Any good outlets for classifieds or parts suppliers/salvage for campers like these? I'm looking for an old camper-sized propane stove and the local classifieds are coming up short.
Not to hijack Ryans thread but you might check out this site,several Hambers are on it. HRP
You are going to need a serious Buff-O-Matic….. You are going to love and hate buffing and polishing but it will be Bitchin' when it is done.
Originally, I had thought polishing the trailer would be a good project for Miller... You know, character building and all that... and then just about everyone in the trailer world told me that would be akin to child abuse and that I needed to find someone that did it for a living. John found Marcos... who is the guy in SoCal polishing... He's already hard at work.
I actually was gonna discuss this with you... It has '40 Ford wheels on it... I was thinking about running some of those Veda Orr reproductions on it: I also have a set of @Kevin Lee 's spun caps that could be cool...
The hard part is finding accurate tires for a trailer. I got lucky and had a bitchin set on mine, but they don't make them anymore. You gotta do something with that AC shroud. I have seen guys make some pretty ingenious covers.
I bought some cheap walmart radials for the dive home... but you know tires are something I'm gonna be researching pretty hard. I might have to get Corky involved on that deal. I really want something that looks right, but being it's a single axle and it's supporting a whole lot of shiny aluminum - I want something really safe too... As for the AC shroud, I agree... I'm either gonna wrap it in silver vinyl, paint it in silver paint, or have a buddy of mine I met at Baileigh make an aluminum shroud for it if those first two options don't work... I hate the way that ac looks, but I gotta have it.
Good call on the polishing, we had to wet sand one side then polish and I hurt for two years after, paying someone to get it is well worth it. You'll still get the work out doing the yearly touch up with a cyclo-polisher (check these throwback tools out). Then you notice and hate yourself for becoming "that guy": touching up after handprints or rain drops that seem to corrode overnight, or at least over a week. It's well worth it for the awesome look, but does take maintenance. Our Spartan has a rub rail around it and finally learned the lime dust from the gravel will collect on top and wet dew or light rain can start etching instantly. Its crazy.
I don’t know if I’m gonna maintain the polish or not. I kind of like the idea of letting it dull over time... if it does so pleasingly anyway. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Chrome steel wheels with no caps or maybe something moon disc inspired. Or if that is too shiny then sea foam green paint and poverty caps maybe. —louis
The first rain changes everything. Then you just kinda throw up your hands and roll with it. It’s impossible to maintain with a rag and polish.... I have done the parts I polished a few times since it was restored.
1954 Studebaker Commander Starliner Hub Caps with a 2 bar spinner would be perfect. I think I have some NOS CC 2 bar spinners in my garage. Period Perfect...…..
Yeah... I don't need the added stress in life of keeping up with it. Plus, I really do like the way they look once they've dulled a bit. I even thought it would be cool to blast it with something delicate and then clear coat it like airstreams are done. But... $$$ Those Stude caps would be cool... but I think I wanna stick to something with a pre-50 look to it. This would probably be the most obvious... It's how they came out of the factory I think.
The Trailer looks amazing. A shroud for the AC can easily be made. You will be very very glad you have the AC unit. You guys must be getting excited
Hi catdad49.Remember the line in the rocketeer"Get in.You steer,I`ll push"? Ryan. looking good sir.Bet Miller is chomping at the bit to get into the project. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Lookin' good! I put chrome smoothies on mine. I've been asked about A/C for it but I hate the way they look. Plus...I'm in Michigan. It gets hot for maybe a week here!
I vote 47 Lincoln hub caps with silver streak clipper script added... Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I did the cheap smoothie cap and vinyl mask/painted logo. Easy and cheap to replace. My tire store owning inlaws turned me onto the "Power King" tires as they knew I'd be bitching about new tire look on my old stuff. They have several right looking tread options and I've been very happy, I can see these on the "A" truck too.