I'm looking for one of the little 12 v testers, clip on one end and pointer/light on the other. i want one that beeps or buzzes also.I was going to make one, parts house don't quite know what to look for as far as beeper/buzzer.I've tried the bay and the zon. Maybe i'm not calling it the right thing. Maybe i'm not asking the part house for the right thing as far as buzzer/beeper goes.I know this is something simple, i'm just not calling it the right thing, or not looking in the right place.I would think just a simple "door ajar" buzzer would work any help?? I'm not the best with searching skills on puter.
Power probe makes some that have a sound but they are on the spendy side. More for precise checking on electronic items from what I read. link= https://www.powerprobe.com/ Looks like some have the audible sound some don't https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I0L7ZZ4/ref=psdc_15707391_t1_B01LYKMYGX
I think he wants to test voltage. Buzzer would be cool, possibly could use it like a Wiggie and listen for the proper sound?
Here is a small 9 to 15 volt electronic buzzer for $3.65 with free shipping. https://www.amazon.com/9-15V-HYD-4218-Active-Electronic-Buzzer/dp/B00HG7H2TM/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_23_lp_t_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=FNW0A5FJ4XBS3WRCH0W3&dpID=415RxC-T%2B-L&preST=_SX342_QL70_&dpSrc=detail
Yup, if I want sound I have a seat belt buzzer hooked up with power and ground leads. You can use it instead of, or in conjunction with a test light.
That little search cost me some money as I found a test light with a digital voltage read out on it that I ordered.
good to see you are using the right test equipment, at least! There used to be a thing called a Sonalert, that you could buy, it is a little buzzer, some of them seem as loud as a siren. https://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/mallory-sonalert-products-inc/SC628M/458-1188-ND/3196326 but they seem to be expensive these days.
Many 12V mobile electronics installers use a tool like the 76600 below. All the ones like it that I have seen beep but I did not see "tone" listed in the discription. The 3430 below is a less expensive version. All the tool trucks carry similar models as well. http://www.metraonline.com/part/76600 http://www.metraonline.com/part/3430