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History What Ever Happened to..........?

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by OG lil E, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Love to go, but I can't make it. E
  2. Yes sir, I will be in Salina for sure.
    After Santa Maria last week, I will not make the Revival this year.
    stanlow69 and OG lil E like this.
  3. Ron
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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  4. straykatkustoms
    Joined: Oct 30, 2001
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    John Tretten is wondering if any one has any more pictures of this Kool Ride.

    John wrote... "A friend of mine asked me if I remember this one custom from 1993-94 and after looking thru 6 disc's that I burned with all my customs from shows like the Leadsleds and Paso, I haven't found it yet. I also have 26 years of video as well,so I know I've seen it, just started to go thru my photo albums,and just realized I can burn more disc with tons more customs,here's the picture (I cleaned up) he sent me if anyone out there remembers this car or has a picture of it. Could you send it to me."


    If you have them please post them.
  5. Just came across these photos of "Later" in the KustomLincolnLady Photo Collection on Rik's archive:

    Attached Files:

  6. OhioRiv
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
    Posts: 287


    The '53 Olds was built and owned by Ken Probola in the Cleveland area, chopped by Fred Bohacek. It looks white in the picture, but was actually mint green with dark green (think Hirohata). The silver car posted below is definitely the same car years later. I may have the email I sent to Ken, pics I came across in another HAMB thread. One moment please...
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  7. OhioRiv
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
    Posts: 287


  8. It sure looked a lot better with the upper lip on it.
  9. straykatkustoms
    Joined: Oct 30, 2001
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    @OhioRiv Thanks for the pics I'll post them on to John.
  10. What Ever Happened To..........? number 65.

    1953 Oldsmobile
    Owner: Ken Probola
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Looks like I'm late to the party this week. Instead of re-hashing the great information that has already been posted, I'll just touch on a little of the information that I found in my research.
    I had no luck finding anything on this car in print. Also, I only found a single picture of it on Rikster's site that is the same pic that @straykatkustoms posted.
    On video, Ken was a regular at the Spectacular. I first spotted his Olds at the '85 Spectacular in Springfield, Ohio. It looked like it was a finished custom that was undergoing more custom mods and a facelift. It was already chopped and in dark blue paint on the top, and the bottom of the car was in ruddy brown primer. I also saw the car at the '86 Spectacular in Springfield, Missouri and '87 in Springfield, Illinois. Ken also took the car to the Sled Scene East in '86, and in that video the car was already the two tone green like the Hirohata Merc that was mentioned above. I also saw the car at the Spectacular in '91 in Hamilton, Ohio, and '93 back in Springfield, Ohio. After '93, I didn't see it anymore.
    It's nice to see that it was around as recently as 11 years ago as posted by @Sancho. I have to agree about looking better with the upper lip in chrome, and I think the car looked best in the two tone green.
    All in all a well done custom that upon first appearance looks mild, but a closer look shows that it was really pretty radical.
    Until next time, take it easy..........E

    Ken Probola 53 Olds KLL.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  11. Austinrod
    Joined: Jun 14, 2012
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    from Austin

    This 1948 f1 from 1982 anyone ever seen it

    Sent from the KUSTOM
  12. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    After some discussion in Indy this weekend, it's been decided that in 2018 you HAVE to be there. Even if @stanlow69 has to sell a kidney. Well, maybe Jim didn't offer that but I'm sure we'd all pitch in to get you where you rightly need to be on the second weekend of June.
  13. That's funny @John B. Judging from the pictures I missed a GREAT show. Lots of cars with history, and that's something I really enjoy! Hopefully next year I will be able to attend. E
  14. What Ever Happened To..........? number 66.

    1957 Ford Ranchero
    Owner: Sandy Key
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    The Ford Ranchero has always been a great choice to build a custom out of, especially the first three years of 1957, 1958 and 1959. They pretty much looked custom from the factory with the front end of a car and the utility of a truck with a unibody bed. All they needed were a few subtle touches and they were a standout.
    Sandy Key must have thought the same thing as she got a '57 Ranchero and went the whole mild custom route with it. The first video appearance of the car was at the 1984 Leadsled Spectacular in Des Moines. At that time the Ranch was in gray primer and the side trim was off of the car, but the mounting holes were still there. The door handles were shaved, it had cruiser skirts, four bar hubcaps and it was running Edsel wagon taillights. She was even running personalized plates that read "SHBOOM". The car was shown a few different times on the video. In one of the first shots, it was parked and the cameraman (Rowdie a.k.a. @49toad) was shooting the car. Then Sandy took a drawing of the car and slowly put it in front of the camera. The drawing was what she wanted it to look like once she got more things done to it. In the drawing it had lake pipes and scallops.
    Later on in the video, Sandy is cruising around the fairgrounds and there is a guy in the bed on a lawn chair filming the show with what looks to be an old time 8mm movie camera. When they cruise by the camera, the guy in the back turns and starts shooting film of Rowdie videotaping them.
    Sandy and her super Ranchero made another appearance at the Spectacular in '86 in Springfield, Missouri. There is only one shot of the car as it is rolling into the fairgrounds to find a spot to sit. There were some big changes to it. It was in flat black primer with pink scallops, a '55 Desoto grille, dummy spots and all the side trim was installed.
    Sandy's hard work paid off that weekend as she was awarded the "Koolest Primer" award from Gary Minor. Harold Olsen did an interview with her and discussed the award. She said that she shot the primer and scallops for the show and to cruise around in until she chopped it and finished all of her other modifications. She mentioned that she does all of her own work, including the white and pink interior. Impressive!
    After the '86 event, I couldn't find any other video of it. Magazine searches came up empty, as well as my picture search on the internet. I got in touch with Jim (@stanlow69) and he sent me a scan of a snapshot he took of it. THANKS JIM! That's the only picture I was able to come across of the car--or is it a truck? The world may never know!
    So, maybe Sandy disappeared into the Canadian wilderness and gave up customs for moose hunting, or she decided to settle down and start a family and left customs behind. At any rate, it's neat to see a gal put so much heart and soul into a custom that was well on it's way to "koolsville". We could all learn a lesson from Sandy and put together such a neat sled. Now, get in the garage and get busy!
    Until next week, keep cruisin'..........! E

    Sandy Key 57 Ranchero a JSC.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  15. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    You know it is a crime to have a hood up on a custom. It had 3 carbs and color keyed matching fuel lines that were transparent(clear). A very impressive looking engine bay. I took the pic in Springfield Missouri.
  16. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
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    John B

    @OG lil E , looks like you picked a hard one this time. I've looked through my meager collection of pictures and have nothing to contribute. Hopefully someone will step up with some long lost information.
    rodncustomdreams and OG lil E like this.
  17. Tate
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
    Posts: 45


    If you look close at the newer photo it looks like the front got damaged, the bumper is out of whack and body line between the hood and the fenders looks off.
    rodncustomdreams and OG lil E like this.
  18. I've been searching. I haven't found anything on this one....
    rodncustomdreams and OG lil E like this.
  19. Definitely a possibility.
    In the old photos it looks to me like the bumper does "tilt" forward though. I think it's not as obvious due to the angle of the photo. And look at the gap between the front edge of the hood and the upper lip, I don't think the hood edge lined up with the fender line to begin with. It really becomes apparent with the lip removed.
    Just my take on the photos....
    rodncustomdreams and OG lil E like this.
  20. Manson
    Joined: Nov 7, 2007
    Posts: 163

    from Baden, MD
    1. Maryland HAMBers

    Can't say where the car is now, but that car was purchased by a guy from Frederick, MD at B-J around 2005. Was working on a truck project with the owners son at that time and he had it in his garage, along with Rick Dore's Tangerine Dream that he purchased a few years prior. He sold both cars at B-J Scottsdale in 2006. I seem to recall that the car didn't appear quite as nice in person as it does in the pictures although still a nice car, and I doubt they knew any of the history. The upper grille was missing and it had some expanded metal mounted in the opening where the grille bar used to be. I think they were having some issues with the Olds overheating or not running right.
  21. I can relate guys. Sometimes finding information on these sleds can be tough. I know it's a rare car when guys like @Sancho and @John B can't find any additional information. I'm just glad that Jim (@stanlow69) had the one lonely picture! E
    54delray, drdave, stanlow69 and 2 others like this.
  22. What Ever Happened To..........? number 67.

    1950 Ford
    Owner: Phil Van Tassel
    St. Paul, Minnesota

    Phil Van Tassel put together this neat little shoebox prior to 1982. I remember seeing it in Custom Cars by Hot Rod as a kid and I just fell in love with it.
    Ford business coupes from '49-'51 have always been one of my favorites. I guess what I really liked about Phil's is the unusual tan with the red flames. It really made the car jump out at you.
    Overall the car was very mild with the usual custom touches like shaved door handles, being nosed and decked and having frenched headlights. A neat scoop was added to the bottoms of the front fenders. An unusual modification that worked very well. The cruiser skirts and lake pipes helped add to the coolness. No chopped top or really wild body mods, making this car look like a mild custom that a kid could have built in high school in the 50s.
    I know I say it a lot when I feature these cars, but this car was really hard to find information on. A few weeks ago @PasoJohn and I were on the phone talking customs and this car was brought up in the conversation. Since John is from Minnesota and has been in the car scene up there for quite a long time, he has seen a lot of neat cars come and go.
    John said that Mr. Van Tassel was a police officer in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and he was a regular at events in and around Minneapolis. John took a picture of the car at the 1982 Leadsled Spectacular in Des Moines, Iowa. This is one of the pictures that I will post here tonight.
    The information on this car pretty much stopped there. This is the first car I've featured that is not on any of my videos. So, as far as I can tell, the car was only at the Spectacular in '82. It might have also been there in '81, but information and pictures of the first two Leadsleds is very hard to find.
    The only picture I found of it in a magazine was on page 62 in the very same Custom Cars by Hot Rod (Vol. 1 number 5 from 1983) I mentioned above. I bought that magazine off the newsstand and I still have it (lol)! That was it for ink.
    As far as pictures go, I managed to find some great ones on @Rikster's site that were taken by Kustom Lincoln Lady, as well as the picture taken by Paso John.
    If you look closely at the picture of the back of the car, you will notice the car has Indiana license plates. I'm guessing that Phil may have sold the car sometime soon after the '82 Spectacular to a new owner in Indiana who showed it for a short time and then it disappeared.
    I can't say whether Phil built any other customs or not, but in the second KKOA book on page 54 there is a really nice chopped '49 Mercury that was owned by Joseph Van Tassel. With a name like Van Tassel, I'd imagine there is some relation there. So, hopefully some of you Midwestern custom guys--especially from Minnesota, will be able to add some information on these great sleds.
    Well, that's all for this week. Until next time, Happy Summer! E

    Phil Van Tassel 50 Ford a KLL.jpg

    Phil Van Tassel 50 Ford b KLL.jpg

    Phil Van Tassel 50 Ford d.jpg

    Phil Van Tassel 50 Ford c JTC.jpg

    Joseph Van Tassel 49 Merc.jpg
  23. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    see the pic of the 54 blue buick sitting next to the ford in John Trettens photo? that is the buick I was referring to that John Sevelieus owned after the Stude in WEHT #61
    chryslerfan55, drdave, John B and 4 others like this.
  24. Yes, John told me about that. He sent me a copy of his photo telling me about John Sevelius owning the Buick right after the Studebaker feature. I meant to add it to the post, but that W.E.H.T. moved along so fast I never did. Shame on me (lol).
    So, now we all have a nice visual of John Sevelius's nice Buick!
    Thanks for the fill in information Mark! E
  25. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Van Tassel, who can forget a name like that. Enclosed is a photo my dad took in 84 KKOA show in Des Moines. He loves shoebox Fords. The next photo is a pic of a 50 Merc bought from Phil by Dave Barnes`s in 84(from my home town), Red Oak Iowa for about $12000 which was a lot of money back then. Scan0333.jpg Scan0114.jpg Scan0115.jpg Scan0089.jpg . The first is from Des Moines in 84 as well. Dave showed the car often until the car burnt up in a garage fire in about 199o. The metal was very badly warped. It floated around for awhile and was sold on Ebay for good money to someone in Missouri. I think I have a pic of it now in it`s new build style, but can bring myself to post it. It is now topless with a continental kit. Sadly Dave passed away a few years ago after owning a few more customs. I don`t know which car was built first. The Ford or the Shoebox. Since knowing the name VanTassel, I thought I read somewhere Joe was from the East coast, possibly from New York, It showed a pic of a chopped Merc he owned. I always loved the grille on Daves Merc. I now have one hangin in my shop I bought from @54delray. . The unique feature on Phil`s shoebox is the grille. I only found one other pic I have with the similar grille with less teeth. I hope this helps.
  26. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Here is a pic of the Buick I have taken in 86 or 87 in Springfield Missouri`s KKOA show with flames removed. . Scan0095.jpg
  27. Great information, Jim! Can't wait to sit down at the Leadsled this year and talk more about customs! E
  28. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    I never pass up the chance to talk about customs.
  29. Found some info here:

    "Well I knew Phil sort of, but I knew he didn't know me from Adam or have any reason too. Actually I first recalled Phil back in 2001 when Dorothy Vignali another Knappster and "kid from Floyd " graciously loaned me her 1960 Yearbook and I saw his graduation picture again. It was probably the first time I saw him since he left Mastic Beach in 1961. Two things that immediately came to mind was One : Even though it was just a headshot I remember him being one of the GIANTS in the hallways in 1956 when I was in the 5th grade. Two : that I tried to imitate his hairstyle (a Detroit) which was a flat top with long sides most likely culminating into a DA in the rear. I actually succeeded one day in 1959 by having Vinny Orlando our town barber, style it that way only to have my mother march me back into Vinny's and have him re-do the do! Last time I saw Phil was most likely in Jean's lunchonette which was a teen age hangout with a great jukebox next to Schulte's Stable.


    Phil Van Tassel 1960

    He looks like Disney Actor Tim Consodine (Shaggy Dog, Spin & Marty and My Three Sons)

    Well Phil's e mail in August besides opening a supply of stories and photos "of interest" was the start of a friendship and discovery that initally took both of us by surprise and today hardly a day goes by that we don't at least e mail each other once a day. We both agree completely that had we known each other back in Mastic Beach, we would of been great friends and probably as tight as brothers should be. Funny thing is both of us would come to know heartbreak over our own brothers ......." life is what happens to you while your making other plans" but we also discovered that we had a ton of stuff incommon with each other and some of it was almost .Phils nickname though hardly used was Butch....and of course that is my brothers nickname. Cool Cars was another.... We both went to Auto Shop at Floyd.... and even Stock Car Racing. Though I was involved with it when Phil was still Street Rodding, he would get involved with it much deeper than I was in the mid west which was where he settled ...

    Back in Floyd... Phil had a cool Olds and Merc the last years he was there. My first street rod a yellow '33 Ford, similar to the coupe in American Graffitti, would not turn up in my driveway until after Floyd when I moved to Patchogue in 1965. It was very sharp and with its souped up Caddy engine very fast. Phil's finer rides he too would build after high school in his adopted home town of Minneapolis (Mastic Beach will always be home) like these two that are pictured here. The Merc is incredible but his "Shoebox" Ford which I have seen and heard on video is one my favorites. He has also built some real unique one of a kind rods....Both of us are partial to flames....



    Can you imagine if we had cars this cool at Floyd?

    Phil is now retired from a long and colorful career with Minneapolis P D. He has told me some police stories that are absolute hair raisers and if I ever finish this Knapp caper and am not senile, would enjoy helping him put the ones he cares to retell into print. Funny thing is when he sent me a today pic he reminded me of Gene Hackman when he played Popeye Doyle in the French Connection.......He was sitting in a lawn chair in shorts having a beer on his deck and its got to either be from MINN E SODA or have an appreciation for that kind of humour which I certainly do ...... U BETCHA ...."



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