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Folks Of Interest Patrick's strikes again

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by RMONTY, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. One thing I just wanted to add here.

    A few months ago the ignition/ distributor guy got called out on long wait times, possible scamming. I think it was bubba? Not sure.

    Before anything got outta hand and the rumours started, bubba was on here responded to the thread with his legitimate reasons as to why and how, and the issue was done and dead right there!

    IF,IF Patrick is on the level and this was all just a misunderstanding ( I don’t think so with so many angry customers) you would think he would be here making things right and fixing the issues instead of letting this stuff keep happening.
  2. 1946caddy
    Joined: Dec 18, 2013
    Posts: 2,232

    from washington

    Two completely different cases. One is criminal and the other is civil at least at this point. The customer service person should have looked up your account and went back two years or so to see if there was a Patrick's charge to your card and for what amount. You should have been able to then compare the two charges to see if they were the same. It doesn't appear so because you don't know how much the cam shaft was. They should have at least froze your account so there are no more transactions until it's resolved. Have you reached out to Patrick's about the disputed charge? Some on line thief could have breached Patrick's customer account information.
    Unless you can prove that Patrick's knowingly charged you twice, it's a civil matter. If you get home from the grocery store and find out they double billed you for an item, do you call the cops or the store?
  3. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
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    from Alabama

    Two years later 200 bucks? We are not talking about a box of Hamburger Helper bought half an hour ago.
    If some grocery store that I used my card at, billed me 200 bucks 2 years since I darkened thier door I would be not only victimized but pissed.

    Since the OP said " bank" this could be a debit charge directly from his personal account. I think that's pretty serious.
    His own bank advised him to contact the police. I think he should do so.
    Hell, it's not like he is calling the SS. The Casa Grande PD or Sheriff will investigate and it will be on public record. If there is anything criminal they will find it out. If it's a mistake they'll find that out as well.
    Sometimes a little visit or simple call from the PO PO is all that is need to restore the straight and narrow.
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
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    This transaction was a debit card where I gave the card number, expiration date and the three digit code on the back of the card. I did not supply the pin number. Someone had to manually enter the numbers. And I doubt it was "accidentally" done 2 years after the original transaction. I doubt that Patrick's has a very elaborate software program for sales. I didn't receive any type of email receipt or shipping notification like you get from most vendors these days. Point being someone wrote down the info 2 yrs ago and it was entered manually on Friday. I have no doubts about that. I don't know if they use Verifone or who for debit/credit card transactions but those companies do not have technical issues with transactions done 2 yrs ago.
  5. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    The only thing I use a "debit" card for is ... nothing, maybe an ATM. Gotta be careful of those now too. CC for anything online or cyberspace.
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
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    So I had a conversation with Phillip and he pleaded with me that "he" didn't make the transaction on Friday. I told him that if I didn't have a confirmed by my bank refund today that I would prosecute to the full extent of the law. I tried contacting Casa Grande PD and they directed me to my local PD who pointed me to the County Sheriff. I am waiting on a call from them. I got a call from a nice lady from Patrick's named Kelly and she said she had refunded the money to the card ending in xxxx. I could you? That card was killed on Saturday by my bank! So I'm waiting on the credit statement from her system to present it to my bank for confirmation. We will see what happens here.
    czuch likes this.
  7. Offset
    Joined: Nov 9, 2010
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    from Canada

    Hopefully this gets resolved. Sad state of affairs.
  8. Fordors
    Joined: Sep 22, 2016
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    Their “sweaty hands and shitty pants” attitude says they have played this game before.
    Pleading that “it wasn’t me!” and getting an immediate call from Kelly about a refund (which Phillip didn’t offer) says to me “Uh, oh, we got caught this time.” Makes you wonder how often past customers never notice.
    czuch likes this.
  9. eberhama
    Joined: Dec 19, 2003
    Posts: 673


    You can still refund to a card that has been cancelled, as long as the account it is tied to is still active, you just can't charge against it.
    shawnsauto1 likes this.
  10. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 2,591


    I wanted to do the right thing here so here goes. I received a phone call from a deputy from my local sheriff's office and I told him the story. We discussed the situation for a few minutes and he made a call to Patrick's and spoke to Danese. He called me back and said that he received the documentation from Patrick's that the refund had been placed and he advised that it looked legit. He said at the point that I receive the refund, there is no criminal activity considered because the accused is able to claim it is a technical glitch. I don't agree but I am just repeating what the deputy told me. So I did what any reasonable person would do and I called to speak with Phillip and to make sure we were all on the up and up. I told Phillip that I wanted to help him by being able to come back here and report something good. I also asked him what the situation was with Patrick. Phillip told me that Patrick had a kidney removed and would be on the mend for 4 to 6 weeks, and I told him that I would say a prayer for his father's health and that I hoped that whatever was ailing their business got straightened out soon. Phillip asked me what engine I was working on and I told him a 1960 235 Chevy and he said " I'm going to send you out a chrome valve cover and oil cap in the morning!" I told him I appreciated the gesture and would let the HAMB community know of this good will gesture. So I will await the refund in my account, and the engine parts and see if Phillip is a man of his word. I feel this has gone the best way it possibly could have for a "technical" glitch.
    Offset and egads like this.
  11. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,759


    Well, let's wait and see. I,personally, don't think you'll ever see the parts. And, we can hope that the 4 to 6 weeks here doesn't mean the usual Patrick's 6-8 months.
  12. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 2,591


    I won't disagree with your thoughts. I don't take any of this personally. It could have been anyone that has done business with them. Bottom line is either way my money is returned.
    5window likes this.
  13. LM14
    Joined: Dec 18, 2009
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    from Iowa

    First, Phillip didn't take the money.
    Second, Kelly refunds money they "didn't take"
    I smell a rat.
    I had a cancerous kidney removed in 2009, missed 8 days of work and 1 weekend. Couldn't lift anything for a couple more weeks but I was driving and doing my "observation and scheduling" type work just 10 days after the kidney was removed. Surgery on Tuesday, back at the office the next week on Friday. I could boss just fine at that point, just couldn't lift.
    I would watch the whole bunch. Notice every conversation is with a different person?
    chevy57dude likes this.
  14. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 2,591


    Well I got the refund today on my daily bank statement. I've been out of town for a couple of days so I'll see tonight if the parts Phillip said he was going to send have arrived. I'm not holding my breath on those but I did get my money back.
    chevy57dude and Truck64 like this.
  15. chevy57dude
    Joined: Dec 10, 2007
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    1. Maryland HAMBers

    RMONTY -You are really a stand up dude. Don't know if I could be as forgiving.
    If you get that chrome VC, it will be a reminder to never let your guard down.
  16. Well decent end to this story.
    Seems it could of ended really bad for Patrick.

    There was a Mazda dealer here that was doing shady dealings, the sold a disabled woman a Mazda 6 for 66,000 dollars ( car is worth about 32 new)

    Owners, business manager, gm, and sales man all got prison time and the owners lost all 3 dealerships that they owned.
    Thinking Patrick could shot himself in the face if he keeps “ making mistakes”
    I know people who would get your face acquainted with a ball peen hammer for $200 bucks
  17. Rocky72
    Joined: Nov 22, 2008
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    from Pa.

    RMOUNTY , glad this all worked out for you . But guys I posted this before in different threads , if you get ripped off on an internet deal you can report it to this is the F.B.I. I had a deal years ago go bad with a guy and he gave me every excuse in the world why he couldn't send me parts but when I threatened him with the F.B.I for internet fraud the parts showed up in 3 days , the same parts that he claimed he didn't have . I hate thieves !!!
    03GMCSonoma likes this.
  18. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 2,591


    I could give a shit less about the VC. I probably won't even use it. The gesture was what i wanted so i could report something positive about the situation. Forgiving? Nahhh. I don't believe the b/s story about it being a technical glitch. The comments I made about saying a prayer for Patrick and hoping that they get their business straightened out was as real as it gets. I have gone through hard times and have done desperate things to survive. I was given opportunity to get things moving in a positive direction and it served me well to do so. I was simply paying that forward. There are too many reports from years ago that show that Patrick's was once a very respected supplier for our hobby and it is a shame they have gone by the wayside. I posted this as information only, and was genuinely angry until I realized he hadn't picked me out to steal from for personal reasons. In the end, I got my money back and had to deal with some inconveniences but that happens throughout life. It's how we choose to deal with it that makes us who we want to be and how we feel...I can walk away from all this wiser and feeling like I did the right thing. Thank you for the stand up guy comment. It is appreciated.
  19. Johnny Gee
    Joined: Dec 3, 2009
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    Johnny Gee
    from Downey, Ca

    "It's all Patrick's fault". Why on earth would anyone not go to the bank to request that their current card be canceled and a new one with a new number be made when this all first happened is common sense. Never assume anything.
  20. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
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    Johnny that is exactly what I did within two hours of finding the bogus charge on my account. Not sure I understand your point.
  21. Johnny Gee
    Joined: Dec 3, 2009
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    Johnny Gee
    from Downey, Ca

    Ok my bad. I didn't fully understand how 2 years had pasted and you didn't do anything. I've read back over everything and see how the delay took place. But I have to ask. Why doesn't your bank issue new cards being it's a debit type annually?
  22. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
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    Johnny, I dont know the answer to that question. The one I got last weekend has an expiration date of 3 years from now. Not sure why that is. Doesn't bother me though. To be honest I've never heard of a bank deactivating a card and re-issuing a new one every year. The VC and oil cap didnt show up yesterday or today. Casa Grande AZ to the Dallas TX area is a 2 or 3 day ship even on the slow boat. We shall see next week. I don't have much faith in it ever getting here, but I wasn't counting on it anyway so no sweat off my brow.
  23. Johnny Gee
    Joined: Dec 3, 2009
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    Johnny Gee
    from Downey, Ca

    I'll just close with this. I got hit 20 years back on a debt card. Never ever do I use it now except at the bank to gain access to my account. To much explaining and are you sure you didn't? is what I had to go thru. Credit Card only now. This way my money isn't taken up front. I've had to do two credit card fraud claim's since then. Was way easier to do and they do the police work. They don't like losing and have much more power than us civilians when it comes to taking action.
    David Gersic likes this.
  24. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 2,591


    Awesome for you. I've been using a debit card for as long as they have been around, I buy NOTHING on credit, and this was the first anomaly I've experienced. I think it will be ok there brother. Cash is king, and I will leave it at that. The purpose of this thread was to make others aware of the shenanigans that are happening beyond just taking peoples money when they are ordering parts from Patrick's and parts shipping months later or not at all.
  25. Fixer_60
    Joined: Apr 8, 2016
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    from Fort Worth

    Well, it's been a month. Did they ever arrive?
    Hnstray likes this.
  26. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
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    No but I know ol' Phillip probably shipped them out today! I mean....i mean....he said he was going to ship them, right? I've rushed home from work every day to check to see if they were here but nothing yet! I just KNOW they either got lost in transit or.....or maybe they got Alien Abducted! That has to be It! I bet they show up any day now! Oh I just can't wait for my Patrick's parts to get here! It's for Santa Claus to come down the Texas! You know it HAS to happen! :eek::rolleyes:o_O
  27. s55mercury66
    Joined: Jul 6, 2009
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    from SW Wyoming

    That's right friend, be there in a New York minute!
  28. RMONTY
    Joined: Jan 7, 2016
    Posts: 2,591


    Yes sir, Friend! Ol' Patrick and family know how to treat a customer and make it right! Class act bunch of folks down there in Casa Grande!
  29. It. Just amazes me no one has beat the guys ass. They see him at shows. They know where his business is located. How easy could it be. If I was flying in to his town I would for sure show up to see him. It's funny how grabbing someone by the throat so it's hard to breathe eliminates the red tape on a refund. What's the guy going to do call the cops on you because he ripped you off?
  30. s55mercury66
    Joined: Jul 6, 2009
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    from SW Wyoming

    Unfortunately, you would be in more trouble than he, if you got violent.
    Fordors likes this.

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