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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by flattandscruggs1, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. My wife thinks you must have painted my truck.....

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    Clay Belt, belair and els like this.
  2. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    Just drove my 63 Impala for the first time in two months and went to a local show which was dominated by new Corvettes. Nothing traditional and only a few muscle cars and very few streetrods in attendance. Left after seeing nothing interesting and confirmed my feelings about not missing anything at local shows. The only good news is I got to drive my Impala after returning to Kentucky from the Florida Pan Handle.

    els and Bruce Fischer like this.
  3. I can appreciate all of the comments, but if we all accept the attitude/practice of "I'm done with shows-no more for me", where will the essential new blood come from?

    No interest-no demand-no ongoing continuation of buyers for our cars (hmm, are we seeing some of that already?).

    Hell, there's lack of proper etiquette in our everyday lives-driving-shopping-eating out-going to the movies, etc. we can't/won't stop doing these things, or will we?

    Have a nice day! (yes, that was meant to be sarcastic).
    wicarnut, KoolKat-57, els and 6 others like this.
  4. AldeanFan
    Joined: Dec 12, 2014
    Posts: 930


    I have a very off topic replica kitcar that I'm not allowed to talk about here so I won't mention what it is but I took it to a show and some guy said it was nice but not as nice as the original one in town. He then described how this original car was identical to mine and where the owner lived. He described my house! Dumb ass

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    Clay Belt, belair, els and 5 others like this.
  5. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,242

    from California

    one bit of car show etiquette I learned the hard way is to ALWAYS wear pants. :confused:
    Clay Belt, Normant93, xpletiv and 4 others like this.
  6. Bubba1955
    Joined: Jul 8, 2013
    Posts: 463


    I've got dogs that are well behaved but never take them to car shows or swap meets. I just don't think they'd have that good of a time. When I get home I take them to the dog park where they really have fun.
    47ragtop, belair, Drunk Man and 5 others like this.
  7. insinna
    Joined: Aug 10, 2014
    Posts: 99


    Hell yeah!.... Don't forget to mention brand new cars at car shows...if I see another new Corvette I'm going to puke

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    Clay Belt, els, WiredSpider and 5 others like this.
  8. flattandscruggs1
    Joined: Jul 15, 2013
    Posts: 412

    from alabama

    THANK YOU :)
    els, Bruce Fischer, Murphy32 and 2 others like this.
  9. 41 C28
    Joined: Dec 17, 2005
    Posts: 1,772

    41 C28

    If you're not into car shows that's ok. This looks like a good place to plug a charity car show that my buddy and I are in charge of this coming week end. Just look at the registration fee as better than V.I.P. parking for the event and it goes to a good cause, not in our pockets. Ohio Challenge Open Charity Car Show. Ohio Balloon Challenge Flyer_jpg2.jpg
    els and Bruce Fischer like this.
  10. Steffen Jobst
    Joined: Sep 16, 2016
    Posts: 1,993

    Steffen Jobst

    "Car show followed by Balloon glow & fireworks"
    I see burning balloons falling on cars .... Great Show!

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
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  11. 32 HROD
    Joined: Jul 28, 2015
    Posts: 14

    32 HROD


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  12. 32 HROD
    Joined: Jul 28, 2015
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    32 HROD

    Shoot than SOB!!! Just kidding...

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  13. 32 HROD
    Joined: Jul 28, 2015
    Posts: 14

    32 HROD

    Yep... Cruize with car guys and let the public watch as you drive by....

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  14. 32 HROD
    Joined: Jul 28, 2015
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    32 HROD

    This post was obviously made by a militant mom.

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  15. 32 HROD
    Joined: Jul 28, 2015
    Posts: 14

    32 HROD

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  16. kyle ray rice
    Joined: Jul 16, 2017
    Posts: 22

    kyle ray rice

    Need to add "If you don't really know, don't talk" lol there's a whole lot of self proclaimed car show "experts" out there

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    els and cretin like this.
  17. Speedtwin
    Joined: Feb 6, 2011
    Posts: 73


    Took my Roadster to a local car show the other evening. Watched as some guy not only lent on the drivers door but lent in with a pint of beer in one hand and tugged on the steering wheel with the other! He couldn't even see what he had done and told me to 'chill'!!!
    The other thing is the constant: "who built it?" "You're really lucky to have such a cool car" and the classic "How much did it cost?"
    Answers: "I built it" "No i'm not lucky - I've just spent every waking hour working on the damn thing!"
    And as for the classic: "Don't ask - especially when I'm standing with my wife!!"

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    Clay Belt, els and Bruce Fischer like this.
  18. YUP it is called sarcasm.LOL.Bruce
    els likes this.
  19. Wraymen.I agree with you on that! Bruce. 003.JPG
    els and 2bubbas like this.
  20. models916
    Joined: Apr 19, 2012
    Posts: 379


    Lent? You Brits crack me up……."leaned" here in the colonies. Still the same problems across the ocean!
    Roadoilers and els like this.
  21. Clunker.I would of done the same thing.I carry a minny baseball bat my wife gave me to carryin my old cars.. Going to work one day in the green 56 Chrysler Windsor at a 4 way stop sign a car behind me starts blowing its horn for me to get going. I snapped{this was before prozack.LOL} I get out with the base ball bat and walk back to the car and it turned out to be one of the nurses I worked with at the nursing home. She was laughing her butt off saying I knew that would get you but she had rolled up her window and locked her door. LOL. Bruce. Justin021.JPG
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
    weps, els, 31hotrodguy and 1 other person like this.
  22. Wraymen.That's just like what happen to me after I 1st painted my 56 buick station wagon and took it food shopping. I parked wayyyyy at the end of the parking lot so no one would scratch and this what I saw when I came out of the store.REALLY? LOL. Bruce. 001 (2).JPG
    els and wraymen like this.
  23. AldeanFan. And that's when they get in to their smart car and go home.LOL.Bruce.
    els likes this.
  24. I actually used to own a scotty that was show car friendly, well almost he did used to make snide remarks when a car was an abortion. :eek:

    Dogs or animals in general ( including rug rats) are seldom show car friendly, and that's a fact. Good point. ;)
    Smitty544 and els like this.
  25. Well2bubbas.No ones going to be touching your car.LOL.Bruce.
    els and 2bubbas like this.
  26. chevy57 dude. If you want culture come to Sevierville T.N. We have the busiest Wal Mart in the country here.. You should see what people drive there and you don't have to wait for the circus to come to town .Just go in in the store and watch.. When I have to go there{for my glasses} I park at the end of the parking lot and even with my bad ankle walk all the way up to the store. LOL. Bruce.
    Clay Belt, els and chevy57dude like this.
  27. Gary you really have a NICE car buddy.Bruce.
    els and Gman0046 like this.
  28. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
    Posts: 6,257

    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    Yeah, lots of rebels here, anti-paint, anti-chrome, anti-car shows, etc. Must be part of the new "Old School" fad. I have been going to shows for over 40 years. I like them, for the most part. There are things, and people I dislike about them, but it's been the same thing forever. New cars being let in, rude questions, idiotic criticisms, obnoxious people touching, tapping on, sitting in, your car without permission.
    I tolerate it because I love the old cars. I like meeting like minded people and seeing their rides. I like getting new idea, talking to people about how they did this or that. I like seeing old friends. I really like being able to take it easy for a few hours and relaxing, walking around, or just sitting by my car with a cool drink, instead of busting my ass in the shop!
    Just a thought. All you "rebels" who criticize rude people who don't want anyone to touch, lean, sit on their car:
    Do you like strangers coming into your house uninvited? How about opening your fridge and helping themselves to a drink, or food? Maybe sit on your couch in greasy jeans, and put their dirty boots up on your coffee table? Criticize you and your wife for painting your walls the "wrong color", or not coordinating your décor?
    While I lean on my own car, even sit on the fender, I do NOT want strangers to think they can! I do NOT want people to sit in my car uninvited. I let kids sit in it if they show an interest, but an invitation should be necessary before someone does it. AND I do NOT want anyone's carelessness to damage my hard work, even though I can touch up my paint job, I'd rather NOT go through all that work! This stuff is simple etiquette, not just car show etiquette! It's basic common sense, and courtesy! People don't let their kids go behind barriers, or ropes to molest exhibits in a museum, do they? (well, some extremely stupid, rude folks probably do!) While my car isn't a museum piece, it IS my property, and my hard work got it to the condition it's in, and I dont' appreciate A-holes thinking they can do anything they want to it, just because I park it where they can get to it!
    Drunk Man, els, cretin and 2 others like this.
  29. sunbeam
    Joined: Oct 22, 2010
    Posts: 6,286


    I don't touch but when a car is not driven and used does it cease to be a car and become yard art.
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    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    I could both entertain and bore to tears with some of the escapades and comments from dozens of years in shows. As I age I watch my comments less when that mental midget comes along. Generally I just don't engage, and truth be told you know who they are before they begin their chin music. I have a neighbor who asks what things cost all the time. I've told him "Nothing, it was free. Actually got paid to clean the place out." for almost 5 years now and he still doesn't get it. Experts? Well shit kids, where are you supposed to find em? I know more than I need to about Packard in general and especially 33-4 models. If I had a $100 bill for every time I was told I was wrong (when I'm not) I could restore one for me! Decades later I just agree with their thoughts and shine em on. Trick to shutting down the typical mouth breather, pull out your phone and say "Oops, sorry. Hello? Yeah I'm at the (fill in the blank)" But turn it down so it won't ring in your ear :eek: If they stand there and wait for you walk away as if for privacy. Although sometimes a well placed and friendly "Fuck off." is also warranted. You know when and where.

    The best etiquette? Have fun. At a rather higher end show once a guy kept pounding us about the pinstripes (Packard did a double 1/16 top and bottom of the belt line). He insisted that it was wrong in spite of photos. At the banquet that evening I got the idea to set him up. We hit the bookstore in the hotel and got the latest issue of Playboy, the one with Morganna in a pictorial (remember her?). We took a latest Packard news letter and slipped the full page picture of her that we removed from magazine into page 12. We sent his son to do the dirty work, telling him to look on pg 12 and tell us if he sees 1 or 2. Flanked by 2 elderly women of rank within the club he proceeds to leasurely go through the pages. He got to pg 12 and had to slam it shut immediately so's not to offend! "You got me fellas, that was fun. And oh yeah, saw 2!" Even when you're supposed to keep your pinkies up you can still engage in some manner of horseplay. See ya at the show...
    Clay Belt, Atwater Mike, els and 2 others like this.

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