There are so many mods to whatever this truck started life as you lose count - I also like the use of the 50s or 60s Plymouth (?) color combination ... First time I was up close and personal to this truck - front and rear flatties very nicely done ... Sano 40 pup with some old style go power ... View attachment 3502056 There were so many Ribs in attendance as well ... Well - that's it. My first LSRU is in the record books. I did go over to the Austin Speed Shop again but took no pics - instead, I enjoyed myself talking with old and new friends so I apologize. I also adjusted the brakes on the roadster - they were feeling "different" after all the stop and go driving in Austin - traffic/construction is horrendous - and the 4-5 panic stops in the way down did not help either. We will be off and running 9 am tomorrow but going solo - we'll do the trip a little slower this time, take some back roads .... will keep you posted ....
It was our pleasure meeting you "kids" - meeting young people into the different and somewhat unusual builds is always enlightening and we thoroughly enjoyed talking with you - we will see you down the road I'm sure ...
Tumbleweed, be safe coming home. Thanks for sharing the trip. Sorry I didn't get to make it with you. Next time? Al
Said goodbye to me good friend Rick and his wife Annie from Albuquerque, NM and headed home on 79 in Texas which angles straight up to Jackson, MS .,, windy but a nice day .... We are now in Rockdale at our first of many stops I think for today ...
My bad,you would think I could remember of all people Danny's name..why I said Randy is beyond me. HRP
Well, we had a minor problem with the flattie - I noticed that I was running a little warmer than normal, then was losing power going up the hills. It was the I heard it missing and I immediately thought the distributor cap and rotor. They were older and I had installed them and different wires last fall. So, I had spares and Earl and I made the swap ... We're getting a bite to eat now but she started and ran fine without being under load .... will keep you posted ...
Great Pictures and updates Tom. Your country looks so much better than the L.A. traffic that we have. Dam,,,,,,i have to get out more. Take care and have a safe trip home. Mark.
.............That's right. Somewhere around here I have the magazine coverage of the truck from an old R&C. Seems it was a 4-door Sedan originally.
And unfortunately, there seemed to be even more rat rods there than I remembered from the past shows.
Well the shows bigger every year so even if the ratio of cool to crap stays the same you have more crap than last year - numbers wise- just by default. Went last year after hearing a lot of people complain about the amount of rats and off topic stuff. So I was pretty leery. I came away from the weekend thinking it was the most real hot rods I'd ever seen in one place and if the fact there there were some shitty cars there impacted you enough that it ended up being even in the top 5 things about the show you talked about after wards then I really don't think you'll ever be please and maybe you should stick to flipping threw photos you've saved on your computer of cars you like. Now I know that's a bit of a rant/ramble for you just mentioning that it looked like more rubber band cars, it wasn't really so much directed at you as much as the people who complain a lot about that sort of thing and make it so some people won't ever make the trip to the show to seen for themselves. Something I noticed last year was an insane amount of cool cars on and off topic in the parking lots out side the gates of the show. I'm talking hundreds of cool cars in the parking area. I know I've seen photos of cars in coverage of this years show that were clearly parked in the parking lot. So you may see cars in the coverage that weren't "technically" at the show.
Thanks for the blow by blow of the trip and all the pics Tom. Good to see my buddy Rich's Florida built tubster made it to the Lone Star with its new owner. Have a safe trip home. Lee
.........................Please forgive me, Tom, for hijacking the thread but, ever since you posted the pic of the 2-tone pick-up, I've been obsessed with finding the R&C article about it. Finally after much digging I found my August, 1962 issue. Amazingly it appears to be the same truck or a very well done clone of the original.