Yep, this one’s on me. I took the broken windshield to a local glass company and they cut a new one. I’m hoping they can sand (not sure what the process is) some material off so that it will fit. Probably wouldn’t take much. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I called and asked but the lady I talked to didn’t know. I left my number for them to get back with me. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I don't know how they do it today, but back in 1969, the Safelight guy smoothed the edges and brought the glass down to pattern size using a water-sprayed belt sander, which I think both cooled and lubricated the cut. I doubt they make house calls with that equipment, but like I say, don't know how they do it today. Did you opt for a tint, or clear glass?
Good point Osage. I’m gonna try and go by the business next week and explain the problem at which point I’ll probably have to take the glass out and take it to them to sand. Your explanation of the process makes perfect sense to me. I opted for the clear glass. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I finished polishing the hood Spears today and got the installed. Have you guys ever seen a hood without the character line? Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Looking back at a picture of the truck "as found", the original hood had that character line. I've never seen a hood that didn't have it so I'm a bit perplexed but like you guys, I like it without the character line too.
Very interesting. I've considered for many years slicing and dicing Clarence's hood to remove that line. I've envisioned it but now I get to actually see what it would look like. How 'bout a few more hood pix?
Atch, I wasn’t sure what angles you wanted of the hood. Let me know if you’d like more pics. I didn’t see any evidence of “slicing and dicing” when I removed all the filler that was on the hood prior to paint. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I looked at f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 pictures on the interweb and this 49 f5 is the only one that looks like it "could" be the same, a rare and unusual hood you got there!
Thanks for the pic Johnboy. It’s definitely and interesting anomaly. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Thanx for the pix. That hood is way cool. I know where there used to be a few of these big trucks in a bone yard. Looks like I'll be visiting sometime to see if they are still there and if they have any hoods like this.
I got a little bit of time in on the truck today. I forget who recommended it, but I rounded the edges of the taillight brackets. Now to paint them. I bought some rust encapsulator and painted the insides of the doors. Sorry no picture. I installed the door lock. Finally, I decided to try my hand at painting the Ford script on the dust caps. I've noticed the older I get the more shaky my hands are. The painting isn't perfect but considering what these caps looked like before, I'm pretty proud of the outcome. Both caps were beat to death so I heated them up and hammered them back into shape. Then I had them chromed and painted the script. I have chrome lug covers too which I'll put on later.
Excellent work on the dust caps. Those are always pieces that get abuse, and you've given them a great second chance.
Well, I was to get the windshield trimmed and it popped right in place!! Also installed the driver vent glass. The passenger side glass needs to be trimmed a bit. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Windshield magic? Thanksgiving miracle? Change in temperatures, tide, barometric pressure, or just danged luck? Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Just a small update. I mounted a fire extinguisher, installed the review mirror, made some small adjustments to the window divider bar and bolted on the door access panels. Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but the lower radiator tube I made had a couple more leaks in it. I removed it a couple of weeks ago and welded up where the leaks appeared to be and repainted the tube. So this past weekend I installed the tube and put the coolant back in. Unfortunately I missed a small hole around the drain plug so I took it back off and took it to a local radiator shop. I got the tube back yesterday and they sealed it up for me. Time to reinstall it, hopefully for the last time. Also took the passenger vent window glass to a local glass cutter today. They're going to try and sand a bit off of it because it wasn't fitting very good. Fire extinguisher: I know it sticks out a bit but I wanted it quickly accessible. I thought about mounting it on the floor between the shifter and seat but didn't. Review mirror mounted. I love the contrast of the stainless screws against the red paint. Also mounted the door handle and window crank as parallel as I could. OCD kicking in. So nice to have the windshield in. You can see the vent glass over laps the divider bar which I have adjust as far to the back as I can. Here you can see the glass doesn't seat in the vent window frame very well. Hopefully the glass company can sand it enough to fit correctly.
Got the passenger vent glass trimmed and installed!! Yah!! The lower radiator pipe I made is finally leak free. Although I haven’t run the truck yet to fully test. That will come soon, I hope. I took the carbs back off and adjusted the floats. Hoping for a leak free trio of dueces. Went ahead and changed the oil and filter just in case the excessive gas running through the carbs washed down the cylinders and got in the oil. Also changed the plugs. Can you say running REALLY rich?!? Anyone want to come by and help me tune this truck? I’m not a tuner...wish I was. Guess this is OJT. Worked on covering the opening on the seat belt reel since I have to use them backwards. I bought some ABS plastic and tried Gorilla gluing a cover on. FAIL! Didn’t even hold. Came apart when I started trimming the excess. I’ll figure out try number 2 and report later. Good thing I have plenty of ABS! That’s it for now. I probably won’t get to work on the truck until after Christmas. So, I wish all of you and very blessed Christmas!! God bless David Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
There are about a million adhesive products on the market and someone here probably has a better solution than I do, but try Shoe Goo. Maybe that's not the exact spelling. You can find it in the shoe section with the polish and shoe strings at WalMart. It's a contact cement; meaning you put it on both pieces and let it dry and then put the pieces together. Let us know what you finally use that works.
Interesting atch. I didn’t think about a contact type of cement. So the shoe goo is similar to weather strip adhesive? Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I think Atch is onto something. Clean all surfaces as best you can, rough 'em up a bit. I have used two different types of epoxy lately, and the stuff that also can be used for ABS plastic works quite well for that. Might work for your application, but I was bonding ABS to ABS (BMW key). Didn't work as well gluing some glass flowers back together. If Shoe Goo stays pliable and doesn't turn brittle over time, I'll bet it would be as reliable as anything.