I understand not making the job bigger than it already is. Wish I could do photo shop. I'd do it both ways for sure. My eye tells me with the adjusted Top height the stock quarter length would look very good with the Longer door. As it is the Stock door looks very short to the length of quarter in front of the rear fender. Have I told you yet that I don't think like Normal People? The plus is that you wouldn't need to shorten the SS belt line trim. The Wizzard
You're contemplating exactly what I wanted to do with my old 50 delivery. I even went as far as finding one good tudor sedan door for the conversion. I believe the tudor doors will be a great improvement on your delivery. Just for kicks, take a look at a 36 chevy delivery. They used the longer tudor sedan doors from the factory and the look is out standing! I'd change those doors in a heartbeat. The chopped top will complement the long door/short quarter look.
A few more parts are trickling in....I didnt really need this right at the moment but another HAMBer made me a good deal on it....thanks StefanS! Hopefully I will need it sooner than later.
Much appreciated Chaz. I'm just a guy that enjoys putzing around out in the shop. I can see in my mind what I want the car to look like, and I think it's headed that direction.
The weekend has been spent getting the 2 door donor set up so I can get it in and out of the shop as needed. Had to visit the used tire shop in order to get all 4 tires rolling, (couple of inner tubes was cheaper than used tires) and had to do a bit of ghetto fabbing. I didnt want to spend much time taking care of a missing leaf spring on the drivers side, and the missing rear shackle on the passenger side. The car can now be rolled easily by myself. That is a good thing. Here are a few pictures of the donor car. The engine compartment stuff is a bit rusty but in pretty good shape overall. I will use the inner fenders and vents, etc. I am thinking of smoothing the firewall as well. But thats on down the road a bit!
Not a lot of updates to provide. Work has been demanding as of late. I managed to get a mini split heat pump/AC installed in the shop so I am set for the warmer weather that is lurking around the corner. I have been working on a test stand to break in the 235. I hope to get the engine running in the next week or three. I think I am headed down to Austin for the LSR in a couple of weeks so it may be a month before I get it running. Once the engine is broke in I will cut all the engine crap off it and make it into a 3' x 5' welding table. I also picked up a few tools along the way and this evening I tried out the bead roller I got. I just ran a few beads on a scrap of 18 ga cold rolled. I need to practice obviously to make some nice floorboards but it was pretty interesting to use. It is the cheapy from Eastwood and I will need to reinforce it to keep it from flexing but I was pretty happy with the first test panel I made with it. It isn't easy cranking the handle and trying to guide the piece by yourself. It may get motorized.
I have managed to start trimming the rot out of the 2 door floorboards. I just need to do a bit more final trimming and I will be ready to start making up the new floorboards. The rockers are in pretty good shape and shouldn't require a lot of work. The front seat mounting sheet metal is really solid as well.
Admire your dedication and tenacity. As badly as the top has been mangled, my advice is to turn it into an El Camino. Use the front half of the four-door top and the rear section of an AD truck top.
Gotta see this one through. A Ute would be cool but this one has to be an SD. I can't disappoint those that have called me crazy for doing this.
It's time to start the 235. It came home from the machine shop on Sept 26, 2016. So its been sitting here 20 months. I got the oil primed up this afternoon, and just finished wiring the starting circuit. I whipped up a test stand out of scrap metal I had laying around over the last couple of months. The adrenaline was pumping as I hit the key and spun it over for the first time. I knew it wasn't going to start but it sure sounded good turning over for the first time. Got the timing set and I need to set the valve lash and go over all the bolts and check everything over in the morning. I also need to rig up some sort of temporary tailpipe. I am using Tom Langdon's HEI distributor so no setting the points. Tomorrow I hope she roars to life. Been a long time coming!
I have a feeling this will be a short night. Best of luck. The Wizzard[/QUOTE] Yes sir. Ready to rock and roll with it this morning. Going to try to grab a video of it busting off when the time comes.
Got the engine running this evening. Took a video but it's too big to upload. Im going to see if I can convert it some way to something smaller. She runs good....oil pressure is 40-45 and temp right at 180. Ran 2 gallons of fuel through it at around 1750 - 2000 rpm. She idles down pretty nicely too! Now to do some fine tuning on it this week. Thats all for tonight. 4 am comes early. I will probably crank it up one more time on the way in the house just to be sure!
Sounds like you can put the Motor project to rest and get on with some body work. Back to the Big Project. Well done. The Wizzard
Yeah I still have to fit the Offenhauser intake and dual Carter/Weber carbs but that's the fun stuff. I'll run the engine for a couple of more gallons of fuel to finish the break in and then change the oil, and put the dual carb setup on and get it dialed in over the next week or so. In the meantime I'm saving pennies for a TIG/Stick/Plasma rig. Actual body work will begin then. Right now I am drawing chalk lines on the cars to figure out where to cut.
Don't know if this will work or not....can someone check it out and let me know if the video works? Thanks! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jwikw469wm8q42k/IMG_0369.MOV?dl=0
Thanks for checking it out for me Mr. Moriarity. The file was 144 mb and I couldn't make it smaller with the software on hand.
Atch, Not much progress that is tangible. I've been working on new floorboards and taking my time getting to understand how to get the results I want from the bead roller and shrinker and stretcher. I need to get the 2 door Sedan rolled into the air conditioned shop and get the rest of the rot cut out of the floors so I can start getting the new floorboards welded in. I have also been doing some other little projects like getting the seat frame all cleaned up and ready for upholstery. I got all the old upholstery removed and the hundreds of hog rings cut off. I dropped the seat frame off at the powdercoater's last Tuesday. It is going to get sandblasted and powdercoated.
The motor isn't in yet Stefan. The engine stand was something I decided to do so I could hear the engine run, and it had been sitting there for a good while, and I wanted to get it broke in. I think its going to be a solid little engine by the way it sounds on the test stand.
As far as I can tell. It all bolted up with no problem. It should work like a champ once it has a pedal hooked up to it.