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History The Clem Waske 29 Roadster #265B

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Cyclone Kevin, May 20, 2016.

  1. Stovebolt
    Joined: May 2, 2001
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    Hey @Cyclone Kevin Nice to see you're still at it.

    Lets Skype some time soon
  2. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
    Alliance Vendor

    Haven't been on the laptop, but we'll Skype asap.
    I never been thought I'd use a phone as a PC, but I guess ol Tesla was right, everyone will have a "Pocket Computer" some day. I think some investors should have listened to his ideas, maybe his life would've turned out much different?????

    Gotta get back out to the garage.........
    Outback likes this.
  3. Kevin, Glad to see you are back and have been getting some things done. Really like that you have some space open now in front of the garage. Now you can dig the 3 window out as I am sure it would love some of the west coast sun shine. Sounds like you have been helping others get things done with their rides and I am thinking you need to have them lend you a hand now with yours. That's the way we do it here in the Midwest.
    We had a Mid-West Deuces meeting today in Lincoln so I got the 3 window out and drove it to the meeting. Sure did feel great as it was the first time I have got to drive it with the new knee. All went well 140 miles round trip and no pain in the knee....
    That's all for now so get back out in the garage and go to work...
    Outback, Cyclone Kevin and Tim like this.
  4. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    It was a nice sunny one today, did take the purple 34 out, Glenn drove the deuce over to breakfast.
    Oscar came by for a roadster ride in his A-bone. He thought that he heard pinging so we set about adjusting timing until it was gone during our in the road test method;).

    So in a nutshell we just did car guy stuff as it was a good weather day :). Still in the roadster right now,
    Probably just head down to the house after a visit with the kids. Now I gotta turn up the flame in order to achieve all of these goals, Hurry, Doc's been patiently waiting since Oct......:/.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
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  5. Gary Addcox
    Joined: Aug 28, 2009
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    Gary Addcox

    Man, I hope you boys are finished with all that freaking rain. That little '29A V8 looks right on. Are you guys able to drive the CW and Hypersonic ? I finally have full access to my computer. I don't do good on the cell using the computer because I need my optivisor to see the screen. Well, keep us posted on what might be going on out there. I have talked to Dennis about it, and I'll keep watch on what you dudes plan on doing. Tell Sharon hello and take care. Gary and Joyce
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  6. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Ok, Doc's in town for the morning, image.jpg He stopped in for a visit. Checking the progress of his Dad's ol steed. So the brakes are finally all together on the backing plates...... I've been doing all kids of stuff on my pals Hot Rods, so Oscar took on making the floor for most of the trunk and I rounded up the brake stuff as I thought it was all in one spot at some point?????
    Wasn't the case..... :(.
    So hopefully we'll have the brakes all wrapped up soon and will button up the driveline as well. Put a gas tank in it and then go around the block..... IMG_0410.JPG IMG_0412.JPG IMG_0386.JPG
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  7. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    So another adventure filled day working on the Waske Effect. Doc got to see/hear its engine run, probably for the 1st time since he was under 5 yrs old. He was stoked!!!!!

    I went about my biz getting the backing plates on. I was at this point awhile back but it wasn't going good with some added family stuff going on, having to concentrate on the house where I grew up.
    I still have tons to handle on that aspect.

    I was really looking forward to T-W Pismo. I knew that week b4 that we'd be in for rough stuff!!!!
    I wish that we'd put it off a week, but the event was that An Event!!!!!! Something I'd never of missed...

    Well Clem's gal took a back seat even though I could have robbed "Peter to pay Paul", we'd of stripped something off something else, but early on I had a great lil idea that paintslinger805 and I would pretty much have these Hot Rods out for there respective 1st rides together, not to race, but just out to be in the world again.
    Hopefully that will be soon....;).
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  8. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    IMG_8482.JPG IMG_8481.JPG IMG_8484.JPG IMG_8483.JPG
    Decided to do a Black & White Finally a Friday shot.
    I like the way that this group of pix look for effect=
    (The Waske Effect) ;). On this site stood the Alhambra Municipal Airport IMG_8423.JPG From 1929 to 1947 with the runway, and then the houses came. IMG_8424.JPG IMG_8426.JPG Early aviators used this airport one of them being Pancho Barnes who grew up in nearby San Marino.
    The buildings in this last shot hung in there till about. 1959 when Valley Center was built.

    Many Hot Rodders grew up around all of these local airports, San Gabriel had one as well just about a 1/2 mile due N.E. was established in 1928, fought against by 1932, a runway was there, but the Grand Mission Revival Style Tower and Admininstrative offices were never built, but since I grew up one street block away from what was once an airport I noticed that the houses were much older on my block and the next.
    I talked to an old guy back in the mid 70's, I think he was almost 80. He gave me the lowdown about the whole airport deal and even indicated that cars would "Drag it out in the dirt/oiled clocks or anything, I'm sure that the city loved it ;). IMG_0444.JPG

    It gave way to housing tracts nearly the same time as Alhambra which was really behind the closure and lack of progress of the San Gabe.

    Well what does this have to do with Hot Rods? Developers change the landscape of any given area that's advertised as "The Place". This has been going on since the beginning of time, so there's no way to stop this train ....

    Hot Rods evolve the same way. I look over the frame and the body of the W.E. I know that luckily it didn't change much in terms of body mods since Clem sent it down the road.

    All I can say about that frame is that if the reader goes back and perhaps takes a good long look at what it had been through before I got it, they'd see irresponsibile development;).

    Some of these cars turn back into Hot Rods, others into Street Rods, but very few become racers again. That's the sad part, but there's lots of new materials to create something like that.

    I'm glad that Clem's Gal is coming back to life on some historic ground where plenty of AV8R's made history while this AV8roadster shares its history with all of us here.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
  9. Great build and job with the photos, thanks
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  10. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Ok, so Oscar and I worked on the brakes for the Waske Effect, noticed that one binds no matter how far it's backed off?????? I didn't notice this with the Kelsey's off, only when they were mounted to the studs.... ground some weird stuff off the left rail to make it look better. Oz man painted the left rail, so it looks much better. I started measuring for lines. Boy do spiders sure love that car.....
    Today, we had to hit something else as well. It seems like it's been years since I've driven the HUPP W-417 34 3W. let alone fire it up.....Well, the W.E. and the HUPP shared back yard space together so when that was being worked on body work wise, it was decided that we'd hit the HUPP after the Waske Effect was done. The 29 went over to Ozland and the HUPP started to get massaged. That was a year ago and it's still not done.......closer, but not done. So now is getting short for what I wanted to do with these cars, so all of my dead players are getting fired up and moved around.
    IMG_0487.JPG The HUPP being the latest with the O/T 87 V8 Regal to boot. Both were started-running today. I'm happy as this will make it easier when I bring the W.E. back home down the line.
  11. Now that is good to hear you are getting thing running around the home place....Tell Oscar I said Hi.
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  12. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    I sure will.
    The 34 blue Coupe is in that rotation as well. We just have to find time to get em roadworthy again. ;). Really do wish that I had more space to move around much more comfortably....
    Measured the seat stuff for Clem's gal. I have to find a local place that sells high density foam. There's not a whole lot of room in that car with its cowl sectioned 4-1/2" :(.... it must have made for an exciting ride..... :)!!!
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
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  13. Dennis Lacy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
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    Dennis Lacy

    In the pictures of the brakes assembled on the bench, I can tell you the lower eccentric bolts are not correctly oriented. The dots on tips of them need to both face inward. In the picture they are all facing out. Correcting that will suck the bottoms of the shoes inward away from the drums so there's clearance.

    There's also cases on relined shoes where the new linings are too thick. I know a guy who has a secret shoe grinder that can thin the linings down if it comes to pass that that's what needs to happen.
  14. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Thanx Dennis,
    Will look that over when I'm back over to Oscar's. It's been a while since I did 39-41 brakes so between Glenn's 30 Coupe that we bought off of Allen, and this car, this is my refresher course ;).
    Should've stopped on in 1st and asked some questions.
    Hope Katie and the kids are well. Thank you again for your insight.
  15. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Recycled Oscars hood from his AV8 that we built in 86, hand formed the hood on a welding tank, so we'll continue working on it until it mounted, of course like the rest of the car, it won't be perfect visually just like the rest of Clem's Gal, just real.
    So it looks a little more like Clem's pix back nearly 70 yrs ago. :). IMG_0768.JPG IMG_0761.JPG IMG_0770.PNG
    Master cylinder bracket was made before T-W, so I finally mounted it to the K-Member w/o drilling additional holes in that trusty rusty K-Member. (Didn't take any pix of that though)...
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
    Outback, Stogy and kidcampbell71 like this.
  16. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
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    Runnin shine

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  17. The not so O-K member? Lol
  18. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    IMG_0773.PNG IMG_0771.PNG Hey, I love that K-Member, I just said that she's Trusty-Rusty, believe me, I'm trustingly putting my " my life between her legs" ;).
    Outback likes this.
  19. I love it when a plan starts to come together....Now just keep it going..
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  20. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Thanx Dennis,
    Working on it, it'll be 70yrs on the 25th May (next month) when the largest drylakes meet ever at the time was held and Clem's car ran.
    I only hope to get it out there for that anniversary.
    Imagine Doc was only 3yrs old ..... IMG_6416.PNG I only hope to have him behind the wheel of it so he can do a spin on the Lakes. Hopefully I can get him to come on up from San Diego....;).
    Outback and kidcampbell71 like this.
  21. Weedburner 40
    Joined: Jan 26, 2006
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    Weedburner 40

    Now, THAT would be cool!
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  22. Better hurry. I'm putting my axel back under the car now. That first el mirage sounds like a winner.
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  23. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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  24. Great HOT ROD .
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  25. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Thanx, we're trying ;).
  26. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
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    Runnin shine

    I'm assuming Clem had dual carbs, he was a hell of a man after all.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  27. Cyclone Kevin
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    Yup, he ran 2, I'll start off with one to get it on the road. Will ease in into it as we drive it. ;).
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
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  28. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
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    I hope to see some video tearing up the streets of Nipomo!!!!! Diggin in these sister cars getting together. :).
    continentaljohn and Stovebolt like this.
  29. I should have it all buttoned up on Sunday.
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  30. Cyclone Kevin
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
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    Cyclone Kevin
    Alliance Vendor

    Looking to forward to seeing ya tearing up the streets of Nipomo!!!!!! I've got some catching up to do.
    Looking for some hardware today. ;).

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