New to me 1953 chevy bel air , slight chop need a few things fixed but trying to figure out where to go with it , should I just drive it? Paint it? Mainly just because I see allot of flat black cars , and this one has some fake patina but don't look to bad. Got a terribly designed 2 link that's definitely coming out, good running drive train , think it just needs some love . Any ideas on color? Interior designs maybe ? Inspirational pics would be nice , thanks guys
I like it! Id drive it while you refine all the little things that bug you about it. By the time you have it all worked out to your liking then you would probably have a color picked out to paint it and finish it off nicely. I think it looks pretty cool so far. how about some picks of the two link that youre not diging, could just be something that needs to be adjusted to make it work better.
I'll try and get some more pics , the link setup is all bad lol, pinion angle is off , link looks like something my kid would build , they took a leaf spring and cut it off , and used the eyelet on front for the mount and welded it to a piece of 2x3 square , and put the coilovers on about a 60* angle and the c notch is not wide enough for the u bolts to clear so it hits hard constantly, it's a mess
Yeah that sounds bad!! Plenty of ways too get that this riding right and low though. If its already got a notch, even if it needs some work, may a truck arm set up would be worth looking into. They ride great. And easy to set up.
I've been thinking about doing this would o have to mod the floor pans much? Probably not I guess, I will with any kinda 4 link for sure. I'm going to just put a new tower notch in it give it plenty of travel room , I was thinking bags but decided against that already, don't want to wrap up that kinda money into it yet
With a truck arm set up you shouldn't have to do much with the floors, the drive shaft tunnel will almost certainly have to raised a little to clear, and of course the area above the frame notch into the trunk. But they are very easy to install and get sorted out.
I agree! You've got a good looking custom already. These things look good painted so many ways...dark, light, solid, two-toned, mild to wild. I'd be in no hurry to decide. In the mean time, I'd ditch the front bumper guards, run some full wheel covers, possibly Lee's tail light lenses, and do what it takes to start putting some miles on it. For inspirational pics, don't miss Rikster's: and Kustomrama:
I notice most of the customs are bagged ? Is that not a sin? Lol meaning if I did bag it will it be generally accepted? They look cool layed low but no way I could drive it around here
I would definitely say that rear setup is sketchy. I would fix that whether it's a 2 link or triangulated 4 link setup and cruise it for awhile while you make some plans. I changed my mind on color probably a dozen times before we sprayed it. Here are some pictures of mine. The bag setup was just temporary and I did weld in a cross bar between the two bag mounts. And the leafs were removed after everything was welded in 100%. If at first you don't succeed get a bigger hammer, and if then you don't succeed, get a beer.
I waffled on bagging my 51 and doing a truck arm set up on it. instead went with a chassis engineering leaf set up and now I wish I had done the bags and truck arms. The Leaf set up is great, but now I'm wanting more of a mild custom look on my 51, and well it just ain't low enough.
Nice car! Since you already have the '56 Chevy taillights on it, why not go for one of the '56 Chevy stock color combinations? Two-tones were especially nice that year.
I love this place !!! This is what I'm talking about! I'm building 6 cars in my shop , most are off topic and I get mental block from all the different styles but my heart is with the traditional stuff, just allot of money being spent on ls swaps and crap like that ! I'm thinking the 2 tone with a metal flake roof , maybe flat color on body and shiny metal flake on roof and under the hood and dash!!
Can't go wrong with that, I may be biased, but the nice thing with the flat and flake combo is it gives the same color a nice contrast without having to worry about miss match. I would recommend a color with some nice pearl in it, it gives a nice look when it is flattened out. If at first you don't succeed get a bigger hammer, and if then you don't succeed, get a beer.
For color I was thinking, a deep deep red with a deep deep red top, think like an ox blood or Mandarin red. Gloss but perhaps a single stage so it still looks like an old paint and not a base coat clear coat, then the top has a pearl coat or mabey some light flake in it. Understated always looks better than over the top and remains timeless. trim out the interior with oxblood tuck and roll with black trim and black carpet.
Sounds great! I think your spot on withcolors this one really catches my eye not exactly same as in my head but ya get it
Red base with pearl on side , flat clear to protect and even paint or a single stage flatz, then take same color put some flake on top with a good clear ! !! Oh yea
Hmm this build just went straight killer better clean up the front suspension while I'm at it , 0pull the glass , and do it right!
HOK makes some great colors for cheaper then PPG or DuPont. Check this site out I have been using them for years. Also a cool option for flake is Old Skool Flake they have some stuff called shifty flake that changes color at different angles. I used shifty blue and regular blue in alternating coats to give it some dimension. It makes the roof pop with still being subtle and not gaudy. If at first you don't succeed get a bigger hammer, and if then you don't succeed, get a beer.
So what base coat you recommend from them? Some sort of pearl I'm assuming ,I've never used any hok but they have some great colors
first thing you need to do is run the exhaust so it is not flowing straight into the car through the giant hole in the trunk. then you need to seriously strengthen the frame where they put the C notch... as for suspension me personally I would just put leaf springs back in, seal up the trunk floor and call it a day
They have what's called a PBC (Pearl Base Coat) the have some nice options there. You can get everything from TCP including flattening agent for the clear. If at first you don't succeed get a bigger hammer, and if then you don't succeed, get a beer.