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Profile Pages!

Discussion in 'Questions & Suggestions' started by Dick Stevens, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. hotrodharry2
    Joined: Nov 19, 2008
    Posts: 855

    from Michigan

    I look at profiles when I’m dealing with them on a sale or purchase. A general location is perfect. Also there is a trading profile that no one seems to care about. Like spay, you could have a better idea how someone is before you agree to buy or sell to them. Ok, I’m off my soap box now. Carry on Troops!

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
  2. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    Good advice there. “Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see. Parris lsland Drill Instructor 1968. The older I get the Smarter he was. Lol Good stuff there donuts&peelouts. Appreciate it.
  3. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,684

    from Minnesota

    "or are you trying to hide something?"
    Nosy people annoy me. Do you spy on your neighbors? Follow them on social media and keep a record of their activities in case 'they have something to hide'??
    I guess if a person feels the need to actually waste the time it takes to sit and read profiles to find out what the OP states they have way more time on their hands than I do.
    Seriously,someone HAS to know my age,what I do for a living and if I am retired???????
    Reading what a person writes tells me more about the writer than all the 'profiling' can tell you. I know without reading a profile who I would and who I wouldn't like to meet here on the HAMB. If people reading this decide I am the type they don't want to meet me that's ok by me.
    You can fill out your report on me that I am a teensy bit crabby and irritable and private about my personal life.Always have been. I think everyone should be.
    I buy and sell stuff every day as a second income. I do it by cold calling.I'm one of those guys who puts ads on local sites,reads ads and goes to see what they have.If it looks sketchy I don't go in. I have more faith in people than some here. Don't care about what they like or dislike.I'm buying and they are selling. Simple as that.
    What's next? A post that all members here have to use their real name instead of a moniker?
    Suppose it would be easier if everyone was listed alphabetically.Mush easier to gather that valuable,need to know information.May as well require a phone number because we all know that there aren't any companies out there that harvest names and numbers off sites like this that they can sell to spammers right?
    Oh snap. That could all be done by one individual who could just sit at home and go through every profile here.
    If I want to know more about a individual on here I engage them in conversation. I don't have to investigate them beforehand
    Last note.My left ball is larger than my right one.File that away
    rjones35, loudbang, Montana1 and 8 others like this.
  4. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    And a scammer wouldn't make a fake profile? The profile feature is kind of cool, but it can't be taken in truth. As "partsdawg" stated, if you keep up with things around here, you can easily tell the people you'd want to deal with.
    loudbang, dan31 and Donuts & Peelouts like this.
  5. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,922

    Dick Stevens

    The thing is, people on here post asking for help with some problems and if they are not far away from you, it would be possible to lend a hand, but not if you don't know where they are located! I'm sorry if you feel that wanting to know a little about someone that posts on the HAMB is being nosy but to me it is being interested in that person and their projects! I certainly don't care to know anything about anyone's anatomy and I won't bother looking at your profile as I have already decided that I don't care.
  6. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,684

    from Minnesota

    Glad you made your decision.I never looked at yours either.For the record I have helped several local folks and interact with a number of them.There is the social button that lets you find,join or start local group subsets within the HAMB. THAT'S the easiest and quickest way to find like minded individuals and get local help if needed that I am aware of. Get togethers and runs can be posted in these social groups and they are quite handy. It's not used as much as I think it could be.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  7. Kinky6
    Joined: May 11, 2003
    Posts: 1,765


    FWIW, on the profile page, the options are Male, Female, & Other. I clicked "Other" just as a goof (extraterrestrial?) when I filled my page out, actually a straight male, as if anybody gives a hoot. K6
    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  8. Kinky6
    Joined: May 11, 2003
    Posts: 1,765


    Off Kilter? I always thought that was a Scottish Chippendale's performer!
  9. It's pretty simple, it's called privacy.
    It's up to the individual, not the mods or other members.
    It's also just nobodies business! And their reasons are nobodies business either!
    This isn't a bunch of millennial college kids on Facebook posting pictures of what they had for lunch, JEEEEZEZ!
    I am a strong believer in people MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS!
  10. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,481

    from California

    not sure how my empty profile makes someone elses HAMB experience less enjoyable. if you want to buy or sell with me and my 16,000 posts here are not enough to trust me that would be a problem you need to get fixed on your own.

    a while back a guy was showing his project here, his garage and back yard were full of good car junk, along with tools and whatnot.. his city was in his profile and there was a sign over the fence for a store in one of the pictures. I had his house and back yard on google earth in about 5 minutes. could have watched his posts and went to visit next time he was off to a show over the weekend and stole all his stuff.

    I had pictures of things going on in my shop, and the outside photos made it easy to figure out where I was. I removed all that. it is a crazy world out there.
  11. 2rustynutz
    Joined: Dec 19, 2017
    Posts: 15

    from Oregon

    Well I have been on here more years than I care to remember, my old profile will not let me in so I started this one. In the past I have sent a pm to Ryan asking about a member that had a part for sale and he answered right away . You would hope people would be upstanding citizens but here , real world or craigslist there is always that piece of garbage out there.
  12. Paranoia strikes deep into your life it will creep. "Buffalo Springfield"

    I don't worry about what is in my profile,what's not listed is I do have a concealed weapons permit and although I am a easy going Southern boy I do know how to protect my family & my property. HRP
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  13. GordonC
    Joined: Mar 6, 2006
    Posts: 3,361


    HRP now don't go getting all scary on us! :D I wouldn't even let people know that little bit of info. Let em find out the hard way! By the way this thread reminded me I needed to update my profile so I did if anybody really gives a shit!
    Dick Stevens likes this.
  14. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,012


    Let me just give all y'all a little food for thought on the topic of privacy on the internet:

    I have spent more than a decade designing the hardware that moves traffic around the internet. I know how it works, what it does, or doesn't do.

    The idea of privacy, for the common man, on the internet is a a pure fantasy.

    Every single bit of traffic to and from your computer is logged. Every bit of content that you push or pull passes through hundreds of pieces of equipment, each which can capture any or all of it. Each of those pieces of equipment log the pathway directly to you.

    I can sit down (provided that I want to risk my freedom and career) at a computer and determine not only the location of your home, but, in many cases, exactly where you are physically. If your computer is connected to your router via a cable, I can tell you how many feet of cable there is between your computer, and the router. If you have a wireless connection, I can tell you how far away from the router you are. If you are within range of your neighbors wireless routers, I can not only tell you where you are exactly, but track your computer's movements around the house.

    A cursory examination of public records will reveal the names of the people residing at that address. From that, matching a screen name to real name is not even a challenge.

    Much of all the same goes for a smartphone, only that is even easier. Through your phone's own GPS, your location is always known. Even if you turn off the GPS, tower timing can discern your location down to a foot, or two.

    Remember, recently, numerous prominent websites were brought to a halt using a heavy bombardment technique called a Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS). The devices that were employed to generate the excessive traffic were Wi-Fi baby monitors, and security cameras, inside of peoples homes. Think about it.

    Now, if a two-bit hack hotrod builder, and hardware engineer could do this illegally, the government can do it, with impunity.

    You are not hiding from anyone. Just don't make it easy for the unsophisticated criminals to victimize you.

    Now, back to building rods and customs.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018

  15. .................Crickets.......................
    Everyone must be busy trying to delete all the porn sites they visited......... Too Late;)
  16. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,012


    Finding a single grain of sand on a beach can be done, if you have a reason to look for that one.

    Don't give anyone a reason to look.
  17. Damn it! I should of said rat rod or European sports car sites.;)
  18. 59Apachegail
    Joined: Apr 30, 2011
    Posts: 1,508

    from New York

    There is a serious issue posting a lot of personal details about yourself here. Scammers can easily join and do so daily. The more you post about yourself the more you give the bad guys about yourself. Why would anyone want to hand their personal information over?
  19. I just finished filling out my profile page, created my avatar too. Good times.

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
  20. Hey, now your screwing with us, :confused: Thats a Ford :cool:.
  21. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    I applaud You for going with your gut or whatever drives us! You have that right! so stick to your feelings!

    Someday, you may change your feelings, maybe not! Go with your best feelings no matter what at any point in life's travels.. Bye, Hope you meet tons of locals,,,that is kinda special to me...they may stop by more often ,or you visit them?, in this all too hurried world that most "unknowingly" create for themselves :)

    a couple local younguns stopped by yesterday after one called me to see if I got plowed out! I said yes, but I now need the top drive done so I can get my summer only truck out on Monday for a crucial doctors meeting... my daily is done for, with a problem in this below zero F weather!....well...then...

    looky here...

    the 20 year old in the closeup...I never saw him, until that point...he had already gotten out of the passenger side as they got there, then he watched the plow blade to get it very close to the bay door to backblade the last bit of snow, so I did not have to hand shovel... :)

    young'uns rule! I met these guys kinda sorta by chance...this wild year I had... I got really close with their entire tribe in the next town... and actually, well beyond! "rude boys cc"

    Attached Files:

  22. Great story F&J, I hope your meeting goes well. I try and plow all the senior's driveways when we get a decent amount. Made a bunch of friends along the way.
  23. indyjps
    Joined: Feb 21, 2007
    Posts: 5,389


    General location helps, if you dont want to list your town, something like south east Iowa.

    If you can find someone in your general area doing the same car or similar project it makes things a lot easier.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  24. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,481

    from California

    I thought it would be simpler to eliminate useless information online than to have to shoot someone over car parts or tools.
  25. GAZ, I would never EVER, screw with anyone on this forum. Glad you like my avatar.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    31hotrodguy and loudbang like this.
  26. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    Having read post #45@gimpeyshotrods I find myself asking “Now wouldn’t that Twist your Aunt Fannie’s peanuts.” But seriously lets not let the H.A.M.B. go the way of so-called reality car build shows and Facebook. Let’s be open to differing opinions without discension. Criticism is ok, as long as it’s constructive and not mean spirited. The participants of this forum make it unique and great. Enough said. It’s cold on the right Coast, time to crack open my Rodder’s Journal, now let’s see where was I......

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
  27. Spooky Two
    Joined: Dec 4, 2011
    Posts: 135

    Spooky Two

    Hey Dick Stevens ...not fully understanding how peculiar your inquiry of why people don't fill out their profile page went "fearful" and "ahhk, scammer gonna getcha" ?!?
    Well, heck you are more than welcome to read mine ...Join the 2 and 1/2 persons that perhaps did(n't)
    And steal ALL YOU CAN ...I do, that's why I'm here, being 'The Thief of a Better Thunk' aide in what to do with the exact same pieces and parts that we have all compiled in just about the same size shed.
    Identity theft's weekend theft I panic about. Saturday's that just keep slipping awaaaayyyyy
    Dick Stevens likes this.
  28. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Hey, Mr. Two!, How soon can you get here? Hey, I finally figured out why I can't find anything here! I have TOO many friends!!! ...and they keep bringing me all the stuff they cannot bear to throw away or scrap! so,, they pile it here, saying " I know you will do something with it!" ... Yea, trip over it!

    Pssst...I will help you load with the bucket crawler! bring your sisters 53 footer Tractor trailer!
  29. I believe a lot of you guys have gone overboard on the privacy thing.
    I am sure nobody on here wants to know all that much about you. I know I couldn't care less. I wouldn't put my address or phone number or photo on here either.
    My take on the original post is that people ask questions or seek help or have things for sale and they don't bother to put where they are located. That's just the smallest thing to ask.
    Just put Pacific Northwest, Midwest, Southeast, Australia, France or anything to tell us that its close enough to help.

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