If you want to make money clean it up and get it running, and let it go at that. Set a fair price and sell it. That is the way to make money. Go any farther than that and you are sure to lose money. To complete the car either way you will be lucky to get your money back, probably not even, certainly not enough profit to pay for your time and trouble. Get it half finished and wise up, you are sure to lose money selling a half finished project. Make it look as decent as possible without spending serious money, and it will sell to someone with stars in his eyes who is willing to pay more than it's worth. I say this based on 50 years experience messing with old cars, have sold a few for a profit, mostly using the above method (after I smartened up).
I agree with Rusty.I would tell him to keep it and make it his daily driver but that's just me. I love station wagons.Bruce.
Don't know what the owner has in it, but parting it out might be the best way to go. Parts for a 57 Pontiac ain't like parts for a tri 5 Chevy. Ask me how I know.
That Buick station wagon is in exceptional condition.Rides like that are hard to find at a reasonable price!
Thanks Philo,I bought it out of Maine .It was originally white and then I painted it. wish I hadn't of traded it but I did get a nice Chrysler out of the trade back then. Bruce.
"56?My Grandfather had one like that but it was a hardtop coral with a black roof!Very cool ride indeed!
We looked at one for a customer, solid car pretty much rust free, been in storage for 50years or so. They want $50K for it as it sits and the customer has an original Pontiac fuel injected motor he wants to put in it. It is a tough call, once you start working on them you have to go where the car takes you, it could every easily cost another 50-75K to get it done proper. Problem is the car will start to dictate what you can and can't do, the smart money would be to do a 'survivor' car.
If you're trying to make money, then get it running and driving with minimal parts and effort, and sell it. It might actually be worth more in parts than as a whole. You won't make a dime by finishing it and handing it off to someone else to enjoy.
50's cars are not bringing the big money they used to. The market has changed to muscle cars. Get it running and sell it.
Sadly its time to jump ship on your 50s machines if your into making money. And how long will the muscle car era go on for???? Oldmics Death before Tuners take over !
Its Street Rods whose sales have hit the skids and prices are at an all time low. I have a friend in an large old car club who recently told me all the old timers are trying to dump their Street Rods and getting into sixties cars. I believe it. Gary
I think many of you are missing the boat on this one. He has a customer who already knows he will be in it for 75K over purchase. That should build a super nice car. There are lots of people in this market with big bucks to buy the right car. We have a 56 standard 2 door wagon, original 316 and hydro rebuilt and I will tell you I would not have gone that way if it wasn't for the wife's insistence on keeping it original. To get 100K and make some profit the car needs finished, sexy and most importantly functional. Skip the small HP stock motor and crappy hydro and get a 455 and a 700r4, A/C, keep the body bone stock with all the bright work, tasteful factory inspired upholstery, sport suspension/lowered and paint it black or red, something sporty/sexy. Color and wheels will be huge. Butternut yellow, stogy old man car color no sale.
Exactly my customer is willing to 75 into the build he is just on the fence with stock or resto mod . Ill be posting pics as i go . Its been decided i ordered the new ls7 today , the air ride , a/c power windows and sent off drawing for one off wheels that will look like 57 hub caps but in 20 inch wheels but will look like 15 inch cause the wide whites will be parts of the wheel ... it should be cool when done . Thanks for the input
I had one in AZ. when I had my Shop in Tuscon, one of my Customers asked me if I wanted a Old Car that was sitting on her Property, I went to her Place & seen it was a 57 Safari Wagon. so I had it Towed to my Shop, at the Same time I was Selling My Business to Move Back to NY. and I moved it to my Friends Place to start the Clean up, Packrats had used it for there Home all the Pine needles that you ever wanted was in this Car! it took me about 2 weeks to Clean it up, I tried to Get it Started but Before I did a Shop that Did Resto's made me a Offer that I could Not Refuse. I would Leave it Stock.! just my 3.5 cents Live Learn & Die a Fool
I don't remember where I saw it on evil bay or Craig's list of a Pontiac safari body for sale it was a body no chassis or trim. It's been in the last month try Googling it
Nada is not a good judge of vehicle values . It goes off of dmv taxes and fees . Not auctions or actual values . You going to tell me that you pay 30 k cash go to the dmv and not say you spent 20k just to.pay less taxes . It happens all the time .
What do u mean what number . It has body style and such the tag doesnt give u if was the first car or last .
below the body body style will be a body number, it should be 1 out of 1292. which one do you have, the lowest one i have seen is number 22 and the highest one i have seen is 1262
Recently finished a 3 month non-Hamb project 1970 Ranchero. Had 200+ hours into 4 wheel power discs, Vintage Air, HD aluminum radiator and water pump, Retro-Sound, carpet, Dyno-Mat, assorted wiring/LED bulbs, Dragon-Fire distributor n coil, full tune with Cloys roller chain...blah blah bla Anyways...the bodywork(green w/wood squire edition) was presentable (read cheap respray) but all the mechanicals were FUBAR'd. Went through the whole car, stem to stearn. He paid $13k and dropped another $10k parts and labor. Had late model Mustang GT wheels and 17" tires. My point is, I upgraded it to a reliable daily driver(went to Key West) Still had the factory look, but modernized to be able to cruise anywhere. Keeping the stock appearance, but tastefully changing a few key componants, would make it appeal to more buyers.
Watching trends in the last two years, restomods are bring more than restored cars. Why? Because they can be driven more and are much more dependable. Sent from my E6782 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Buick version was called Aster and Olds version was Holliday. They chickened out and went with 4 doors at the last moment. Saw some pics from period car shows in 54 or so that had the 2dr ht versions on display.