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Folks Of Interest Help me find a thieving, no good, dirty bastard from Australia...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Jan 15, 2018.

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  1. CNC-Dude
    Joined: Nov 23, 2007
    Posts: 1,035


    I saw a picture of it in another thread here recently and was wondering to myself if that was the one you were referring to as I was reading this.
    loudbang, C69A and chryslerfan55 like this.
  2. Hopefully, the guy caught wind of this and is shitting his pants.
    Probably would be best to leave political stuff off of Ryans' thread.
    The H.A.M.B. is the best place on the 'web, hate to see someone ripping it off.
  3. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
    Oscar Wilde

    You are in good company......
    along with such counterfeitees as Disney, Rolex, Nike and on-line Viagra. You have arrived at the top when you have become worthy of imitation. I doubt the dirtbag is getting rich off your design. He's just a pebble in your shoe: shake 'em out and walk tall. Everybody in the room knows you're the real deal and where to buy the real goods.
  4. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
    Staff Member

    Well that blows..... Hard.Could not give a fuck if the thief is from Moose Jaw or Jakarta...I hate Thieves.....Period.
  5. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,887


    What he^^^^^sez!
  6. woodbutcher
    Joined: Apr 25, 2012
    Posts: 3,309


    :mad: I hate thieves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.
    C69A and chryslerfan55 like this.
  7. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
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    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    Not intending to record a conversation. Just a quick rolling video of all the illegal wares on the sellers swap meet table as you walk by so you can rewind it later to see what his offerings are and write them down.
    At any rate, the reporting HAMBer is all over it. Good on him!
  8. thommoina33
    Joined: Jun 27, 2008
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    from australia
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    I’m pretty sure I know who it is, he had a stall at Bendigo swap selling a lot of repop stickers, didn’t see the HAMB one but didn’t look too hard. He was doing a roaring trade and at $5 each must of done pretty well. I’ll bet he’ll be at the Ballarat swap, will look and get his details there.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  9. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Staff Member

    Thanks Thomo... just grab his stack of HAMB stickers and walk off afterwards. :)
  10. HOTFR8
    Joined: Nov 30, 2010
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    I am pretty sure I will find out who he is well before that event.

  11. dan c
    Joined: Jan 30, 2012
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    dan c

    reminds me of the missouri/kansas thing. if you've seen "outlaw josey wales," you'll know what i mean. but michigan and ohio have a similar rivalry going on that was over a small strip of land...
    triman62 and chryslerfan55 like this.
  12. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    Don't piss-off Harley Davidson...they will get you.
  13. HOTFR8
    Joined: Nov 30, 2010
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    Now he may have done that as well. I do recall seeing some Harley stickers. This fellow when I get his details may find himself in more trouble than he ever considered. I was simply pissed to see Ryan's HAMB logo on something that had been copied.
  14. ididntdoit1960
    Joined: Dec 13, 2011
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    from Western MA

    has the NHRA ever called about this? 15161561645202075131728.jpg
  15. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
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    HD defends their logo as well as anyone if not better. If he is infringing on the Harley logo they will be all over him like stink on sh*t.
  16. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    “Take me to the Brig. I want to see the real Marines”.

    – Major General Chesty Puller, USMC
    – while on a Battalion inspection.
  17. slack
    Joined: Aug 18, 2014
    Posts: 544


    Damn, I hate that for you Ryan. I know how it feels to be ripped off. We gotta stick together and drag these POS out into the light. Solidarity man :cool:
    chryslerfan55 and Saxman like this.
  18. OzyRodder
    Joined: Dec 11, 2012
    Posts: 307


    There is a guy that sets up at the bigger swaps that sells a heap of stickers that look clearly like they have been taken off the net. Saw him at Greasefest in Melbourne, historic races in Winton and at Bendigo. Didn't see any H.A.M.B. stickers last town I saw him set up. Has the usual Bonneville speed week and old speed shop/branded stickers.

    I'll keep my eye out for him. Here's some of his wares. You can see the quality is clearly cut and pasted and printed.[​IMG]
    Spoggie and chryslerfan55 like this.
  19. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    If this is the guy, I think his world just got a little smaller!
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  20. KustomKreeps
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 324


    dosnt surprise me at all.
    im sure all of us have saved something from the net we never asked permission for.

    These days if you upload something to the internet you got to kinda expect that it might be downloaded/saved/printed/stolen.
    How many guys here have either there selves or have family members who have saved a song from youtube?downloaded a movie, book or other media? saved an image from the net to use even as a desktop wallpapper? heck how about downloaded then viewed or printed off an old car manual or marketing material?

    I dont agree with it but hey i guess im guilty of it all. Admittedly I haven't then redistributed it or sold it.... but still
    kiwijeff and chryslerfan55 like this.
  21. Ned Ludd
    Joined: May 15, 2009
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    Ned Ludd

    There is of course a huge debate going about the justifiability of intellectual property as such. I've got a view on it, but I don't think here is the place to elaborate. Suffice it to say that if you want a system to change it should change throughout, or else people operating at Ryan's scale get burned while Disney, H-D, Coca-Cola, etc. aren't touched.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  22. texasred
    Joined: Dec 3, 2008
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    from Houston

    Lets offer him a free swap meet space at the Round Up this year..
    j3harleys likes this.
  23. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,887


    Yep! And then sick the cronies on him....:D:D:mad:
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  24. What,did you buy it off a Kiwi living in Oz?
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  25. Which for the most part isn't illegal or a cause for concern.

    Where you start treading on thin ice is when you claim someone else's work as your own, use someone else's work commercially or profit financially from their work without their permission.

    Copyright and trademark laws are fairly complicated, but downloading and even printing most things from the net (for non-commercial purposes) isn't likely to cause you any grief.

    Here's a link to the basics of how things like Public Domain and Copyright laws work. And in some cases how they don't work.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
    kiwijeff, chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  26. models916
    Joined: Apr 19, 2012
    Posts: 379


    There's always that fair use issue.
  27. Taking someone else's work, reproducing it and selling it for profit is not fair use.

    Copyright law is actually pretty easy to understand. If you didn't create it or pay to have it created and if you don't have an agreement with the originator, it's not yours. Hands off. Ignorance of the law does not make the perpetrator exempt from it.
  28. Ned, my comment was regarding the political comments. Pretty sure we all agree that the guy overstepped his bounds.
    QUOTE="Ned Ludd, post: 12397816, member: 82442"]There is of course a huge debate going about the justifiability of intellectual property as such. I've got a view on it, but I don't think here is the place to elaborate. Suffice it to say that if you want a system to change it should change throughout, or else people operating at Ryan's scale get burned while Disney, H-D, Coca-Cola, etc. aren't touched.[/QUOTE]
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  29. 1946caddy
    Joined: Dec 18, 2013
    Posts: 2,159

    from washington

    Actually bought it in a jewelry store in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
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