Being an Aussie, I really love the states, to the point I'm currently circumnavigating the country with wife and 4 kids in a monstrous Chevy Luxo whale barge suburban thingy. But, and it's a big but, we started our trip in CA, specifically to allow the kids 2 days at Disneyhell. Those 2 days will forever be etched in my mind, sheer hell!!! Great write up, very cool cars and people. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
You can pack more shit into one day than I can in a week! I like the roadster but I LOVE that 4 door. BTW, your missus isn't too bad with a camera either...remember this day?
I'll give you a little advice on when to visit Disney Parks: *Don't Go* when kids are out of school (between May and August). Its crowded enough during the off-season! Be that bad dad that takes his kids out class to go on a family vacation...
Another aussie here, we landed in LA early morning dropped our bags and went straight to Disneyland. What a day, dazed and confused we couldn't even work out how to get out of the place when it was time to go. The kids were asleep on the footpath while we were waiting for our shuttle. Wouldn't change a thing. Thanks for bringing back those memories Ryan
"The three of us met at a gas station in Orange and then Nathan and I followed Lou to the high grounds west of Orange." I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you were in the hills EAST of Orange, in the Santiago Hills area ?? Never go to Disneyland in the summer or holidays, you will see the end of humanity. I love the 27, less is more !
A true Cochran piece. Beautiful photos, story and cars. Nathan and Lou are really great guys. You happened to meet a few of the good ones when you met these guys. Keep up the good work Cochran.
ct1932ford, you outdid yourself on this post. Your posts are always informative and sometimes funny, but this one is the best to come out of Connecticut, I do believe. So, when is your wife returning? LOL
She MUST be a keeper. She was thoughtful enough to have signed up Ryan for a fire prevention class. LOL. Did you get to visit Vern while in Cal ?
Did you check out the Mobil station across from Disney? Oh yeah, it was there in 1956. The story behind the station and the photo is very cool:
QUOTE="Gary Addcox, post: 12136802, member: 90863"]ct1932ford, you outdid yourself on this post. Your posts are always informative and sometimes funny, but this one is the best to come out of Connecticut, I do believe. So, when is your wife returning? LOL[/QUOTE] Thanks Gary! My Wife is gone????
Here's a hijack -- At Disneyland, you were across the street from one of the hot beds of hot rodding in the 50s (maybe). I've believed (I'm gullible) that Chet Herbert's place on Manchester was (and maybe still is) right there. And legend says that he owned 20 or so acres of Mickeyland which he leased. Kept him in the black on all the wonderful projects he initiated. I had a cam ground there 10+ years ago and the counter was set up on top of what I believed to be hemi Chevy head blanks as stanchions. I'm open to any and all clarifications in the above. Lefty still is my hero.
What a woman. I fell in love with 27 roadsters at a car show in Greenwood Arkansas a couple of years ago. Silver, red interior, 32 frame and grille, and a proper SBC. I must have one. Glad you saw the elephant and lived to tell the tale.
It was a great place to work in 1973/4/5. I saw so many people just wrung out at the end of the day. I wish I still had the mirror from my 64 Belvedere that had the parking stickers.
Great story telling there. My 38 year old daughter still whines that I never took them to Disneyland when they were kids. In those days I could afford a trip to Texas to see the inlaws and see some friends and hit a rod trot or two or maybe afford the trip to Disney land. I might have to let her read the story.
Hey Stan, That dual engine FED was definitely a hard charger. He was also one of my favorites when he showed up at Lions. This is for you and all of the Herbert Cams folks. Here is a clip of Lefty Mudersbach at Lions 59-60, 1959 Riverside Raceway, and Bakersfield in 1960. It was easy to spot that race car. Jnaki