Day two , what a difference a day makes . 85 yesterday , 43 , Weland windy today . Battery went dead in the cold . If I get it charged I’ll take some at a party tonight at Austin Speed . Probably 200+ cars here so l didn’t get many , too much to see .
Hey Blue, you made it hopefully with no stops except gas and to stretch. Sky there looks just like the Del Mar Good-Guys show here, 75 degrees and humid. Enjoy. Dan
Man some King Crimson be alrighty, like me some starless. Thinking some bi-plys or bi-ply radials might really set this off. Big little stuff. But just mouthing off...
Wheels and tires were delivered two days after I left to come out here . Will have them on next week .
Was really cold Saturday,we went to ASS for the party . Great time and cars . The music , well this says it all . Remaining members of Double Trouble with a guest. Will get my tires mounted today .
BG of ZZ , the real deal Loudbang . The rest were original members of Stevie Rays groupe , Double Trouble . Saturday was real cold so we sat in a friends Packard.
Been busy with honey dos . Did a little beadrolling this last week . Did 8 of the 10 edge molding of the headliner. The corner one kicked my ass , compound curve . Now that I’ve done it I was overthinking it . Still need to finish last two pieces and screw every thing togeather . Also going to make longer b post covers and tread everything . It’s getting closer . Benn driving it alotand hard to put it in shop to work on .
Blue, was wondering if you were on the COE or the "A", now I know. Give thought to making a matching trailer to go with the COE (fins) to haul the "A", with the scooters on the back of the truck then you'll be ready for anything. Keep up the good work. Dan
Not to lucky around here lately. Wife had emergency surgery , doing better now . And the worst part my 4yo great grandson drowned this week . This too will pass . Started doing some beadrolling to get mind right . Finished all the headliner and started the package tray . Blue
My condolences, this will be a very trying time but life has to go on! I can't even imagine what that must be like, I know I would be devastated if I lost my 4 year old great grandson or 2 year old great granddaughter. You and your family will be in my prayers!