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History Rock & Roll Radio History: New Year's Eve With Wolfman Jack !

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Jonnie King, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
    Posts: 32,577

    Jalopy Joker

    don't miss out on this for the new year
  2. Whew! Your words gave me a little rush, Jonnie King! I couldn't agree more, my friend. It's all music!
  3. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
    Posts: 2,078

    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis


    Fellow Hambers, it's hard to believe that it's been 23 years since the Wolfman called me on that New Year's Eve of 1993 when I was On-The-Air at Juke Box 96 in St. Louis.

    On the Anniversary of that call every year, I like to share it here with those who remember his fantastic voice, and, the many shows he did during his career. And, once more, if you happen to be new member here on the H.A.M.B., it's a rare listen to one of the most legendary broadcasters in Radio History !

    Oh ! And, you'll not only hear the Wolfman, you'll get to "Clap For The Wolfman" with Canada's Guess Who ! Here's the LINK:

    Listen, enjoy, and, I hope your Holiday and your New Year are the best you've ever had !
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  4. Guess I'm missing it, but don't see where to click to hear Wolfman.
  5. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
    Posts: 2,078

    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
  6. Thanks Jonnie. Happy New Year !:D:D 6a00d8341bf71353ef0133f596885e970b-800wi.jpg
  7. denis4x4
    Joined: Apr 23, 2005
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    from Colorado

    When I went to work at an ad agency in the mid-sixties, I used an agency letterhead to get the XERB media kit. Wolfman Jack was doing a promo offering a free iron for your pillow case, "so I'll always be close to you when you listen to me in bed". The responses were off the charts and the strength of the signal was more like 250,000 watts. If I remember correctly, his "corporate" headquarters were in DelRio Texas on the border across from another mega watt AM station in Mexico.
  8. blackrat40
    Joined: Apr 19, 2006
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    Thanks a million Jonnie! I had the privilege of living in the San Joaquin Valley in California in the mid 60's
    and listened to the Wolfman every night. I'll never forget that special time!
    mad mikey likes this.
  9. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Your welcome, mikey ! Thanks for the pic...American Graffiti was a "touchstone" film for any who ever lived in SoCal in the 60' included.
    mad mikey likes this.
  10. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Thanks so much for that info ! Yes, that's where he was based at the time. Jack was always on-target with ideas/promotions just like the one you shared with us. He had a great sense of humor, both on-the-air & off. I always admired his work, and got a big laugh out of him in one of our conversations when I said: "Jack, you are so good at what you do ! You are always way-ahead of who's ever in 2nd Place !" He loved it ! And, hearing that "Wolfman" laugh of his in response just made my day !!!
    Thanks, again, denis...
  11. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Great memories for sure ! His signal covered such a wide area that his ratings impacted lots of other stations within their "area patterns" ! He was a Broadcasting Legend way before American Graffiti, or, his year's on NBC's "Midnight Special"...and like you, and all of the others who've shared their stories with us here on the H.A.M.B...once you heard him, you could never forget him !
    Best to you & Happy New Year !
  12. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    I mentioned Lonnie Napier in a previous post, and how he worked with the Wolfman for 25 years as Vice President of Wolfman Jack Productions. He was truly Jack's "right arm" for all those year's, traveling with him and working side-by-side with him every day.

    Lonnie has always been a Super Pro in the Broadcasting field, and for the last few year's has been Executive Producer of the long-running, syndicated radio feature "American Country Countdown" with Kix Brooks. Brooks, of course, was part of that great, multi-million-selling Country recording duo Brooks & Dunn.

    Again, Lonnie was one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet, loved Jack, and, to this day has those 25 years worth of memories with Jack that still shine brightly every time he hears Jack's name, or, "Clap For The Wolfman" hits the airwaves !

    Lonnie, wherever you are right now, thank you so much for all you did for the Wolfman...and, how you've always been a part of an Industry that we depend on every time we turn on a radio in our homes, our offices, at work, and, especially, when we hit the road in our Rods & Customs !
  13. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Got a great call from a young, local rodder here in the St.L. area. We met a car show here in September, and he's one of the cool cross-over millennials that love our R&C culture, rockabilly music, and, that "Flashback" time period of the 50's.

    He told me that he's seen some videos of Wolfman Jack on YouTube, heard a few clips of his shows somewhere on the net, but never knew of Jack's "St. Louis Connection" until another of our friends close-by sent him the link to the "NYE 1993 Call" that I got from him when I was on-the-air and he got to hear Jack on my show.

    It was really cool to share some more info with him about the Wolfman while we talked, and I also alerted him to the Worldwide scope of the H.A.M.B. and how he could get answers to his rodding questions, share ideas, and, be within a community of dedicated rodders that could give him help if he needed it. So, yes, he may be "lurking" around here next year...and, log on when he gets the nerve. It all started with a simple car show...a great way for all of us to spread the word about this super-site!

    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  14. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    [​IMG] TO MY FRIENDS HERE at the H.A.M.B. it's hard to believe that it's been 24 years since the Wolfman called me on that New Year's Eve of 1993 when I was On-The-Air at Juke Box 96 in St. Louis.

    On the Anniversary of that call every year, I like to share it here with those who remember his fantastic voice, and, the many shows he did during his career. And, once more, if you happen to be new member here on the H.A.M.B., it's a rare listen to one of the most legendary broadcasters in Radio History !

    THIS YEAR I have revised & reformatted this Tribute Page to the Wolfman...making it a tad bigger, with larger print, and, lots more Info on this truly Legendary Hall of Famer, who was not just my friend, but a friend to almost all who met him.

    Oh ! And, you'll not only hear the Wolfman, you'll get to "Clap For The Wolfman" with Canada's Guess Who , their million-seller from 1974 ! Here's the LINK:

    Listen, enjoy, and, I hope your Holiday and your New Year are the best you've ever had !
    AND, as always...Let's hear YOUR Wolfman Jack stories !!!
  15. Thanks Jonnie, and Happy New Year. I always look forward to you posting this. I have been a fan of the Wolfman since I was a little kid.:D
    lothiandon1940 and Jonnie King like this.
  16. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
    Posts: 2,078

    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    mad mikey...

    Thanks ! The "Wolfman" was a part of SO many of our lives through his radio shows, tv shows & films. That's why I love to share it with everyone here...because, like the kids in American Graffiti we were Crusin' and listening to him in our Rods & Customs !

    Here's the "New Year's Eve, 1993" Wolfman Link:
    AND, don't forget to post your Wolfman pix & stories !

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
  17. Rest in Peace, Wolfman.............We still love you and will always miss you...........Don. 12292017.jpg 0413125_5.jpeg 12292017_0001.jpg
  18. SlamIam
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
    Posts: 468


    I have one incredible memory from late night cruising Belmont Avenue in Fresno in 1967 or 8. No A/C in most cars then so there were many of us sitting with the windows down, stacked many cars deep at a red light in front of the Mars Drive-in on Palm. It was eerie...every single car on in two lanes on both sides of the intersection had XERB on the radio, every one...all those radios tuned together echoed out into the night...can't imagine that happening now with all the different entertainment sources available, but that's how it was back then
  19. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    Jalopy Joker

    Jonnie - Thanks, and "Happy 365"
  20. john worden
    Joined: Nov 14, 2007
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    john worden
    from iowa

    In the mid sixties we knew of the Wolfman but could not tune him in here in Central Iowa.
    We were pleasantly surprised late one summer night cruising in southern Colorado high in the Rockies when we received radio stations from the West coast and The Wolfman came in loud and clear.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  21. blackrat40
    Joined: Apr 19, 2006
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    I used to listen to The Wolfman late at night broadcasting from "THE MIGHTY 1090 XERB IN LOS ANGELEESE !! in the mid 60's. It was a very special time. You could be walking through a dark drive in movie, a dark parking lot, or our Navy barracks late at night, and somewhere in the dark you would hear the
    distinctive wolf howl from the Wolfman's show. Great memories!
    Jonnie King likes this.
  22. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  23. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis


    When I was living in California in '63 & '64, that same eerie feeling happened at Bob's Big Boy, and, Tiny Naylor's...right there in the parking lots you could hear him Howl !

    I had my '57 Dodge Coronet Lancer, solid red, 2dr. had the front speaker in the dash, but also the optional factory installed rear speaker. So, it was so cool to turn 'em both loose listening to him on XERB in the Summer with the windows down ! The Wolfman NYE, 1993 Link:

    Cool memories for sure...many thanks !
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  24. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Jalopy Joker...

    Right back atcha' ! Hope next year is your BEST ever !

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2017
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  25. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis


    True...sometimes the Signals area-reach don't make it to some places. When I was at KAAY in Little Rock, our clear-channel 50,000 Watt Nite Time Signal was North & South. Most 50KW's like ours were licensed the same way due to FCC Restrictions that went back to about 1932.

    Because of that, I got mail from as far away as Canada (North) and yes, Cuba (South)...that was so much fun when the mail came in, and my boss loved ! (When they listened in Havana, the way the Signal reached them, some thought my name was "Jonnie Keen" !)

    Thanks John...glad you DID get to hear him ! None better than the Wolfman !

    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  26. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Thanks blackrat40 !

    The Wolfman & I talked about that many times, and he truly loved the that super-powerful XERB/1090. What we discussed was that KAAY was also at that same frequency "1090"...BUT he was far enough away from where we were in Little Rock that our Signals never interfered with one another at night.

    The Wolfman had fun wherever he was...and you can hear that in his voice when he called me about 11pm on New Year's Eve 24 Year's ago tonight !

    Happy New Year to you blackrat !

    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  27. blackrat40
    Joined: Apr 19, 2006
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    The Wolfman was a real "hoot" for sure. I remember one of his shows where he was talking to a long distance phone operator who was trying to ask him if he would accept a collect call. He said "...wait a minute operator...
    let me get my pants down". HA-HA! I recorded some of his shows on a reel to reel monaural tape recorder with the mike hanging over my AM clock radio in 1966. I still have the tapes but no recorder to play them on.
    Have a great 2018 Jonnie and "HAVE MERCY !!
    Jonnie King likes this.
  28. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    Mickey D...

    That's cool ! I never heard that one...but the Wolfman loved to tease some of his callers for sure ! AND your mentioning recording those calls made me think of the fantastic 41 Song American Graffiti Album !

    It was not only a hit in 1973 when it was released, BUT it's sold so many copies WorldWide that it went Triple-Platinum ! AND, alot of those sales were from fans who wanted to hear the Wolfman on their own record players at home, PLUS, those that bought 8-Track tapes & cassettes to Cruise with in their rides !

    [​IMG] The Wolfman had fun wherever he was...and you can hear that in his voice just like when he called me about 11pm on New Year's Eve 24 Year's ago tonight !
    Thanks, Mickey D !

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
  29. john worden
    Joined: Nov 14, 2007
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    john worden
    from iowa

    Jonnie, We frequently tuned in KAAY and listened to BEAKER STREET with cool Clyde Clifford.
    What time of day/night were you on the air?
    Cruising music in this part of the world was mostly AM from KSO ( Hal Moore ) and KIOA ( The Old Youngster, Dick Youngs ) in Des Moines.
    We were fortunate to experience that era's car culture first hand.
    Jonnie King likes this.
  30. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    From April, 1969-November,1971, I was on at KAAY from 8 pm-11 pm right before Clyde. I was also Music Director and usually was at the station from 3pm-Mid.

    That made for a pretty long day, but I really loved it. But the PD wanted to lighten my load and shorten my shift, which was cool. My Airshift then was 10am-Noon...and could handle the music & the promotion reps that came in from all-over the country much easier that way. I did that from November '71 until I left to go to WDRQ/FM in Detroit in September of 1972.

    AND, as you hear with the Wolfman, radio was really, really fun in that time period !

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Again, Happy New Year, John...and to all my H.A.M.B. friends !

    john worden likes this.

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