ok what the heck is this??? I gotta shut this cliche (yes we use a lot of french words up here) down...that crap looks like sliced ham! I put that on sandwiches my Bacon is long strips of smokey greasy goodness.... crispy not rubbery!
still struggling away out in the freezing cold and blistering sun....wish I was cruisin' '70's '80's Now
speakin of bringin home the Bacon... is it is strictly a rich mans game up here: a rough rusty deuce coupe shell sells for $25 + grand, a nice deuce grille shell $1300! I cruise the U.S. ads sometimes: Yakima 1955 chev p/u running 402 driver $2500! B'ham 1957 chev 2 dr. post roller w parts no reg $2500! Seattle deuce frame rails $500! ....shit wish I could marry an American gal
If you researched that brand you'd get a chuckle. Hey Peameal Bacon is not French it doesn't have De La in front of it... It's always been an option here in Ontariario...a little more expensive but lightly browned it's pretty tasty...
Mine, from a while ago, I really have to update my thread. And my beater/dd, that's in the garage not getting anything done to it, but paint is planned. I also have a '28 A rpu project in the wings
I believe this is Hamber @Candy-Man's handiwork...perhaps its a Hambers car as well. At the very least it is Canadian owned. If any of this is incorrect please update as needed. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.hotrod.com/articles/1934-ford-coupe-twist-of-fate/amp/?source=images
Hamber @Candy-Man's Hotrod Guaranteed to fry Bacon... https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.hot...932-ford-five-window-coupe/amp/?source=images
Hamber @Adam M.'s Hotrods A couple anyways...I think there's more... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/adams-30-roadster-shed-find-av8-build-thread.635617/
I'm thinking of starting a thread so we can discuss our favorite butchers and various cuts of meat. I think it would be winner.
My work in progress 28 out of Okotoks AB. Currently it’s stripped back to the frame for welding Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I should have started this thread in November.... all us Canadians are out driving our cars before the snow flies! ha ha Let's see some more Canadian content on here!!!!
Ok, sounds good! I'll take a 20oz sirloin medium well with a baked tator smothered with butter and an ice cold Pepsi...
A full package of Canadian Bacon Hamber @Denns1989's Hotrod Snoopy (Snewpee) Hey Jer I see the Wife sitting in the car with that big smile... are you the one sitting at home waiting for her to get back with the Ole Hotrod... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/snoopy-model-a-hot-rod-survivor.942245/ https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...hot-rod-survivor.942245/page-32#post-11249617 Credit to @Denns1989 & Mrs. Denns
ha ha I was riding shot gun & hopped out to get the picture of her behind the wheel ! The next time she drove it she laid rubber right thru an intersection, I still haven't, to afraid to detonate something... but when you dont have to fix it she doesn't have those concerns lol
That's the Rubber Song she was rrrrrrrrrrrrr playing and to that your line was "Honey what the heck are ya Doin"...thats funny...glad you two' are enjoying the blast from the past...Every once in a while there's some minor chirping from my Bias plys when you don't necessarily expect it...love it...and she really done a great job with that tune I like it...it echos right across the nation in stereo too...