have more than enough to keep me busy for the rest of my life. I always tell my wife that it doesn't cost anything to look, and she says she's believed that line about a dozen times.

    I'm not seeing a big decline in prices in nice stuff, just a leveling off. Parts are not getting cheaper, and good stuff sells fast if its reasonable. Project cars like 5W's and sedans are still in the $20-$25K range and are moving slower. And none of that matters to me because I don't care because I've always said that I'll only sell them if I'm starving or its at my estate sale.

    Here's a market test going on right now. Its an online auction of a nice original 5W, lets watch it and see what happens. Five days, fifteen hours to go with 89 bids, its at $25,550.00 right now.
    My guess is around $25 to $30K or so. I'd love to have it but my wife says my estate sale would happen right after I got it. Damn!! I just like looking at it! Love them 5W's! Isn't that just sick! The Deuce Addiction is forever!
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  7. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,449


    You are not quite correct on this.
    Things are worth the highest of what you are prepared to sell them for, or what someone is prepared to pay for them.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Ok, so I slept on it folks. I changed my mind and I advise you all to dump it now, dump it fast. And not just the Deuces, ALL OF IT. I measured the sky and it's lower than it was yesterday! It must be falling! Hurry, get rid of all that shit right now before the rest of the world finds out about our little secret! And parts too along with all your old shop tools and equipment. Especially dump those Sun distributor machines and vintage signs, and let me know right away what you have and I'll help you. It would be miserable to think of all my friends here suffering with all that stuff.

    Just sayin...
    Sancho, LOU WELLS, Hitchhiker and 8 others like this.
  9. Yes, many things have circles, sometimes going up, sometimes going down in value.
    But, there is also collector's stuff that was once extremely valueable and today the value is zilch compared to earlier times.
    Just think of stamps. My grandfather sold some stamps in the 60ies and bought half an house with the money. Today the same stamps will pay you a dinner in a good restaurant.

    A vintage car like a 32 Ford will always have its value, but I don't think we will see those crazy prices again.
    LOU WELLS likes this.
  10. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
    Posts: 8,663

    from Nicasio Ca

  11. robracer1
    Joined: Aug 3, 2015
    Posts: 514


    I got my first Hot Rod a year and a half ago at age 68, I got it to love and cherish to death do us part. I really don't care if the values drop to nothing it will always be a million dollars worth of happiness and fun to me! DSC02109.JPG
  12. continentaljohn
    Joined: Jul 24, 2002
    Posts: 5,703


    I always wanted a 32 3w winter beater for the salt . I just wonder if I can put a snowplow on one?
    2935ford likes this.
  13. junkyardjeff
    Joined: Jul 23, 2005
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    If its the fiberglass versions coming down in price then maybe I can get one.
  14. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
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    from Quincy, IL

    You are going to have to explain to me the difference between my statement and yours.

    How is "what you can get for them" materially different than "what someone is prepared to pay for them" ?

    It seems to be a distinction without a difference.

    lothiandon1940 likes this.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    I'm there too. It's like this election where they both say the same things and argue or disparage the other for their vernaculars.
    lothiandon1940 and Hnstray like this.
  16. coopsdaddy
    Joined: Mar 7, 2007
    Posts: 883

    from oklahoma

    I'm looking and waiting,33-34 5 window and a 49-51 mercury for a family car.It seems like the prices are still kind of high,I just wish they were more affordable,I'm 40 and pretty established and still can't see giving 50-100 grand,a lot of my friends feel the same,you no even for guys with good blue coller jobs it's just a lot of money.I will have a 33/34 heavily chopped coupe but will just have to wait till they get within my range.
    I know of a very nice 32 3 window is that's almost complete except wiring,in primer and needs no metal work,been for sale for over a year for 60.
    A great example is a 33-34 that was listed on here awhile back for 100 grand,than85 and now 65,great looking car but just shows you the how the prices can be all over the place.
  17. I do see a lot of older rodders trying to sell their cars to me, obviously they want to fly south to a condo and ride it out from there. One, his wife was not bad looking and I asked if she's part of the deal. He started pushing her towards me. We all laughed.

    I'm not necessarily in the market for a '32, but I would grab one if it was a fire sale. I'd prefer a '36 Ford or '37 Chevy and a '40 Ford is my holy grail car. I always have an eye out for my next project.

    The best deals on cars is where the local economy is the worst. People will choose food and shelter over a car any time. I had a health scare lately and selling my Ford did go through my mind for a second. Must have been the effects of the 4-day coma that I was coming out of.

    Very fortunately I have a great job that pays my full salary while out of work. I have $$ in the bank as a cushion, 2 401k accounts and 2 pensions. I'm almost 62 and will retire at 65... get to play with cars all the time.
    LOU WELLS and belair like this.
  18. Thor1
    Joined: Jun 6, 2005
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    I don't understand all of the attitude on this thread. Everyone needs to calm the hell down. Whether the market is getting soft or not...who cares?! Of the 250,000 or whatever people that are on the HAMB, I would wager that maybe .01% would read this thread and get all nervous about the need to sell off their "investment" in the near future. If they do it will be their problem and their loss.

    Build what you like. Buy what you like. Hold on to it for a week and flip it or hold onto it for decades and have it get sold at your estate auction. Everybody just needs to relax and mind their own business.

    And now...back to our regularly scheduled programming...
    LOU WELLS, Pewsplace and robracer1 like this.
  19. big duece
    Joined: Jul 28, 2008
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    big duece
    from kansas

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  20. I kind of agree with you, it's just a discussion of economics really, shouldn't really mean that much to anyone, but a great thread, maybe the most interesting in awhile, (to me). Whether people like it or not they ARE taking it personally.

    On the surface we might say " dang nabbit, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I just own '32 Ford because I like it. To hell with it's $ value, I'm gonna drive it till I'm dead!

    But each of us has layers of conscious and subconscious motivators that determines how we feel about anything.

    All of us, whether we realize it or not, are affected by how other people view us (including your car), the value of our possessions (social status), the sum of our labor (what your car is worth after all that blood, sweat, tears), what kind of legacy we are leaving (what people will think about us when we're gone).

    It's all got to do with primal instincts that are designed to help us protect our best interests. It's interesting when it plays out in a way you can analyze.

    For example: say "John" is 75 years old, owner of several real '32 Fords, only likes Deuces, thinks any other car is inferior, comfortably retired with no financial worries and no desire or need to ever sell his cars. Why should he care at all if someone else, just in conversation, suggests that the popularity of the almighty Deuce might possibly be fading?
  21. coopsdaddy
    Joined: Mar 7, 2007
    Posts: 883

    from oklahoma

    IMG_0502.PNG This car was listed for a buy it now for 12500 a month ago and now it's listed in another state for 28000,just examples of people and the pricing,there's still a lot of people that see $ signs and I think that hurts the hobby.
  22. Just the body, no frame or firewall. And my buddy called on it when it first showed up and couldn't get his call returned.
  23. I agree. Even if you have the cash, at some point it just becomes lunacy. With that kind of money, I'd rather have land.
  24. Boy this is getting deep. If anyone feels the need to talk about their anxieties please call 1-900-A SHRINK and ask for Dr. Strangelove. I personally wont take your call but my well trained staff will listen at length. $100 a minute, minus 10% if your an alliance member of course.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
    LOU WELLS, clunker and lothiandon1940 like this.
  25. louisb
    Joined: Oct 13, 2008
    Posts: 1,126


    If you guys don't like this discussion we can always start a new thread on "what is traditional".

    I don't really have anything important to add to this thread but it is fun to read.

    LOU WELLS likes this.
  26. As they say you can't take it with you. Every time I get in any of my hot rods be it one of the 32's thru my OT 69 Z28 it puts a big freekin smile on my face. Never got in it for the money, it's sickness passed on from my Father and Uncle had it as long as I can remember and hope I'm never cured. I know they are both smiling down on me now. Fascinated on most all of the car's on this board and the talent that goes into them.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2016
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    And now for something more serious from me (I know, right?) I have to agree 100% with the sentiment of BUY WHAT YOU LIKE. Even if you're a flipper, do this for fun and profit, strictly as a hobby, even as a business, sticking with your favorites is a win-win. At any given time you could be "stuck with it" if flipping, or the market softens for a time and you want to trade up or sell something to make room. At any given time we can find ourselves in a position to liquidate some of our stuff. I've done it more times than I care to admit and for the most part focused on those that I know and like the most. From the side of flipping for profit you're liable to land that "keeper" in your exploits and might have made enough that it's nearly free to you. And yeah, I've done that more times than I care to admit. My Model A pickup was free and then some. Sure it's $$$$ I had but it was all profit from a few other deals. My rule, I never use "house money" on any of my stuff. Always flip or hustle bucks. I've certainly gone the other way, took hustle money and turned it into house money many a time. Make a trad rod martini out of all this, dump it into a big stainless cocktail mixer, shaken not stirred, when you pour it out you'll have one of the best "tasting" activities you can imagine. It can pay for itself, do your family well, it's honest and generally honorable and the best part is that with few exceptions you'll be among the best folks in the world. Let that sky fall, right? What a way to go...:cool:
    Chris and olscrounger like this.
  28. Pewsplace
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,795


    If you think the Deuce Guys are in trouble, you should talk to the Woody Guys. Prices have fallen dramatically from 5 years ago. As stated previously, I enjoy searching for, building and driving old Fords and hope I can find a deal on these "has been" Deuces. At 75, my concern is not what they are worth but can I still fit in one and drive it to the event. We all have a more comfortable Hot Rod for the long haul, but also like to attend the many Deuce Day shows that we can still drive to. Value is in the mind of those who want to make a buck and that's O.K., but for me Value is in my love of the Deuce not the monetary value.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
  29. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,812


    Well said! I really don't care about the scare of prices falling. As said before, there are still people out there willing to step up for a good car. One thing I have seen is maybe a shift in types of cars and their popularity. I help a guy who has alot of very nice high end early Fords but his recent acquisitions are a 61 Chrysler 300 letter car,a 57 Ebird, a 65 GTO convert and a Pantera-all mint and restored-what ever winds your watch I guess. He is bringing me his 37 Woody to finish up today and shows no signs of slowing down on car purchases so there are still guys buying. Another guy is driving me nuts to build him a 40 Pickup and it will be on the high side-he doesn't care.
    For me it is not an issue as this is "fun" money and does not affect our living standards-I drive my 40 almost daily and have no plan to sell it-too much fun to drive around and my wife drives it and loves it too.
  30. we're all doomed! Might as well just blow yourself up! :)
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
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