Coop, do you have a digital picture? If you can email it to me, I'll put it up for you. Also, I see you're from Vassar. My wife is from Caro, so we're through Vassar all the time going to see her folks. Welcome aboard. -Dave williamd.conwill "at"
here is a pic of my tear drop. It was for sale at a swap meet in pieces for $500. I walked past it for about 3 spots then kicked myself in the head for walking past it. Walked back and bought it. Put it together in a weekend. We mostly use it for parades. My wife organizes the baton group 'Rockola Twirlers' and we use my panel truck and the tear drop. I have a Kicker in the trailer and it plays 50's music. The twirlers are in poodle skirts as you can see. Since I have 3 daughters, it is a nice way to involve their hobby with old cars. I will look on the computer for a better pic of the tear drop....
It's funny. I must look at that 46 spartan monthly. I would love to have one of those. I was out yesterday working on my 64 Aristocrat 16 footer yesterday. Got it from my Father in Law. Needs a good cleaning a floor and some curtains but in other wise good shape. Not the coolest camper but is gonna be fun as hell this summer. Great for camping with the new Baby. Will post pics when I get home.
Wow that's cheap..... Too bad you devalued it by telling all of us that story. I'll give ya fifty bucks for it right now if you have it sanitized professionally.
Here are a couple of my Dads trailers. The alum. one is a 1948 Alma, made in..well, Alma, Michigan. The other is?? other then cool and old, we don't know much about it. They both have to be restored.
Curator...That is cool!! We love camping. I got really pissed when NSRA decided they were too good for us campers. Now we camp across the street Screw them!! My camper with 59 chevy taillights. Glasshole rolling down the road with his camper in tow. The last pic is how we camp. Set up a big canopy and park the campers around it. We do it at least three times a year. Clark
wow this is a great thread!! im gonna drag mine out and get it ready for summer this weekend.. these scottys have a pretty hefty tung wieght good thing i just put helper bags in the merc
clark, i've wanted a scotty ever since you (or one of your friends) showed me your group at York about ten years ago (back when clarence was black). cool setup.
that F-100 with the IONIA script on the door is awesome. i think it was on eBAy a while back, not 100% though.
Well I hope it wasn't on e-bay!!! We didn't put it on there. So I doubt it was the same truck......Thanks Man, here is another shot of it when a tree almost fell on it from this winter Oh, and I'm not hijacking the post...notice the trailer in the back ground???haha
Found this in North Hollywood about 10 years ago. 1956 Rainbow with the original pink and old big letter blk/yellow plates. Goes to Paso every year! The outside is pretty faded but the inside is pefect. You can cook a 15lb. turkey in the oven! This is a possible paint scheme. -stick
Thanks Roothawg. Here's a couple you might like. Also check out this link Hey thanks for the nickname, Korny, I think I'll start using it.
My former Airstream Bambi is the last one listed on the Iowa Boys website. 1963 - I sold it for quite a bit less than the $15,000.00 price they show. On another related topic. Is there anyone but me that finds the old pickup toppers from the late '50's and early '60's cool? There are a few old guys around here that hove the aluminum ones with the paneled inside. They look like old fishing rigs and most that I've seen have pictures inside of fish and camping like stuff. Not the over the cab campers, just bed toppers. I really want to build an old hauler an put one of these things on it.
Vintage trailers rule as much as vintage hot rods. My wife is going to throw up when she see's this thread. She wanted a Scotty real bad but the only way to get rid of the toy box trailer was to trade it in on a 2006 16' Air stream Bambi. High quality and plush but I'd still rather have a classic. Joe
Here is a Picture of my modified Modernistic. It is about a 1947 although there was no paperwork with it or offical Date Of Birth. Some Day I hope to get the inside finished but that does not stop me from using it.
Posted these a couple of months back after the San Francisco show, but as the subject has been brought up..... They had a whole hall devoted to some very cool old trailers & motorhomes/coaches there...
Just picked this camper up today. 1958 Aloha. It is pretty decent, a couple dings here and there, and some minor water leaks on the interior, but nothing that can't be fixed with some new birch ply. The kids are super excited to hit the campgrounds with it...
We pulled one exactly like this all over in the early 80s. My now 25 year old son slept on the shelf. Netting kept him in place. What a PITA to pull your pants on in the morning.
I have a 46 Kit that is numbered 125... I've also got tho original title, pretty cool. The restoration guy says that that # means First series number 25 thats also the lowest # he's ever seen on one. Again pretty cool. Any of you guys know if thats true or not?? I have no reason to doubt him after all he's in the buisness... Bill
Well, It's been 90 days, so BTTT I like this thread. We just bought a 12ft Shasta. It should be done by the weekend. We bought it from the family who's owned it since the early sixties. They had painted it all white over the years to preserve it, but we have it back to Red & White. My wife has re-covered the cushions, made curtains, and I put a blk&wht checkered floor in. It makes us smile when we look at it. It's going to a weekend show with us starting friday. I'll post pics tomorrow
My '62 Shasta. On a similar topic, does anyone know where to get vintage looking Formica to recover the counter and table in these?