Happy Father's Day Dad, still working on the Coupe, miss your strength and guidance every day. Dads the handsome fella in the middle, post your thoughts on your dad.....
I was working on a car today thinking I would really like to talk this over with Dad----but he has been gone since 1991. Thanks for the post nochop.
My dad passed in 1989 but I feel him next to me every time I take his old Vette for a spin. Miss you pop's. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Among his other exploits, Dad put a Cadillac motor and hydromatic into a brand new 1948 Frazier Manhattan. Hard to come by new cars after the war, but a lot of new engines left over from war surplus. Doing a project today, I found myself using some of his phrases to get things to go right. Things he didn't say in front of Mom. Miss you Dad.
Dad didn't play with cars much, although he did mess around with a couple Ducatis. More important, he let us boys play with cars...like the wrecked $25 Volvo he bought, and we put back together with a junkyard front clip. And the 61 Chevy he bought for us to take apart. And the old truck he bought when I was 15, I still have it, I drove it this morning.
My Dad's dream car was a Deuce Roadster. He found one when I was 13ish, but he never had the time or $ to build it. As he was getting older, he said, "I don't have much to give you, but am giving you the Deuce on 2 conditions. Finish it, & make sure it has a Ford in it." I've got a Y-block, and was at the Roadster Show w/ my boy today to get inspiration. Dad, the Deuce will get done, just wish you were still here to help... Sent from my XT1585 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
My dad passed away in 03 from old timers. A real rough way to see him go. I still remember the day he didn't know me any more. He had that quick German temper and pretty strict but, if he didn't raise me that way I might be in jail or dead by now .I miss you dad. Bruce. P.S. I still have that watch he has on in my jewely box.
Hello, Everyone's memories and photos starts the brain working again...Reflecting back on Father’s Day and years gone past, I have to thank my own father for all of the things he has done to be part of my life. He wanted to be involved in every aspect, to show some support as an “involved dad.” He came to every one of my baseball, basketball games when I was little. When we got involved in hot rods and the drags, here was this old guy walking around secretly, trying to get involved with his movie camera, when I was not borrowing it. Here is the funny thing or odd thing: RRUSS on the HAMB actually took (by accident) a video of the drag racing at LIONS in 1959-60, that included us on film. I kept watching his movie over and over and I saw us there with my dad in the foreground. My brother and I went with his friend and there was my dad. (thanks...RRUSS) He wore his famous "gangster" hat. I still have that hat, today. It always comes in handy at Halloween or sleepover, dress up days with our granddaughter. He came to all of my varsity football games when I was in high school… and he even was a “sneaker” down to the beach to secretly film me surfing. At the time, it was embarrassing to have your friends saying… “Hey Nak, there is your dad up on the pier watching, again…” But many years later, I am extremely glad he was there and secretly filming… 55 year old film when some kid was 17. Hot stuff from 1962... Thanks, dad... Jnaki
Lost my dad in 1959 when I was just 13. I still think of him out in the garage, getting whatever old used car he could afford at the time, all fixed up on the weekend to get him to work the following week. I used to hand him wrenches & stuff while he was under the car - learned REAL fast what they were called and how to use them. He'd be amazed at the cars & toys I have now and would have loved working with me. Here's my memory of him - a typical weekend when my mother wanted a family picture on the front lawn and he had to climb out from under the car to have it taken. Summer of 1947 I was just over 1-year old........ You guys be happy you had as long as you did and remember to always hug your own kids!
This post got me right in the feelers It's also my first father's day without hanging around with dad. He passed on last month to be with mom. 3 generations of gearheads. My son is now 21 so we had a lot of time to be with Dad. But it's never enough is it. My son and I spent all weekend together. Saturday was a nice local car show with several friends, Sunday was my club's 34th annual Father's day show. That was a busy day. Thom
Jetnow1 . Hang in there buddy. It takes time to heal.We were dirt poor starting out always had to have 2 nd hand clothes and way too short pants growing up. {LOL} Dad drove a real old chevy and was so poor he couldn't afford antifreeze for it in the harsh N.J. winter.He told us he left a drop light next to the block to keep in warm but the block cracked any way. He said he screwed a bunch of screws in to the crack and let them rust together while driving it. Then he got lucky and got a job with Public Service{in N.J.} and started going to night school. He was very smart electronic wise. Then Bell Labs found out about him and snatched him right up. Then things started picking up. He borrowed $$$ from my moms dad and bought a used 56 chevy. Soon he was riding the wave at bell labs{now A.T&T}He became one of the top electronic engineers there He was one of the big guys in to launching TelStar one of the 1st communication satellites. He then bought a brand new chevy 2 station wagon.When he retired at 62 AT&T called him back out of retirement TWICE because they needed him. I wish I could of learned some of his electronic stuff but I grew up loving cars. Yes I miss a lot too. Time will make thing better. Take care. Bruce.
Thanks to all who quoted my post etc, I am grateful for having had him for 63 years and learning so much from him. He raised 7 children, put us all thru college stayed married to my Mom for 65 years and spent his spare time making furniture.
Jetnow. Even when my dad was at the top of his game at A T&T he still repaired T.V.s and Radios on the side. That would pay for our vacations. Bruce.
There is a Jesse III. I am Jesse Jr. But but because of Jesse Sr., there are MANY good men in this world. Enough said. Sent from my SPH-L720T using The H.A.M.B. mobile app