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History Drag cars in motion.......picture thread.

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Royalshifter, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    Last Friday

    Same photo, slightly different crop. The same comment that I posted on the gasser thread applies, "Pay Attention!!!"
    On the subject of my comment yesterday, you may not have got the photos from WDIFL but someone did as they were part of a batch of J/F shots. This one from your latest post was also part of the set from Ralph Guldahl Jr with the Cerney shot by Don Prieto
    BTW, this one is the Harris and Newton car from 1967.

  2. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    Gary Cagle's Newhouse Special fuel roadster. The first photo may be from Pomona--the NHRA draped the fence to stop the cheapskates from getting a free look at the races. The second is from Lions. This car was recently replicated by Joel Gruzen for cackle duty.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
  3. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    Dragmaster's slant six Mopar powered car at Pomona. This car ran in the 10's at around 130 mph and the Hilborn injector is the original prototype that was originally built for a hydroplane motor that Keith Black was building.

    CGkidd, tommyd, Drewfus and 2 others like this.
  4. bschwoeble
    Joined: Oct 20, 2008
    Posts: 1,080


    Loudbang. Keep up the excellent work . Just having these images posted should be enough.
  5. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    The pixels in this one must be just about worn out as it has been posted here so many times but for the record it is the first Beebe and Mulligan Fighting Irish car that was formerly the Beebe, Vinson and Sixt car and was later taken to Australia by Leland Kolb.

  6. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,328


    Screw it I'm done
    tommyd likes this.
  7. DubG
    Joined: Jan 19, 2017
    Posts: 116

    from Nebraska


    Damn Yankee 1965 gasser ranchero

    ~Big Block
  8. ROADSTER1927
    Joined: Feb 14, 2009
    Posts: 3,234


    Please don't be, your content is great! Gary
  9. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    Not trying to be a dick but there is plenty to look at in the thread without re-posts that are less than a week old. I can understand something popping up again a year or two later but you just need to pay a little more attention to what you are posting rather than going simply for quantity. You can also do a little research and caption a lot of these shots. If you can read the driver or car name in the photo you can usually come up with some information--Google is your friend. :)
    For example; "Tidwell, dragster driver" gets you some info and his first name and adding Billy to the search brings up a bunch more history. It may be a bit of work but it can be fun and quite often some really interesting stuff pops up.
    If you really want to get serious, spend the bucks to get full access to Don Ewald's We Did It For Love site ( where there are currently 322 pages of front motor dragster photos (50+ images per page) along with 161 pages of early rear engine cars and 131 pages of funny cars (all pre 1979). There are also quite a few other worthwhile pages there with stories from guys who were there back in the day.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
    51 BIRD, Gary Reynolds and jnaki like this.
  10. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,328


    If it's that simple post them yourself
    Oilguy and Gammz like this.
  11. Jimbo17
    Joined: Aug 19, 2008
    Posts: 3,959


    Hate to see disagreements over photos.
    I know its not always easy to know who took the photo and who should get credit for it and sometimes sure someone may post something that may have already been posted in the past but there is no reason for anyone to get bent out of shape over it.

    Let's all be grateful that we have folks who are willing to use their time to post pictures of these great old drag strips and drag cars for all of us to enjoy.

    tommyd, rod1, loudbang and 4 others like this.
  12. And someone who is willing to host a site to post them on!
    tommyd, Oilguy and ttwomotor like this.
  13. ttwomotor
    Joined: Jul 26, 2012
    Posts: 781

    from Illinois

    OK - LOTS of fans of the sport contributed their photos to Don at his WDIFL web site - no problem, I happened to contribute what I thought was a good photo to the site in it's early days. For whatever reason Don decided to profit from these contributions, not all of them, left just enough free ones to get you ( not me ) to want to pay to see the rest.
    With that being said there are some good photos to be seen for free - much better is the George Klass site or here at H.A.M.B. If your into Twins the TwoToGo web site isn't too bad <G>!
    My photo:
  14. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    If you check back through the thread you will see that over the years I have posted a lot of photos, mainly ones that I took myself. As for posting other people's photos myself, a large percentage of the pix showing up now have already done the rounds earlier in the thread and I am not about to grab stuff from WDIFL when that resource is readily available to anyone who is interested. The stuff that I like to see here is the obscure snapshot style photo from someone's family album or from a box that they found out in the shop.
    All that I am asking is that you take a little time to make sure that you are not posting the same photos multiple times, especially in a short period of time. I know that I sound like a dick but I got a PM supporting my stand on this from one of the other regular posters on this thread who was there back in the day. I got on TommyD's arse a while back for doing the same thing so I am not singling you out, just trying to keep things straight.
    Rather than just grabbing a bunch of images and throwing them up, look at them and make sure that they fit the bill. The flip top sports car bodied BB/A in the Traditional Gassers thread was a prime example--the chassis was so narrow that it had to be center steer, it had spindle mount front wheels with no brakes (Gary's pet peeve) and the big one--it was labeled as a BB/Altered front and center in the photo.

  15. All that I am asking is that you take a little time to make sure that you are not posting the same photos multiple times, especially in a short period of time. I know that I sound like a dick but I got a PM supporting my stand on this from one of the other regular posters on this thread who was there back in the day. I got on TommyD's arse a while back for doing the same thing so I am not singling you out, just trying to keep things straight.
    Rather than just grabbing a bunch of images and throwing them up, look at them and make sure that they fit the bill. The flip top sports car bodied BB/A in the Traditional Gassers thread was a prime example--the chassis was so narrow that it had to be center steer, it had spindle mount front wheels with no brakes (Gary's pet peeve) and the big one--it was labeled as a BB/Altered front and center in the photo.


    I agree. This is why I seldom post pics on this thread anymore, so many REPEATS, over and over!
    I CAN do that, but jeeez guys, GO THROUGH THE THREAD! TONS of great drag pictures, TONS!
    Take a week and read the thread, get an idea of what's here. Get deeper than just reading the last few pages.
    As for WDIFL, Don has worked his ass off keeping that site going and it's the best one out there.
    He doesn't take kindly to people taking his pictures. ALWAYS try to give credit or history if you can, unless it's insanely obvious. Don't throw hissy fits boys, just think, and try to CONTRIBUTE to this thread.
  16. rooman
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,045


    Actually Don is not really profiting from WDIFL. The subscription fee is to cover the bandwidth that it takes to host so many pages and any excess goes into a trust that will ensure that the site lives on after Don is gone. Also, think about how much time it takes to edit and caption 3000 race photos from the CHRR as well as another 1200 from the Cacklefest at the same event. ( I know how long I spend captioning photos for my Retro Rewind feature in Traditional Rod and Kulture) Add the rest of the content and the subscription fee is a bargain.

  17. Yep. He's been good to me and I appreciate it! It simply IS the best site out there, hundreds of pictures you will not see anywhere else.
  18. blownhemi48
    Joined: Nov 17, 2009
    Posts: 243

    from Bergen NY

    That is a great picture of The Surfers car.
    loudbang likes this.
  19. thehazguy
    Joined: Aug 12, 2010
    Posts: 1,851


  20. Hotdoggin DaddyO
    Joined: Jul 23, 2011
    Posts: 708

    Hotdoggin DaddyO
    from Hays, Ks

    Whoa Whoa Whoa, Hey guys, I am guilty as hell, posting pictures with no info. A lotta times I find photos with nothing more than a photo. I sometimes come across a site that has great pics, and for what ever reason I just post them. I mean No disrespect to the photographer or anyone in the photograph, I Just Post It. Dammit Man!

  21. Jeeez, calm down. Happens all the time, the point is to TRY though, not just posy willy nilly.
    So...who am I to say? Well, I've posted 4480 pics on this thread, doesn't make me the boss, but I think I have contributed! No need for anybody getting angry or having hurt feelings, just trying to do a good quality job of keeping this thread alive and well. Our history is important, THIS IS OUR HISTORY!
    Treat it as such AND have fun!!!!!
    Hotdoggin DaddyO, ClayMart and TFoch like this.
  22. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,328


  23. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,328


    Capture and alt.JPG

    Capture and altered.JPG

    Indy 1961

    Capture and road indy n1961.JPG

    Note flying tree

    Capture note treee.JPG





    Hyder & McCloud.JPG

    magic muffler and alt.JPG
  24. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    Sept. 58 Hot Rod Magazine
    Drags put on the week before the 500 by the Indianapolis Timing Association
    Photo credit : Wally Parks, Walter Marks, Eric Rickman[​IMG]

    Sent from my QTAQZ3 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  25. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    July 58 Hot Rod Magazine
    Photo credit : Peter Sukalac
    Owners Jim Beardslee and Dorvan Shields
    Members of Oregon's Road Kings[​IMG]

    Sent from my QTAQZ3 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  26. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    June 58 Hot Rod Magazine
    Photo credit : Peter Sukalac
    Harris - Porter car from Salem Oregon
    Builder: Lee Harra[​IMG]

    Sent from my QTAQZ3 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  27. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
    Posts: 3,048


    March 60 Hot Rod Magazine
    Photo credit: Bud Long
    Pirates Racing Team of Tacoma Washington
    Crew: Phil Rogers , Ole Olson , Harold Strong
    Sponsor: Ron Rogers[​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my QTAQZ3 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  28. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,497


    Hey RS,
    Nice posts with great information. It is not a contest as to how many photos people can copy off of a website. There has to be some information about the car, owner, place to keep the history in perspective. A single post with information will show how hot rod history was when it was, keeping within the HAMB rules.
    Sure, with access to the internet, photos are abundant, but so is a search engine with plenty of information. At least there is some order and facts to back up a photo. No need to post 10 copied photos that we have seen on other websites. Accuracy on one post is much better than a zillion posts that have no information. If you have your own photos, better yet.

    Rooman is correct in pointing out an important fact that it is quality, not quantity, then add in photo credit and information for a great single post.

    Be an informed person that posts on the HAMB with photos that have vital information for all of us to enjoy. On some other sites, the comments are such that the HAMB does not get accurate information, but is a place that throws stuff on the forums just to post stuff. That is not good.

    However much your involvement is within the HAMB/Hot Rod community, it can be better with more accuracy and a better representation of our history.
    lurker mick and Dean Lowe like this.
  29. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,497


    Another thread to clean up regarding factual information in single posts is the Vintage Photo threads. Rather than 10 posts that have no correlation to each other, why can't posters put up more information on the single post that shows a particular interesting photo. Then the vintage thread as well as other threads will get the idea that posting multiple images, just because they are online, is not the way to portray the title of the thread. More information on a single photo is much more enjoyable and can spark other memories of our collective history.
    Just an observation...
  30. Mike
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 3,539


    You're taking this shit way to seriously. Loudbang is nice enough to take time out of his day to post a ton of cool photos for us goons to look at, and I really appreciate his effort. Let's not give him a reason to stop. If sometimes we end up looking at the same cool photos a week later, so what? They're still cool photos, just enjoy them again. Lighten up, man.

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