I'm sure someone has already posted a thread on this subject, but its been awhile since I've been on here. I am re-painting my 47 ford coupe, so I need to weld these window tracks in before beforehand. Is anyone familiar with the Hagan kit ? Or is there an easier install out there. Any help , tips and info would be greatly appreciated.
I think he is wanting to eliminate the vent window and have a larger door glass but I could be wrong..
You nailed it ffr 1222k. I want to keep the manual regulator though, no power windows. Hagan sells a kit , I want to find out if anyone has used this kit and if they were satisfied with it. Thanks for the reply.
yeee buoy, some of the responces. Hagan makes great products. My shop hasn't used these, we usually get the channels from Specialty power window co. and make our own. you have to make it bolt in and be adjustable. If you don't fabricate much , you won't go wrong with Hagen.
Taking them out of my Falcon, too. They do not need to be there. I have heat and AC. If I need fresh air, the windows roll down.
Removing the vent windows is for street rods and race cars.... One of the charms of the early cars is they still have vent windows.
I live around alot of water, Puget Sound. If I hit the water with this business coupe I'd be done for . So its definitely a safety concern. This car has the short sedan doors. The vent window is almost as wide as the roll down section. Not to mention, I think they look better with out vent. It may also be cheaper way to go. Thanks for the input.
Yeah, I live in the Puget sound area too (south sound). I hate the lack of vent windows in my OT car. My GFs car has no vent windows either but has those 'rain guard' things but those still allow water in. Vent windows do a far better job of letting fresh air in and keeping the water out than not having them....
I have Vintage Air heat/ac and Specialty Power windows in my 66 Suburban "street rod". I ditched my wing windows but I didn't need no kit. Get two lengths of window channel/fuzzies from supplier and fab some brackets yourself, not hard to do. Cut a piece of 1/4" Masonite to the new glass shape (flip pattern for other door). After channels are in place, mock up in window opening to check fit and have a glass shop cut new glass from your pattern. Much more satisfying once you've accomplished it than buying a kit.
When i did my 41 i bought the Hagan kit but decided against it and left the vents alone. Looked like a decent kit
Thats true , if I did it myself it would be much cheaper also. I have a set of rear doors with longer glass channels in them that I should be able to use. Thanks for tips .
Id like to put some vent Windows in mine These have the mechanism that moves back a bit to open a vent and then go Down. That's all fine and dandy and super cool until you stick bear claw type latches in and foul the glass channel.
Maybe add a flat piece at the back of the window opening like a '34 has; that should let you make a deep enough window channel to permit rearward movement and still allow the added thickness of the bear-claw latch.
One other nice thing about vent windows; if you carry anyone in the back seat (which if you have a short-door coupe with no rear seat doesn't matter), you can get fresh air without wind-blowing your passengers....
I even mocked that up, looks way goofy because my door frame is SO thick already to take a deep window channel and let the glass move back before it goes down Comparing this to the rear of my door 34 doors are really thin in that are so they can handle the extra thickness
With the window down and the vent open, you can hook your thumb around the window channel... everybody knows that...
I've rolled a few car back in my time so I know this from experience. Trying to open a door when a car is sitting on its side is almost impossible. Its a lot easier to roll the window down and crawl out. Worse yet , miss a turn and end up in a lake ( river, sound , whatever) and see if you can open that door when you are under water . I don't think so. But you guys can take that chance if you want. Not me!.
That's what I get for not reading more carefully. This is what I thought you meant. What's that all about anyway This I understand. Wild Willie didn't need no wing window!
Vent windows were great for non-smoking passengers since the smoke readily escaped through the vent windows.
That little handle also gives you a little something to clutch on to with the pinky on left hand corners , while still being cool with your arm out the window.